Michigan Official Estimates Presidential Results Will Come Day After Election Day
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Michigan Official Estimates Presidential Results Will Come Day After Election Day

Michigan Official Estimates Presidential Results Will Come Day After Election Day


Oh, look! An official in another swing state thinks the presidential results won’t come in until the day after Election Day.

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson made the statement on Face the Nation this morning:

BENSON: Well, you know, in 2020, we had the results of our highest turnout election in Michigan history within 24 hours of the poll’s closing. The unofficial results were completed by 08:00 p.m. on Wednesday. So we’re tracking that again this year. We do have more options to process ballots sooner than Election Day, which is where we were restricted in 2020. So I’m optimistic we could see results even sooner, but I would estimate end of the day on Wednesday as the best guess on how we’ll perform.

But that said, we will always prioritize accuracy and security over efficiency, understanding how much people will want those results.

We’re still going to make sure the process is secure and accurate before we put anything out to the public.

But that said, we understand people’s energy and excitement, and we’ll be working hard to ensure those results are ready as soon as possible.

Michigan can start counting mail-in ballots two days before Election Day.

In Pennsylvania, counties cannot count mail-in ballots until 7 AM on election day, which caused a fiasco in 2020.

Ballotpedia tells us how each state processes mail-in ballots. For example, Florida counts mail-in ballots upon receipt.

County officials have been begging state officials to change the process to avoid conspiracy theories and get results ASAP. From The Philadelphia Inquirer:

After four years, state lawmakers are unlikely to make changes before Election Day, which adds additional stress for county officials and sets up a scenario to again put the state at the center of conspiracy theories and controversies in a close election between Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris.

“They should be ashamed of themselves,” said Forrest Lehman, director of elections in Lycoming County. “Counties have been asking repeatedly for some of this relief for years and we still can’t get it and then everyone seems fine with letting us take the blame for it.”

Wisconsin cannot count mail-in ballots until the polls open on Election Day.

The state’s election officials have also begged the state to change the process so they can get results in sooner.

I have a better idea. Move Election Day to a Saturday.


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Not until the know how much fraud they need.

    Ghostrider in reply to Treguard. | October 21, 2024 at 3:07 am

    There is NO WAY that President Trump loses to Kamala Harris in a free and fair election. We all know that.

    God, please keep our elections free from corruption and fair and our president safe.

    diver64 in reply to Treguard. | October 21, 2024 at 6:37 am

    Instead of “begging state officials” to change the rules the election officials should just change them their selves like they did in 2020 then tell the state to go after them when it’s too late.

I think the left is trivializing the democratic process in their attempt to save democracy from Republicans.

If I were the boss:

Ballots not tabulated by 11:59 PM on Election Day are void.

Election fraud of any kind is an automatic 20 year prison sentence without parole, with provisions for the death penalty for egregious cases. Why? There is no greater crime than to rob a person of his vote, and thus his representation in government. The refusal of our elected and judicial officials to face the open and obvious fraud of the 2020 election might yet doom our republic. Joe Biden should be in a memory care unit and Kamala Harris in L.A. hanging out on Skid Row.

Wow, that picture makes me think of the old adage “Don’t stick your di*k in crazy”

    CommoChief in reply to Paul. | October 20, 2024 at 4:53 pm

    Just FYI she worked at the SPLC as an investigative journalist prior to law school at Harvard. Her Husband Ryan Friedrichs resigned his Planning/Development Officer position for the City of Detroit in the midst of a scandal about conflict of interest and preferential treatment by the City to certain developers. He resigned a few months after an IG found he had abused his authority and was complicit in a scheme to delete evidence/emails in the middle of a criminal probe by the Michigan Attorney General.

    This is the kind of Cray Cray wokiesta true believer in a position of power we should all be nervous about.

      Thanks, I wasn’t aware of this woman or her husband. She and Whitmer are quite the dynamic duo for Michigan voters..

      Twenty-ish years ago I had an elderly neighbor who had been one of the early SPLC attorneys, when they were doing some noble work. What they do now is putrid.

      I used to say michigan had the dumbest voters in the union. Then Awalz made his debut and now I put michigan second in stupid voters.
      But the race to stupidest is close, like tenths of one percent close.

        DSHornet in reply to 4fun. | October 21, 2024 at 8:21 am

        No, don’t confuse the voters statewide with those in the big cities. Like anywhere else, the population centers will skew the election toward the Dimocrats. People in smaller towns and rural areas don’t like it in Michigan any more than country folks do in Alabama. The best part about living in a state like that is the cities aren’t big enough to screw up the results.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Paul. | October 20, 2024 at 6:33 pm

    True, but it can take years ti find out they are crazy, by the time you know you already have children, or grandchildren.

    diver64 in reply to Paul. | October 21, 2024 at 10:11 pm

    Either she had a stroke or she is batshit crazy. That is not a good picture.

They have to know how many ballots they need, which takes finding out the real result and then discovering them.

Both parties refuse to make the voting system auditable, the only possible reason being that both parties cheat.

    gibbie in reply to rhhardin. | October 20, 2024 at 6:54 pm

    People who downvoted this should explain why they think it is incorrect. The voting system has never been auditable under any party’s administration.

