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Israel: Eight IDF Soldiers Killed in Southern Lebanon

Israel: Eight IDF Soldiers Killed in Southern Lebanon

Meanwhile, the G7 countries still think a diplomatic solution “is still possible.” They’re delusional.

The IDF announced the deaths of eight soldiers today in Southern Lebanon.

Cpt. Eitan Itzhak Oster, 22, a team commander in the Egoz Commando Unit, from Modi’in was the first casualty as the IDF fought Hezbollah.

Seven more died:

  • Cpt. Harel Etinger, 23, a team commander in the Egoz Commando Unit, from Eli.
  • Cpt. Itai Ariel Giat, 23, of the Yahalom Combat Engineering Unit, from Shoham.
  • Sgt. First Class Noam Barzilay, 22, of the Egoz Commando Unit, from Kohav Yair
  • Sgt. First Class Or Mantzur, 21, of the Egoz Commando Unit, from Beit Aryeh.
  • Sgt. First Class Nazar Itkin, 21, of the Egoz Commando Unit, from Kiryat Atta.
  • Staff Sgt. Almken Terefe, 21, of the Golani Brigade’s reconnaissance unit, from Jerusalem.
  • Staff Sgt. Ido Broyer, 21, of the Golani Brigade’s reconnaissance unit, from Nes Tziona

Hezbollah injured another officer and four soldiers.

The Jerusalem Post reported other injuries:

In the incident where Captain Harel Etinger, Captain Itai Ariel Giat, Master Sergeant Noam Barzilay, Master Sergeant Or Mantzur, and Master Sergeant Nazar Itkin fell, an officer and four soldiers from the Egoz Unit, Commando Brigade, were seriously wounded.

In the incident where Staff Sergeant Almken Terefe and Staff Sergeant Ido Broyer fell, a fighter from the Golani Reconnaissance Unit, Golani Brigade, was seriously wounded.

In another incident, a combat medic from the 51st Battalion, Golani Brigade, was seriously woundedduring fighting in the north.

Meanwhile, the G7 countries (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States) continue to use the word “diplomatic.”

These countries still think a diplomatic solution “is still possible.”

Italy, which chairs the G7, says the group “reiterated that a conflict on a regional scale is in no one’s interest and that a diplomatic solution is still possible.”

My goodness, you cannot negotiate with terrorists. You cannot negotiate with people who only want to exterminate you.


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healthguyfsu | October 2, 2024 at 11:53 am

A diplomatic solution could only begin with universal agreement that any state sponsoring terrorists is punished for doing so in the harshest way possible.

You can’t stop this mess without stopping terrorism and it’s continued support from corrupt Arab countries.

    LeftWingLock in reply to healthguyfsu. | October 2, 2024 at 12:02 pm

    You left out the corrupt European supporting countries and the corrupt supporting countries in the Americas.

    Sailorcurt in reply to healthguyfsu. | October 2, 2024 at 12:10 pm

    Unfortunately, for the “international community” the “harshest way possible” is for them to proclaim in a very stern voice “Stop, or we’ll say stop again.”

    mailman in reply to healthguyfsu. | October 2, 2024 at 1:22 pm

    Trump got it right when he starved the PA if all funding whole they financially rewarded Palestinians for murdering Jews.

    Which is the direct opposite of Biden/Harris Junta directly funding terrorism to the tune of $100+ million dollars they gave Iran!

gonzotx | October 2, 2024 at 11:56 am

So sad , all 21-23

RIP heros

    BobM in reply to gonzotx. | October 2, 2024 at 1:18 pm

    It’s likely no coincidence that all of them so far were officers or ncos, in most well led armies the leaders lead. In substandard armies the “leader” will order the privates to lead the way while they follow so as to shoot the reluctant.

    Guess between Israel and Hez-ball-less which is which?

guyjones | October 2, 2024 at 12:22 pm

Sucks. I hate reading about this stuff. Young adults, good people, killed fighting genocidal, evil and belligerent Islamofascist death cultists.

This battle must be fought and won, but, it’s always tough reading about the IDF casualties.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to guyjones. | October 2, 2024 at 3:36 pm

    I would love to read about 100000 to one for every dead or maimed Israeli. Right now, the kill ratio is not steep enough to deter the enemy.

      auxman610 in reply to JohnSmith100. | October 3, 2024 at 10:40 am

      I am amazed at the restraint the people of Israel demonstrate. You fight for your survival as if your survival depends on it. You do not fight in a restrained manner. Israel lives with a knife at its throat everyday, there is no peaceful solution to be had with terrorism. Total and complete annihilation of terrorists and terrorism is the only solution. Terrorists want terror, give it to them, without restraint or hesitation. If the terrorists had the ability to totally annihilate Israel they most certainly would use it. WIthout hesitation.

These countries still think a diplomatic solution “is still possible.”
I’m going to disagree.
Because war is diplomacy by other means. You can negotiate: once you’ve brought your enemy to the table by beating him so soundly he wants out of the situation any way possible. When he says “I’ll do anything you want; just stop killing us” you’ve successfully negotiated peace.

As to these eight men, may you all rest in Abraham’s bosom. And may strength flow from memories of you. G-d bless you and Israel.

BigRosieGreenbaum | October 2, 2024 at 1:42 pm

What’s with the G7 effheads? Maybe they should aim their amazing diplomatic skills at Russia and Ukraine because it is not in our best interests for this to turn into a broader conflict, as they have declared. Israel is going to have to keep going because that is in everybody’s and I mean the entire planet’s, best interest. Until G7 can offer something actually useful, I would submit to them that they should proceed to take several seats and stfu.

    Yeah, about that “broader” conflict….
    How much broader do they think it will become because of Israel? It already involves ALL of Israel’s current enemies. It’s not like nuking Tehran would actually involve anyone new in the conflict. Syria and Lebanon are both run by Iran’s proxies. And if Iran decides to drop some missiles on Saudi Arabia or someplace, that would be IRAN broadening the war. Which all of those fussers and nay-sayers could easily stop if they wanted to. But not Israel.

best45acp | October 2, 2024 at 3:32 pm

The diplomatic solution is for Hamas Hezbollah, and Iran to surrender

destroycommunism | October 2, 2024 at 4:30 pm


god rest your souls

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