Kamala Harris’s ‘Real Men’ Ad is Nothing But Cringe and Desperation
“Man enough to know what kind of donuts I like.”

A new Kamala Harris ad features men who are supposedly “man enough” to vote for her.
Because, of course, every man who doesn’t vote for Harris hates women! Duh. It has absolutely nothing to do with her incompetence, attitude, and not telling us how she’ll be different from Biden.
They all declare they’re “a man” before telling us why. Here are a few snippets. I’m laughing so hard. Like snort laughing.
I present to you the cringiest political ad ever created. pic.twitter.com/P0JMI1caNS
— Champagne Joshi (@JoshWalkos) October 11, 2024

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It couldn’t have been worse if she’d had someone on there saying–
“I’m man enough to know that you tuck first, then tape.’
It is good to not know some things
Oh, dear me …!
It’s a trans thing.
Unless you’re assembling a Rape Kit,
Jokes write themselves at babylon bee.
Rule 1, No poofters, Only poofters will vote D/Harris
The Bruces share a fondness for lager beer and a dislike of “poofters” (a derogatory Australian and English slang word for a homosexual). Cleese’s character (who in a later sketch is called Bruce Beer) recites the seven faculty rules of the University of Woolamaloo:[3]
No poofters.
No member of the faculty is to maltreat the “Abos” in any way whatsoever—if there’s anyone watching.
No poofters.
I don’t want to catch anyone not drinking in their room after lights out.
No poofters.
There is no rule six.
No poofters.
These poor guys are the product of several decades of societal hen pecking, cultural nagging and the weaponization of shame, insults and guilt to gaslight them into becoming the arch type beta male/friend zoned/cuck that feminism wants.
In short, the pu**ification of western men.
Yes indeed, feminism treats men as irrelevant, unnecessary and undesirable holdovers of a bygone era…..except they still are expected to bear the traditional masculine obligations of war fighting, tax paying, performing all the dirty, laborious, dangerous jobs that society depends upon. IOW in the last few decades men are more/less relegated to the status of a loyal dog though the feminists haven’t been able to physically neuter them yet, so they must attempt to emasculate them with shame, insults and guilt in order to keep men on a very short leash.
They’re “allies.”
“Allies” is the modern progressive euphemism for “slaves.”
They work towards YOUR goals, for no compensation, and are required to shut up when you’re speaking.
In other news, Univ. Penn alum Magerman canceling $5M donation. Probably only one day interest for endowment of that size. But why reward their negative behaviors?
but the fact is every women who wont for trump hates men
like the female led Gillette campaign from a few years back telling white men to “do better” etc
f u lefty
YOU HAVE no rights to take about anything male
since you demand men cant talk about abortion etc
The guy that eats carburetors for breakfast needs to lay off them.
They are making him fat.
Yup. Having a big fat guy talking about eating stuff is just a joke that writes itself. Who thought that was a good idea?
Also, is there any human alive that thinks that guy has hands that do actual work? You can tell a lot about a man by his hands. Take a second look at all of their hands.
Lotion hands.
That won’t happen if you eat carburetors that’re set with a lean mixture.
My goodness, I’ve offended two people and counting! I must be over the target.
I had to join the downvote crowd. We are small but mighty in our downvote wrath.
You wouldn’t need to rebuild them if you’d just stop eating them.
“You think I’m afraid to rebuild a carburetor? I eat carburetors for breakfast.”
Looks like he ate the whole truck too. Undoubtedly smothered in maple syrup and a pound of butter.
And when was the last time an automaker put a carburetor on an engine?
And that sissy sitting with his ankles crossed while sitting on a tail gate is way beyond cringe and into limp wrist mode.
The midwits who can’t define ‘woman’ suddenly knows what is a man.
Teh stupid. It hurts.
If you have to tell people you’re ‘man enough’ for anything it’s a safe bet you’re a pussy
h/t Deadeye.
If Harris loses, she will be the biggest spendthrift in political history.
16 billion to be spent on the election. They buyers of kameleon will want blank checks from the treasury for our taxpayer money as their reward.
I expect, too, they’re professional actors, who whatever their real political opinions are, they say the lines they are paid to say.
They are paid but they are voting for Kamala.
You couldn’t pay a right leaning actor to say those stupid lines.
“You think I’m afraid to rebuild a carburetor? I eat carburetors for breakfast.”
Carburetor? When was the last production car, truck, or tractor with a carbureted engine?
“Man enough to ban young women from reading.”
Wait. What?
“I’m man enough to be emotional in front of my wife, in front of my kids, in front of my horse.”
In front of wife — sure, she’s SUPPOSED to be safe. Your kids? Nah. Be stoic and show leadership. Your horse? Um… sure… pets aren’t judgemental.
Well, except cats. Cats are.
“I’m man enough to tell you that I cry at love, actually, Goodwill Hunting, West Side Story.”
WTF? None of those are “man” movies. Acceptable answers would have been Rudy, Ol’ Yeller, and Saving Private Ryan.
My motorcycle has six carburetors, and I’ve rebuilt all of them.
But, then again, it’s almost as old as most of the “manly men” in that video.
And I’m man enough to make up my own mind rather than vote for a woman just because the left tries to guilt me into it.
If you can sync 6 carbs, I will tip my hat to you Sir. I failed doing 2 on my Norton
It’s actually not that bad. I’ve got a 2 port balancing vacuum gage, The #3 carb is the reference, set it so the idle is correct then adjust all the others to match it one at a time…You do have to go through them a few times…every time you adjust one, it has an affect on the idle, so go through them once, then if you adjusted anything, reset the idle so the reference is valid and go through them again, repeat as necessary. Usually takes about an hour, maybe a little more. I do it whenever I change the oil.
