Kamala Harris’s Al Smith Dinner Video Fails on All Levels
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Kamala Harris’s Al Smith Dinner Video Fails on All Levels

Kamala Harris’s Al Smith Dinner Video Fails on All Levels

Like…no words. I rewrote my headline many times because I am literally speechless. That’s hard to do.

VP Kamala Harris didn’t show up for the annual Al Smith charity dinner but she made a video for it!

My goodness. In good old Harris fashion, it’s awkward, weird, and cringe.

The audience barely clapped. Host Jim Gaffigan poked fun at it. His face said it all.

The whole point of the presidential candidates showing up is for them to roast each other. Former President Donald Trump and failed candidate Hillary Clinton did it in 2016.

Harris said she’s “proud” to be a part of the important dinner…except, you know, she didn’t attend!

Molly Shannon brought back her Catholic character Mary Katherine Gallagher.

Shannon did the roasting, not Harris. Well, Harris made a few remarks but that’s it.

HARRIS: Your eminence and distinguish guests. The Al Smith dinner provides a rare opportunity to set aside partisanship. Sorry. Hey, what’s going on? Who was that?

SHANNON: Mary Katherine. Mary Katherine Gallagher. So nice to meet you.

HARRIS: Very nice to meet you, Mary Katherine. Right now I’m trying to record my speech for tonight’s dinner.

SHANNON: Oh, yeah, I know. I just want to say that I’m Catholic, and tonight is one of the biggest dinners. Next to the last supper.

HARRIS: It is a very important dinner, and it’s an important tradition that I’m so proud to be a part of.

SHANNON: Sometimes when I get nervous, I stick my fingers under my arms and I smell them like that.

HARRIS: That’s gross. So tell me something. I’m giving a speech. Do you have some thoughts about what I might say tonight?

SHANNON: My feelings about what you say tonight would be best expressed in a monologue from one of my favorite made for tv series.

HARRIS: Okay, let’s hear it.

SHANNON: Don’t you see, man? We need a woman to represent us. A woman brings more heart, more compassion and think how smart she must be to become a top contender in a field dominated by men. It’s time for a woman, bro. And with this woman, we can fly.

HARRIS: What series is that from?

SHANNON: Oh, that’s from House of Dragons, now streaming on HBO Max.

HARRIS: Is there anything that you think that maybe I shouldn’t bring up tonight?

SHANNON: Well, don’t lie. Thou shalt not bear false witness to thy neighbor.

HARRIS: Indeed. Especially thy neighbor’s election results.

SHANNON: Just so you know, there will be a fact checker there tonight.

HARRIS: Oh, who’s that?

SHANNON: Jesus. And maybe don’t say anything negative about Catholics.

HARRIS: I would never do that no matter where I was. That would be like criticizing Detroit in Detroit.

SHANNON: Does it bother you that that Trump guy insults you all the time? Because it really bothers my friends and me.

HARRIS: Oh, Mary Katherine, it’s very important to always remember you should never let anyone tell you who you are. You tell them who you are.

SHANNON: Hater is going to hate, hate, hate. Shake it off.

HARRIS: Shake it off.

SHANNON: Shake it off.

HARRIS: Shake it off. Good for you, Mary.

SHANNON: Don’t worry if you make a mistakes, Catholic people are very forgiving. Yeah. And also, one last thing I want to tell you, don’t forget to say superstar!

HARRIS: Thank you, Mary Katherine.

SHANNON: Thank you, Mamala.

HARRIS: Thank you, your eminence and distinguished guests. The Al Smith dinner provides a rare opportunity to set aside partisanship and come together to do some good by supporting the tremendous charitable work of the Catholic church. The church cares for the sick and feeds the hungry, supports families with housing and education. And in times of disaster, provides not only essential supplies, but also, nd so importantly, a sense of hope.

The Gospel of Luke tells us that faith has the power to shine a light on those living in darkness and to guide our feet in the path of peace. In the spirit of tonight’s dinner, let us recommit to reaching across dividers to seek understanding and common ground. And in honor of the great Al Smith, let us fight to build a better future with faith in God, our country and in each other.

