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IDF Reveals Where Hezbollah Hid Gold, Cash in Lebanon

IDF Reveals Where Hezbollah Hid Gold, Cash in Lebanon

You can tell by the translator’s tone he is encouraging the people of Lebanon to ransack the spot and take the money.


You can tell by the translator’s tone he is encouraging the people of Lebanon to ransack the spot and take the money.

IDF Spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari showed a picture of the hospital and the location of the bunkers where Hezbollah hid the cash and gold.

Hagari warned everyone that the IDF has eyes on the compound.

However, the IDF won’t strike the hospital, which sits between the bunkers, since Israel is not at war with the Lebanese people.

From the video:

Tonight, I am going to declassify intelligence on a site that we did not strike where Hezbollah has millions of dollars in gold and cash inn Hassan as well as bunker. Where is the bunker located? Directly under El Sahel Hospital in the heart of BeIRut, in the Dhakia.

This is the hospital. From both sides, you can see an entry and exit. Those are entry and exit tunnel shafts from the underground for the underground bunker. The entrance is located in the Halmadi building and the exit is located in the El Sahal center building.

This is the bunker. It contains rooms, beds, and infrastructure for long stays and the ability to direct combat from underground. Hezbollah built this bunker directly underneath this hospital. There are hundreds of millions of dollars in cash and gold inside the bunker right now.

I’m calling on the Lebanese government, Lebanese authorities, and the international organizations: don’t allow Hezbollah to use the money for terror and to attack Israel.


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Crawford | October 21, 2024 at 5:09 pm

For some reason I’m reminded of a legend from Rome:

When the Pantheon was built, the interior was filled with soil to support the roof while the concrete set. That worked, but left them with a building full of dirt. So they announced the dirt had gold coins hidden in it, and anyone who found one could keep it.

The dirt disappeared over the next few days. No idea if there were any coins.

stevewhitemd | October 21, 2024 at 5:11 pm

Love it. Let the Lebanese brothers and sisters murder every single Hezbie who tries to tell them, “nope, no gold there, move on!”

CommoChief | October 21, 2024 at 5:34 pm

You just know the wokiesta fellow travelers of Hezbollah and their sympathetic supporters in media, academia and govt are gnashing their teeth. Several decades of propaganda work are being undercut by the weekly revelations of how both Hezbollah and Hamas conduct operations and co locate terrorist outposts with civilian infrastructure; hospitals, schools, govt buildings and residential apartments. Often under the very nose of UN ‘monitors’ and agencies who always seem to be officially unaware that anything was amiss.

    DSHornet in reply to CommoChief. | October 21, 2024 at 5:44 pm

    Chief, it’s called the “Sgt. Schultz” effect: “I see nothing! Nothing!”

      Whitewall in reply to DSHornet. | October 21, 2024 at 6:07 pm

      You beat me to it! I bet a lot of hospital employees are no shows for work tomorrow.

      CommoChief in reply to DSHornet. | October 22, 2024 at 6:16 am

      They can try to offer that excuse (probably will) however if the UN employees are that unaware of what’s going on under their noses then they ain’t competent enough to continue in their current role. Same for the lefty media sharing a building with Hamas in Gaza. Their feigned ignorance act has passed its sell by date.

rhhardin | October 21, 2024 at 6:05 pm

If you put dollars in your mattress, you’re lending the dollars interest-free to the Treasury. Anything that disappears from the money supply gets noticed and replaced until it turns up again. Likewise stored Hezbollah cash, like Scrooge McDuck for that matter.

Rupert Smedley Hepplewhite | October 21, 2024 at 7:27 pm

Booking a flight to Lebanon – BRB.

destroycommunism | October 21, 2024 at 7:39 pm

the jed clampett effect

and they are already loaded up and movn to beverly …..well la oakland etc

JohnSmith100 | October 21, 2024 at 8:25 pm

I am curious, does Israel recycle captured weapons for use against terrorists, if not, they should.

This is fake news. No way is a terrorist organization using a hospital to hide out. I don’t believe a word of it.

henrybowman | October 22, 2024 at 1:46 am

I smell a clever dissimulation. Some possibilities:

A diversion — while half of Lebanon is gang-raping that building, Mossad will be installing strategic materiel in a much less guarded place.

Driving a wedge between the people of Lebanon and Hezbollah — it’s true there is valuable stuff under that hospital, but most of it goes BOOM if you don’t know what you’re doing. Also relieves IDF of having to eliminate the fireworks themselves, in someplace they can’t politically go.

There’s two possible (non-exclusive) outcomes:
1) The people go temple-robbing, having seen the gods of the temple destroyed in the last few months, and
2) Hezballess tries to rescue the money, and the IDF watches them scurry to their new ratholes and expands their intelligence.

And, of course, demonstrating to the people that they know about using ‘innocents’ as shields and want the people to do something about that.

My sniffer is detecting a rather high level of snark in this whole revelation. They are telling the locals exactly what their “betters” (overlords) have been doing with their (the People’s) resources. Taking the lid off, as it were.
SEE what YOUR bosses are doing with and to you? WHAT are you gonna DO about it…….

    bill54 in reply to Tionico. | October 22, 2024 at 1:18 pm

    What are you gonna do nights Mr. Teece? — From a story called “Way in the Middle of the Air” in The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbbury. For some reason your last sentence reminded of that story. It’s a great story about the blacks leaving the democratic South for Mars and the racists responses. Published in 1950!

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