Kent State U. Has 150 Classes Covering ‘Gender, Sexuality, or LGBTQ+ Topics’
“Students in the Queer Fiction Writing course ‘will write queer stories — and write stories queerly,’ a flier promoting it states.”

Why do they need a class on queer fiction writing? We’ll be paying off their loans in no time.
From The College Fix:
A search for “LGBTQ” in the KSU 2024-25 course catalog brings up 14 courses, and a search for “gender” brings up 98 courses. A search for “sexuality” brings up 47 courses. A few of the courses overlapped among the three topics.
Among the offerings on tap at the public, Ohio-based institution: “Queer Theory,” “Introduction to Transgender Studies,” “Race, Gender, and Social Justice,” “Development of Gender Role and Identity,” and “Feminist and Queer Art and Cultural Theory.”
Students in the Queer Fiction Writing course “will write queer stories — and write stories queerly,” a flier promoting it states. “Students will read examples of LGBTQ+ fiction, and will interrogate the traditional fiction writing workshop. Can the workshop be ‘queered’?”
The course will be taught by Associate Professor Lauren Vachon, who uses they/she pronouns, according to the flier, a copy of which was obtained by The College Fix.
The scholar is described as a “queer activist” on her LinkedIn page interested in researching “LGBTQ history, queer pedagogy, creative writing as pedagogy, using oral histories in the classroom, and collecting queer oral histories.” Vachon has not responded to The Fix’s requests for an interview.

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Keep in mind that excessive student debt and college tuition are sky high in part by all these useless classes.. Our school systems need the same sort of cleaning as Deep State. I was involved in some corporate acquisitions, one which comes to mind was a company who had an ROA of a bit under 3%. When we were done cleaning out dead weight, only a third of the employees were left.
As i recall the national guard used to shoot them when they got out of line…
Looks like they picked the wrong target…
And women used to accuse straight men of thinking with their genitalia.
its nice that the left is exposing itself ( puntastic) once again
and when the sh itsthefan
they cant claimotherwise
protect your children and our country
A degree in ‘Crossing light sabres with another dude to defeat the patriarchal oppression of tab A in slot B.’
Seems legit.
Solution: Defund the universities.
I sure hope my grandkids don’t go to college. Learn a trade. Make big bucks without the drama and weirdness.
Kent State is located in Ne Ohio in a rural area SE of the Cleveland-Akron area. Kent State is known for its Library Science Master’s (the only one in the state, although they hold satellite classes around the state) the sort of place yo’d expect such a wide selection of gender-bender courses.
I’m commenting on my phone and hitting random keys as I go! Kent State is NOT the kind of place you’d expect to see these courses. Says far more about the academic system, even in Ohio, than it does about our state.
According to College Scorecard Dot Gov, —. more than half of those who borrowed $$$ in order to attend Kent State …… aren’t making progress on their student loan repayment eight yrs later.