Thank you. May God bless you. And may God bless the United States of America.


Gaffigan noticed the audience groaned during and after the video. His response:

I don’t even know what that noise you’re making is. I don’t know, as I watch that, I could not help but think of, now I know how my kids felt when I face-timed them to a piano recital they were at. Anyway…that only makes sense if you travel a lot.


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That is beyond cringe, worse than Al Gore dancing!

The only message I derive from the phenomenon of this woman’s candidacy is that performing sex acts on a black, corrupt, political fixer, thirty years your senior, is enough to get you elected president of the United States.

    The crone-harlot hasn’t yet been elected president, and, it isn’t going to happen. Her campaign is more transparently desperate than a junkie searching for an elusive next fix. All of these cringy and inauthentic media appearances are a by-product of that reality.

      The_Mew_Cat in reply to guyjones. | October 18, 2024 at 12:11 pm

      Even if she loses the Electoral Vote, remember she presides over the Joint Session that certifies the Electoral Votes, and she will demand that Trump be disqualified and she be installed. Kamala will never concede or accept a Trump win. Every Democrat in Congress will follow along. This is why winning control of both Houses of Congress is so critical.

Heels-Up could easily have made this event. Her excuse that she was busy “campaigning” was an obvious falsehood since her appearance would have given her an opportunity to reach/campaign to millions. What she feared was embarrassment to her delicate ego.

The Gospel of Luke tells us that faith has the power to shine a light on those living in darkness and to guide our feet in the path of peace.

Ummmm, not really.
The gospel of Luke (and Matthew slightly differently) says (quoting from Isaiah):

because of the tender mercy of our God,
by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven
to shine on those living in darkness
and in the shadow of death,
to guide our feet into the path of peace.

Note, those are not based on faith, but on God’s promise of the Messiah. We don’t have to have faith to have those things happen.

Also, nothing is promised in Scripture based on “faith” alone. They are based on faith in God, arguably (for a Christian) on faith in Christ.

Like all progressives, she can’t quote Scripture without twisting it.

How bad is it going for Harris? Bob Casey just dropped a new ad this morning where he – checks notes – highlights all the issues where he agrees with Trump.

She’s dunzo.

You people are all bigots who just want to stop Harris from breaking the “glass ceiling” to become the first Complete Piece of Crap to win the Oval Office.

    Hillary bumped her head on the glass ceiling.
    But she was standing on Bill’s shoulders.
    Kamala took a video of herself is standing on Walz’s shoulders and sent it to the Al Smith dinner.

    henrybowman in reply to ChrisPeters. | October 18, 2024 at 5:35 pm

    Hey! It’s a legitimate Democrat “first!”
    But Biden already claimed it.

Seems like a SNL skit, after SNL switched from being a funny, comical sideshow, to taking themselves too seriously, becoming desperate, and running completely out of ideas and humor. Perfect metaphor for Kamala, come to think of it.

I have to wonder if Kamala was secretly disinvited to the event. There is precedent with Bill Clinton. Both support late term abortion. I can see it being a bridge too far for the Diocese to publicly invite Trump and not her. That would look like they were supporting Trump, which might not go over well with their constituents.

Perhaps, behind the scenes, they informed her that she is not welcome to attend in person, and will be disinvited if she doesn’t come up with an excuse to decline the invitation to appear in person.

Like Kamala, odd

    TargaGTS in reply to bigskydoc. | October 18, 2024 at 10:56 am

    The same thing happened in 2004. But, one reason I think she very likely was invited (other than the fact that the Foundation made the invitation public) is in the previous years when the Church was at odds with the politics of one of the candidates (usually over abortion or gay marriage), they chose to invite neither candidate to avoid the appearance of endorsing one over the other.

I started watching this and was so appalled, I had to turn it off. What was she thinking? She insulted everyone watching especially Catholics.

destroycommunism | October 18, 2024 at 10:59 am

just b/c harris cant speak or think properly

doesnt mean shes not fit to be potus

said joe bidens doctor

It’s hard to understand why Kamala would think this weird video was a better idea than just going to the dinner.