The thing I love about old vehicles is that they don’t have all that fancy crap on them that you can’t work on. There’s nothing on that bike that can break that I can’t fix…at least until they stop making parts for it.
The disadvantage is without all that fancy stuff, nothing’s automatic or computer controlled, it’s up to you to keep things running right. That reminds me, I need to check the valve lash soon.
My Jeep CJ has a carburetor. You learn really fast how important it is to correctly adjust them.
Adjust them.. not eat them!
But can you lick the spark plug clean like MR Conehead, the famous French immigrant?
Braveheart is the best movie ever, because both men and women love it, and for entirely different reasons.
Ramblings about Love, Actually…
I looked forward to the fake sex scenes for soft porn. Hated the fact that these were removed from the made for TV version.
Mia (secretary?) is the office girl that most men want to #. Harry started down the path and was caught, as should always happen.
My favorite is Jamie and Aurelia. Love in spite of language differences. Not a cry scene at the restaurant, a celebratory scene.
Dan and Sam. The stepdad accepting the death of his wife, and still caring for her kid. Not a single “you ain’t my father in the whole movie.”
So much more, but it’s not a cry movie.
Looks like a commercial for testosterone replacement therapy.
“This is your manhood.”
“This is your manhood after hormone therapy.”
Why didn’t we see a cameo by Obamacare Pajama Boy?
I am pretty sure the guy in the burnt orange shirt spread cheek while doing federal time.
and I’m man enough to know these guys are faggots
They never cried when Ole Yeller died, they aren’t washed in the blood of the lamb. They don’t stand up for the star spangled banner and they are no John Wayne fan. Their blue eyes can’t hide the femininity inside so we will not cry when they’re gone.
I’d like to see pudgy fat carb boy working in the sun.
Give me a break. That guy doesn’t even know how to find work other than tasting pies at a pie factory.
I see nothing wrong with pie quality control. You seem a little harsh
Same here. I could lend my tastebuds to the FSQA/GMP effort!
You go on a construction site or in a union shop and start talking up Harris/Walz, and you have a 90% chance of getting run off or your ass kicked.
Real men don’t vote Democrat.
People aren’t not voting for KamelToe because she’s a woman – they’re not voting for her because she’s a puppet.
I was picking eggs at the age of 10 for .25 an hour. I worked in a car wash earning my first check at the age of 13. I worked construction during the summer and after school starting at the age of 15. I had three jobs by the time I was 16. I made my own money and spent it the way I wanted to spend it. As well as saving for my first car. Paid cash for it. None of these preening, carburetor eating flabby examples of beta cucks wouldn’t have lasted a minute in the real “man’s” world. Do they think that the black and Latino men are going to vote for Kameltoe based on this commercial? LOL
The ad, was of course, faked, Actors directed by some friend of Jimmy Kimmel:
Link goes to “Twitchy” site
So this is their idea of flyover country guys? I guess they couldn’t find any desk guys; they’re not real men. That guy in the orange shirt needs a training bra.
So ? Regarding this ad, where are the real men?
How many of those guys can drive a nail, solder a connection on a circuit board, change a tire, check the oil level in their cars, or do anything like replace a light switch in their own home? I have doubts about any of that being done by any of them.
I can’t solder a circuit board but I soldered some copper pipe to make a shower curtain rack. Does that count?
It counts if you know the business end of a soldering iron or a blow torch.
Same with a firearm.
These guys couldn’t empty a bucket if it had a hole in the bottom.
Well, they sure picked the right candidate for their circus.
If you have to say “I’m a man” by just way of introduction…you’re not.
Sam tell the how story here – warning strong language:
I watched. Windmill, fake faded clothes, camo ball cap and pseudo tough guy beard. I wan’t to vomit. This might work for the beta males in the suburb’s but for everyone else picking up a chainsaw to clean up after the latest storms not so much.
Why isn’t there a legal requirement to disclose that the cretins are, in fact, paid actors? It seems to me that such disclosure should be required.
it wasn’t too hard to guess. Next obvious question – guess their sexual orientation
I am man enough to know a parody when I see it. OMFG this was hilarious. kudos to the actors who kept a straight face.
“man enough to cry in front of my horse.” LMAO. what the actual fuck.
Given the choice between one of these “real men” and a vibrator, I bet most women would stock up on Duracells
As https://twitchy.com/samj/2024/10/11/meet-the-manly-men-in-pro-kamala-ad-lol-n2402066 makes clear, at least 2 of these actors have zero interest in women, and at least a couple of others would also cause most women to run.
Men like these are the reason women cheat with real men.
Or bears, and save the Duracells.
Funniest thing Jimmy Kimmel has been near in years – unintentionally of course
Wow I hope this ad airs every day multiple times in every state. You can practically gift away votes with this.
Are we sure this isn’t parody?
Low T males vote dem. lol
How is anyone supposed to be convinced if none of them provide their pronouns? Don’t real guys always do that?
Plus, tell people what color clothes you are wearing, don’t forget that part. Particularly the guy with the orange shirt, because otherwise people might start needlessly adjusting their TVs.
Where’s the “real boy” in the Minnesota high school boys’ room taking a tampon from the dispenser and declaring that he’s real man enough to get his period? … But not real man enough to use a urinal … yet.