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Iran Nuclear Program Should Be Israel’s Target After Missile Attack

Iran Nuclear Program Should Be Israel’s Target After Missile Attack

Israel Should Not Let Iran Missile Attack Crisis Go To Waste

I was traveling most of the day today, so only found out about the Iranian ballistic missile attack on Israel a couple of hours ago. Here is my ‘hot take’ on how this presents an opportunity for Israel to change the course of history.



Iran launched a ballistic missile attack on Israel today—reportedly 200, I’ve also seen 400 missiles reported. But whatever it was, it was larger than happened in April. This is a crisis, and as Rahm Emanuel once said, people should never let a crisis go to waste. This is a crisis that Israel should take advantage of. BB Netanyahu’s entire political career has been preventing Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.

Imagine if these missiles had nuclear weapons on them—only 10 minutes flying time from Tehran. This is an opportunity for Israel to take out the Iranian nuclear program.

Whether they will do it, I don’t know. Perhaps by the time you listen to this, we will know. But the situation is never going to be better for Israel to end the existential threat by the death cult who chants “Death to Israel” as their organizing political slogan.

It’s not like last April. Hezbollah has been mostly dismantled—not completely, but they’re a shadow of what they were just two months ago. Hamas is not completely gone, but close to it. So, all of the swords hanging over Israel’s head to prevent it from taking out Iran’s nuclear program no longer exist.

I believe Israel will take advantage of this. They will seek to set back Iran’s nuclear weapons program at least a decade, if not permanently, because this is a moment that BB Netanyahu, I believe, will seize. And it is a moment that could ensure Israel’s survival for the future.

So, we will see what happens. Perhaps, like I said, by the time you see this, we will know the answer. But this is a crisis that Israel should not let go to waste.


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Question is whether neighboring countries have had enough of Iran’s shit to keep to let this one play out.

Will other assholes in the region gum it up for Israel. Honestly Russia should just let it happen and then come on down for some oil and land grabbing.

destroycommunism | October 1, 2024 at 5:48 pm

yeah but that would mean going after the dems in congress

    Skyrider2 in reply to destroycommunism. | October 2, 2024 at 9:57 am

    Israel does not care about surrounding countries think including US. That’s been very clear in recent months. And I like that. Particularly the UN which is completely antisemitic except for very few.

MynameisallthatIhave | October 1, 2024 at 5:50 pm

Yes, those will be prome targets but the PM’s remarks indicated something more personal was in play

SField | October 1, 2024 at 6:00 pm

I agree. The momentum and initiative are in Israel’s favor. They’ve shown they can effectively drill down deep with multiple bunker buster strikes. They should take out Iran’s nuke program once and for all, now.

Yes, destroy the nuke facilities, But also chop the head off the snake.

Eric R. | October 1, 2024 at 6:28 pm

Take out Kharg Island, too.

Jmaquis | October 1, 2024 at 6:50 pm

Too many countries around Israel have the constant cry of “Death to Israel” and each of these countries has a low IQ population. SO much jealousy! , Crying to mohamMAD that none of these psychos were The Chosen People.

ANYTHING Israel does to Iran is just fine by me, It’s high time Israel retaliates not in kind but with might and force. Put “Death to Israel” to bed and show the creeps who they are dealing with.

The entire Planet would be better for it.

puhiawa | October 1, 2024 at 6:58 pm

Maybe they could have multiple targets. Starting with the government buildings.

Which middle-eastern countries support Iran these days? Certainly not the Saudis, nor the Jordanians. They don’t support Palestine, and they have not tried to apply any pressure on Israel. The Egyptians have also been silent. Syria is busy with their own problems, and now so is Lebanon . The UAE is actively non-political. That’s Dubai’s attraction. So, Yemen and the Houthi’s? They’re indeed an annoyance but apparently not enough of one to trigger the EU or the US. So I don’t think anyone beyond the Houthi’s would be displeased by an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities – at least enough to join Iran in retaliating against Israel afterward. . The problem is that it’s a long way to fly and I don’t -think- that Israel has the air power to get heavy enough ‘bunker-busters’ that far without Saudi Arabia or Jordan allowing them transit, and that isn’t going to be politically viable for them.

