Iran Nuclear Program Should Be Israel’s Target After Missile Attack

I was traveling most of the day today, so only found out about the Iranian ballistic missile attack on Israel a couple of hours ago. Here is my ‘hot take’ on how this presents an opportunity for Israel to change the course of history.



Iran launched a ballistic missile attack on Israel today—reportedly 200, I’ve also seen 400 missiles reported. But whatever it was, it was larger than happened in April. This is a crisis, and as Rahm Emanuel once said, people should never let a crisis go to waste. This is a crisis that Israel should take advantage of. BB Netanyahu’s entire political career has been preventing Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.

Imagine if these missiles had nuclear weapons on them—only 10 minutes flying time from Tehran. This is an opportunity for Israel to take out the Iranian nuclear program.

Whether they will do it, I don’t know. Perhaps by the time you listen to this, we will know. But the situation is never going to be better for Israel to end the existential threat by the death cult who chants “Death to Israel” as their organizing political slogan.

It’s not like last April. Hezbollah has been mostly dismantled—not completely, but they’re a shadow of what they were just two months ago. Hamas is not completely gone, but close to it. So, all of the swords hanging over Israel’s head to prevent it from taking out Iran’s nuclear program no longer exist.

I believe Israel will take advantage of this. They will seek to set back Iran’s nuclear weapons program at least a decade, if not permanently, because this is a moment that BB Netanyahu, I believe, will seize. And it is a moment that could ensure Israel’s survival for the future.

So, we will see what happens. Perhaps, like I said, by the time you see this, we will know the answer. But this is a crisis that Israel should not let go to waste.


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