Michigan State Prof’s Article About Communism Intended for Children Whitewashes History
“[c]ommunists believe that people should share wealth so that no one is too poor, no one is too rich, and everyone has enough to survive and have a good life”
The quotes from the article included in this story must be read to be believed.
Campus Reform reports:
Michigan State prof sugar coats communism for kids, ignores massive death toll and tyranny
A Michigan State University professor wrote an article targeted at children that whitewashes the crimes of communism.
Aminda Smith, a history professor who has a “particular interest in the social and cultural history of Chinese Communism,” wrote an article in response to a child’s question: “What is a communist?” The article, published on The Conversation on Oct. 14, is part of the “Curious Kids” series in which alleged “experts” answer questions from “children of all ages.”
Smith writes: “Simply put, a communist is someone who supports communism.” She states that some “experts” believe that “communist views are well supported by historical evidence” and that “[o]thers suggest that history has shown communism not to work.”
Defining communist beliefs, Smith writes that “[c]ommunists believe that people should share wealth so that no one is too poor, no one is too rich, and everyone has enough to survive and have a good life.” She concludes by stating that “[c]ommunists are optimistic that humans can one day create a more fair and equal society.”
Smith does not mention anywhere in her article, however, that communist regimes have been responsible for the deaths of up to 100 million people, often through methods like starvation and torture. For example, Mao Zedong, the communist dictator of China, has been called “one of the greatest mass murderers in history,” being responsible for murdering at least 45 million Chinese men, women, and children in just four years.
Joseph Stalin, the communist dictator of the Soviet Union, murdered up to 20 million Soviet citizens, and Cambodia’s communist party, the Khmer Rouge, massacred almost one in four of all Cambodians.
Smith also claims that “[t]heoretically, communism should entail some form of democracy,” but does not mention that countries that have adopted communism have consistently become repressive dictatorships. Karl Marx, the “Father of Communism,” called for the establishment of a “dictatorship of the proletariat” and for the usage of “revolutionary terror” against the enemies of communism.
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Smith also claims that “[t]heoretically, communism should entail some form of democracy,”
Ah…. Something I’ve been noting with the “save our democracy” blather from the Progressives. Remember that “democracy” to a Marxist is that stage where you get the mob (the proletariat) demanding things from the other classes and causing waves, until the mob takes over and seizes the means of production.
THEN you get the “dictatorship of the proletariat” part. The elites run things (without need for that “democracy” they previously went on about, except as a show) until all the people are adequately indoctrinated and working with the program. Only then do you get “true Communism” where everyone just magically makes total fairness and equality work. (And you get absolutely equal grayness and despair – but they believe they can overcome human nature and it will all be sunny and joyful, instead.)
Sure sounds like this professor is a true believer. Maybe he should be encouraged to create a true communist society within the confines of the university. He can teach a class on how it goes – assuming anyone survives. (And, no, he can’t have outside help, like food.)
I think Biosphere 2 is taking lease applications for just those types of experiments.
ok lets say that allllll the wealth is shared
now what?
when someone has spent their loot and now clamor for more
who has to actually produce goods/services to make THAT happen?
someone will be working harder than someone else…blah blah fn blah
we all know that and somehow these lunatics are held up as heros
and the taxpayers keep funding this
where the f art thou oh great small government gop!!!!??!!?!?!?!
Says the professor safely ensconced in Michigan with a well paying job!
It wasn’t until communists began running countries that a need was found to coin the word democide — “the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command.”
The dean of democide, R. J. Rummel, writes:
“In sum the communist probably have murdered something like 110,000,000, or near two-thirds of all those killed by all governments, quasi-governments, and guerrillas from 1900 to 1987. Of course, the world total itself it shocking. It is several times the 38,000,000 battle-dead that have been killed in all this century’s international and domestic wars. Yet the probable number of murders by the Soviet Union alone–one communist country– well surpasses this cost of war. And those murders of communist China almost equal it.”