    4rdm2 in reply to rhhardin. | October 21, 2024 at 3:47 pm

    Nice try. No actually not even a nice try. You know very well 95+% of cheating on elections is democrats.

      gibbie in reply to 4rdm2. | October 21, 2024 at 9:40 pm

      Ah. So that’s the objection. It appears to be true that the vast majority of cheating comes from the corrupt leftist democrats. But it’s also true that the Republicans have not done anything to make the voting system auditable when they had the chance.

      Part of the problem seems to be that the Constitution leaves the details of the voting procedure in the hands of the States, so it’s difficult to do anything on a national scale. Another problem is that as soon as anyone tries to make the system auditable he is called a racist and a fascist. Politicians seem to lack courage.

It’s all cheating, plain and simple

    CommoChief in reply to gonzotx. | October 20, 2024 at 5:06 pm

    TX early in person voting begins tomorrow. I bet there’s folks in your area that you could take to the polls who might make the difference in offsetting some of the d/prog shenanigans. Do some canvassing and turn up some reluctant/infrequent voters to being down to vote for DJT.

Front running the fraud. It doesn’t take that long to count the votes from outlying cemeteries..

Once again, in this year’s 1st round of voting in France, 13.8 Million PAPER ballots were cast, all on the same day as mail-in voting is not allowed in France. Polls closed by 8:00 pm. By 10:00 pm, all ballots were counted, by hand, as is prescribed by, law and a winner declared.

Michigan officials are telling us that their 5.5M votes CAST & COUNTED by MACHINE cannot be tabulated until sometime the next day, at the soonest, maybe later. You would have to be a supreme imbecile to believe that.

    rhhardin in reply to TargaGTS. | October 20, 2024 at 5:06 pm

    Hand counting scales. If you have an enormous number of voters, you also have an enormous number of counters.

    henrybowman in reply to TargaGTS. | October 20, 2024 at 9:17 pm

    No — you would have to be a complete imbecile to be put in charge of that.
    Apparently, France still has competent people turning the wheels of the mechanism. We have crazy white chicks, DEI superstars, and just enough criminals to herd both.

    tbonesays in reply to TargaGTS. | October 21, 2024 at 4:04 pm

    And, that 1 day estimate (if true) is impressive for modern America. The Ds have destroyed the tradition of election day and election night news coverage. I will go to bed at a normal time knowing full well that there will be ballot dumps that completely change whatever the Tuesday night count said.

    I don’t expect to know the winner until the end of the week, and that is before recounts and lawsuits.

UnCivilServant | October 20, 2024 at 5:30 pm

Arrest them all now and import new officials who are not compromised.

Subotai Bahadur | October 20, 2024 at 6:07 pm

In Michigan and other Leftist swing states, yes they have to know how many votes to fabricate so that the Left wins. Also, if necessary they need time to announce that somehow the number of votes cast managed to exceed the number of people and domestic animals living in the state.

Subotai Bahadur

2smartforlibs | October 20, 2024 at 6:31 pm

Countries can get the count in a day but a left-wing state can’t.

The vile and lawless Dhimmi-crats’ transparent goal is to sow delays, confusion, chaos and chicanery in the voting and ballot tabulation process, the easier to foment fraud and to muddy the waters in determining an outcome. That’s all that mail-in ballots and ballot drop-boxes achieve; that’s their purpose.

Totally understandable. With as many mail in ballots coming from the middle east, I’m surprised they finish by Thanksgiving.

This is why I say we don’t have honest elections. There’s no excuse for not getting it counted on Election Day

She has the same demonic wild eyes as Whitmer.

Accuracy and security over efficiency meaning they need extra time to accurately and securely ‘find’ all the votes needed for Kamala to win?

Inability to supply critical information in reasonable time results in questions being raised about the validity of the information provided.

In person voting, on election day, using paper ballots, with ID.

    DSHornet in reply to mailman. | October 21, 2024 at 8:26 am

    If little ol’ “backward” Alabama can do it, I don’t see why it can’t be done elsewhere. The ballots are scanned as the voter leaves the polling place to provide quick results but the paper ballots provide an auditable trail in case of questions.

destroycommunism | October 21, 2024 at 12:26 pm

think back to the al fraken ..coleman debacle (in mn 2008)

where it was clear coleman won

and the left wouldnt stop until it “found” the ballots


their state supreme court said

election over

I have a better idea. Move Election Day to a Saturday.

I have the best idea.

Move Election Day to Election Day.

One day, no early voting, mail -in ballots only upon request with valid reason.

Like that.

They managed it in the 1800s, we can manage it now.

Come now, we all know what this woman is saying.

“Michigan’s votes will be in as soon as we know how many ballots will be needed to give the state to Harris.’

“I have a better idea. Move Election Day to a Saturday.”

And no mail in ballots or early voting. Show up in person with a Real ID compliant ID on Election Day or don’t vote.

Add to that, paper ballots only, hand count only by pairs of counters from opposing parties. Strict chain of custody requirements or the ballots could be spoiled. No Maricopa County shenanigans.

If the woman in the picture came at you in a bar would you go home with her or run for the exit? I’m pretty sure she has a knife in her purse.