Mental Health Clinic at Yale Now Asking Kids About Racism
“involves a strategic effort to systematically integrate patients’ racial identities and experiences into clinical assessments and treatment plans”

The left is completely obsessed with race and does not want racism to go away. It’s so obvious.
The College Fix reports:
Yale mental health clinic asks kids about racism
Yale University clinicians will begin asking pediatric mental health patients about their experiences with racism.
The Yale Child Study Center will use an “innovative clinical tool” called the “Racially Informed Clinical Formulation” to “address the pervasive impact of racism on mental health.”
The study center “serves as the Department of Child Psychiatry for the Yale School of Medicine,” according to its website.
The tool “involves a strategic effort to systematically integrate patients’ racial identities and experiences into clinical assessments and treatment plans,” according to a university news release.
The “clinical framework” “enhances mental health care,” according to the news release.
The approach includes discussing the child’s “racial and ethnic experiences.” However, the healthcare provider will also discuss his “own clinician’s own racial and ethnic identities and biases.”
Cecilia Frometa, a clinical psychologist, is overseeing the use of this method. She initially expressed interest in answering questions but has yet to respond to The College Fix with further comments. The Fix asked for the motivation behind the new method, how it was developed, and what will happen to the “racially informed” approach if it does not work.
Frometa said she would follow up the week of Sep. 30 after meeting with her team to discuss other questions received. She has not responded further, including to a reminder sent in the last week.
She has previously helped “create a health equity plan” for the child study center, according to a 2022 news release that celebrated the clinic’s DEI efforts.
‘Discriminatory’ ‘apartheid medicine’
However, a medical reform group that combats “the attack on our healthcare system from woke activists,” criticized Yale’s plans.
The new approach is “discriminatory,” according to Do No Harm, “in the sense that it’s low-quality care for patients from certain racial or ethnic groups.”
It is also a “terrible idea” since it involves “interrogating children” about racism,” Director of Research Ian Kingsbury said via a media statement.
“As is often the case, the DEI agenda takes the greatest toll on the people it claims to protect,” Kingsbury said.

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If they were being honest about their efforts, then they would do a pilot study on a sample. Compared to a Standard Questions Sample. And compare the two groups at 3-, 6-, 12-month follow-up intervals.
Importantly, parents would have to give Informed Consent before subjecting their children to these kinds of non-standard questions—ie these NonStandardOfCare questions.
But they won’t do the honest, scientifically valid thing.
So — in essence, this is grooming. Not sexual grooming, but grooming nonetheless.
And most egregious of all, they’re doing this with a clinical population. These children are not just random happy go lucky Greater New Haven kids. No, these are kids who already have been identified to have psychological problems serious enough to get a mental health referral.
Worse—professionals all over Connecticut do not know that they’ll be referring their patients into this.
If one wanted to design a program to produce angry frustrated future school shooters, you could not do much better than what Yale is going to be doing.
If the Connecticut Board of Medicine had any integrity, it would require that this new program be evaluated by a disinterested 3rd party.
when people start /continue to force the fact that non whites are also racist into the public discussion
we will progress
until then
lefty stays in control of the narrative
This is a distinct violation of standards of medical practice, however I notice that it’s in psychology—which has no ethics whatsoever to speak of—especially Yale. State’s Exhibit A: Bandy X. Lee and how they only rid themselves of her when it finally became untenable to keep her.