Kamala Harris’s Al Smith Dinner Video Fails on All Levels

Kamala Harris Al Smith Dinner

VP Kamala Harris didn’t show up for the annual Al Smith charity dinner but she made a video for it!

My goodness. In good old Harris fashion, it’s awkward, weird, and cringe.

The audience barely clapped. Host Jim Gaffigan poked fun at it. His face said it all.

The whole point of the presidential candidates showing up is for them to roast each other. Former President Donald Trump and failed candidate Hillary Clinton did it in 2016.

Harris said she’s “proud” to be a part of the important dinner…except, you know, she didn’t attend!

Molly Shannon brought back her Catholic character Mary Katherine Gallagher.

Shannon did the roasting, not Harris. Well, Harris made a few remarks but that’s it.

HARRIS: Your eminence and distinguish guests. The Al Smith dinner provides a rare opportunity to set aside partisanship. Sorry. Hey, what’s going on? Who was that?SHANNON: Mary Katherine. Mary Katherine Gallagher. So nice to meet you.HARRIS: Very nice to meet you, Mary Katherine. Right now I’m trying to record my speech for tonight’s dinner.SHANNON: Oh, yeah, I know. I just want to say that I’m Catholic, and tonight is one of the biggest dinners. Next to the last supper.HARRIS: It is a very important dinner, and it’s an important tradition that I’m so proud to be a part of.SHANNON: Sometimes when I get nervous, I stick my fingers under my arms and I smell them like that. HARRIS: That’s gross. So tell me something. I’m giving a speech. Do you have some thoughts about what I might say tonight?SHANNON: My feelings about what you say tonight would be best expressed in a monologue from one of my favorite made for tv series. HARRIS: Okay, let’s hear it. SHANNON: Don’t you see, man? We need a woman to represent us. A woman brings more heart, more compassion and think how smart she must be to become a top contender in a field dominated by men. It’s time for a woman, bro. And with this woman, we can fly. HARRIS: What series is that from?SHANNON: Oh, that’s from House of Dragons, now streaming on HBO Max.HARRIS: Is there anything that you think that maybe I shouldn’t bring up tonight?SHANNON: Well, don’t lie. Thou shalt not bear false witness to thy neighbor.HARRIS: Indeed. Especially thy neighbor’s election results.SHANNON: Just so you know, there will be a fact checker there tonight.HARRIS: Oh, who’s that?SHANNON: Jesus. And maybe don’t say anything negative about Catholics.HARRIS: I would never do that no matter where I was. That would be like criticizing Detroit in Detroit.SHANNON: Does it bother you that that Trump guy insults you all the time? Because it really bothers my friends and me.HARRIS: Oh, Mary Katherine, it’s very important to always remember you should never let anyone tell you who you are. You tell them who you are.SHANNON: Hater is going to hate, hate, hate. Shake it off.HARRIS: Shake it off.SHANNON: Shake it off.HARRIS: Shake it off. Good for you, Mary.SHANNON: Don’t worry if you make a mistakes, Catholic people are very forgiving. Yeah. And also, one last thing I want to tell you, don’t forget to say superstar!HARRIS: Thank you, Mary Katherine.SHANNON: Thank you, Mamala.HARRIS: Thank you, your eminence and distinguished guests. The Al Smith dinner provides a rare opportunity to set aside partisanship and come together to do some good by supporting the tremendous charitable work of the Catholic church. The church cares for the sick and feeds the hungry, supports families with housing and education. And in times of disaster, provides not only essential supplies, but also, nd so importantly, a sense of hope. The Gospel of Luke tells us that faith has the power to shine a light on those living in darkness and to guide our feet in the path of peace. In the spirit of tonight’s dinner, let us recommit to reaching across dividers to seek understanding and common ground. And in honor of the great Al Smith, let us fight to build a better future with faith in God, our country and in each other. Thank you. May God bless you. And may God bless the United States of America.


Gaffigan noticed the audience groaned during and after the video. His response:

I don’t even know what that noise you’re making is. I don’t know, as I watch that, I could not help but think of, now I know how my kids felt when I face-timed them to a piano recital they were at. Anyway…that only makes sense if you travel a lot.

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Catholic, Kamala Harris