So, an attack would require U.S. assistance which isn’t going to happen or “a shocking failure” of Saudi Arabian and/or Jordanian air warning systems.

    henrybowman in reply to Hodge. | October 2, 2024 at 1:30 am

    Or a “Stuxnet III” already in place in Iran…?
    (For the sake of argument, let’s call the pager hack “Stuxnet II.”)

    GWB in reply to Hodge. | October 2, 2024 at 9:14 am

    Which middle-eastern countries support Iran these days?
    This is one of the reasons the mouth-breathers in Foggy Bottom support Iran, though. It’s a “balance of power” thing that became a Progressive doctrine after WW2. Supposedly, if the sides are balanced, then they will just sit and seethe at each other across no-man’s land instead of trying to wipe their enemy out. Yet one more example of Progressivism not grasping something we like to call “human nature.” And, since the Shiites control everywhere else, you have to make Iran powerful enough to keep them all fixated in place.

    Also, Israel has better long-range airpower than many like to think. I hope Iran finds out soon.

BigRosieGreenbaum | October 1, 2024 at 8:16 pm

Tomorrow is Rosh Hashanah. Blow the shofar and let loose on Iran.

bobinreverse | October 1, 2024 at 8:51 pm

If this such a great idea how come no Jews in HoR Senate Cabinet calling to do such. especially big names like Schumer Kerry Emhof Blinken Garfunkel Sully Shiff Nads Mayorkas Malle etc and on and on

guyjones | October 1, 2024 at 9:15 pm

I would start with destruction of Iran’s oil facilities, pipelines, storage tanks and delivery terminals, first.

The goal should be regime change, via total destabilization of the Iranian regime’s capacity to produce and sell oil.

    Stuytown in reply to guyjones. | October 2, 2024 at 4:22 am

    I agree with this. Whatever the method of attack, the goal should be regime change. I suspect Israel’s attack will be multi-pronged and possibly rolled out over a series of days. I believe that there will be kinetic attacks on military and economically sensitive targets. And there will likely be “cyber” and similar attacks on all sorts of facilities. I wouldn’t be surprised to see things like the electrical grid going down in Tehran and at the same time the houses of mullahs start exploding from the inside. In any case, let’s hope…. I speak as one who was gathered with my family last night in our protected room (the mamad) in Israel and listened to the rocket interceptions above. Not an easy time here.

      mailman in reply to Stuytown. | October 2, 2024 at 5:20 am

      I would think that if the Jews had someone in place to top that Hamas guy INSIDE Iran..then they probably have plenty of other motivated assets in place to do wider damage to Iran, the Iranian regime and Democrats.

      Always fucking Democrats! These people are detestable!

      JohnSmith100 in reply to Stuytown. | October 2, 2024 at 6:16 am

      I think that other than one or two cretions, that people here are rooting for you, be safe.

joejoejoe | October 2, 2024 at 8:55 am

Duh. Shoulda been ours for the last twenty five years

destroycommunism | October 2, 2024 at 9:14 am


crank up the usa mighty coal and oil production NOWWWWW!!

I would hope that Israel first goes after the missile (and drone) launch facilities. Wait for the mobile launchers to go back into bivouac, then obliterate them. That tells Iran “We’re coming.”

Then you hit the appropriate power generation facilities and the nuke processing facility (AND anywhere you’ve ID’ed as storage facilities).

Nucler sites, oil sites, power plants, all primary military targets should be taken out. Cut off not only nuclear development but power and source of oil revenue. They can do that if JB/KH does not get in their way. The world will criticize Israel but breathe a sigh of relief.

Biden just announced that he will not support a strike on Iran’s Nuclear program. That is off limits.

    Subotai Bahadur in reply to Paula. | October 2, 2024 at 5:32 pm

    From Biden’s point of view it is simple. If Biden does not protect Iran from having its future ability to strike Israel destroyed by Israel it would: 1) violate the tenets of both the Democrat Party and Shia Islam, 2) it would end financing of the Left by America’s enemies, and 3) it would weaken attacks by both the Left and Shia Islam against the Judeo-Christian culture.

    Subotai Bahadur

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