I have a theory that she did the bad boss thing. When she saw the jokes the staff had worked up for her at the dinner, she had a tantrum. During the tantrum, she said she didn’t want to have to go and make nice with President Trump anyway.

By now the campaign people understand that Kamala is happiest when she’s in front of a camera and at her worst when talking to real people. So they cobbled together the video in a panic, at the last minute, just to get through the crisis du jour.

    ChrisPeters in reply to irv. | October 18, 2024 at 9:41 pm

    The trouble for Harris is that she is incapable of relating to real people, as you indicate, and that Trump, despite all his wealth and success, is a natural when it comes to connecting with ordinary citizens.

This was just so BIZARRE on so many levels.

In the first place, it involved the peculiar delusion that leftists have that SNL has been culturally relevant at any point in the last 20 years. It’s one of the signs of bubble-dwellers, that they think SNL is anything other than a niche show for far leftists.

In the 2nd place, even if it were currently culturally relevant, this skit is almost THIRTY YEARS OLD. It originally aired in 1995, for crying out loud. Nobody under the age of 40 would even recognize it. What, Ferrell wasn’t available for his Cowbell skit? Because that was the same time period.

And finally, even if it were culturally relevant, the entire thing was just such ludicrous turbocringe.

Like, who the hell was the audience for this? 40-60 year old liberals? They’re all voting for her already.

Dolce Far Niente | October 18, 2024 at 11:15 am

There is no one as tone deaf as Kamala and her staffers.

A lame SNL parody skit starring a Catholic schoolgirl? At an event thrown by the Church? The knee socks were a nice touch, (really popular in bachelor party stripper outfits.)

Well, she has only two planks anyway “I am a woman” and “Trump is so mean, plus he’s literally Hitler.”, which she did manage to insert into this cringe fest.

I never really got in to SNL. I had fun stuff to do Sat Night. It always seemed that the pot head meatballs were the ones watching the show.

I really don’t get the humor in the skit. This was a poor decision. Maybe they have the cheat in so good that they don’t care or they really are making poor choices, or both.

Trump gave a meta-speech, one level up, mocking his own jokes as things he was told he should say while still having good jokes, a two-fer. What he’s doing is saying the assumptions about speeches are wrong, that there’s something you can learn if you listen to them, so it’s undermining the format itself. The true Trump at the Al Smith dinner is Trump at the black barber shop. What you learn from a prepared speech is at best what you’d learn there. So he gave his black barber shop persona.

    “The true Trump at the Al Smith dinner is Trump at the black barber shop.”

    Actually, the true Trump at the Al Smith dinner is Trump at the Al Smith dinner, just as it was and is and will be. No need to analyze the obvious.

There’s always Dominion….

It was an anti-comedy moment, a complete flop, and a shameful act. She would have done better to stay comletely away. The incompetence of Harris and her team is astounding.

The word for the day is … emblematic.

Used in a sentence: That video is emblematic of what a wretched and warped human being Kamala Harris is.

Not funny, disconnected, weird. Q.E.D.

Lifelong Catholic, and I could not watch that insincere pile of trash at all. I would have needed a gallon of bleach and two gallons of surgical scrub to get the YUCK off of me…

An instructional video narrated by Ka’llama on how to slip a condom on a banana would likely have gone over better at this Catholic dinner rather than whatever that monstrosity was they went with. Molly Shannon? Really? What would the nuns think?

OMG. This woman is going to follow the precedent of her predecessor and sub out her entire presidency. But unlike Joe, she’s going to let everybody see behind the curtain.

One evocative thing about Kamala is how she is one of the few real-world villains who actually has an evil mad cackle.


This poor excuse for a candidate is a typical spineless Democrat with a No Balls excuse for a running mate…God Help us all…Save America, Vote Republican

Being from that generation and in Catholic school, I didn’t laugh because I didn’t think Molly Shannon was joking.