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Iran Launched Over 180 Ballistic Missiles at Israel

Iran Launched Over 180 Ballistic Missiles at Israel

The U.S. said that Iran started preparing an imminent ballistic missile attack on Israel ASAP.

Iran has started launching missiles at Israel.

I’m watching Trey Yingst live. He said initial reports say Iran shot over 100 missiles at Israel.

These missiles can arrive at Israel in 12 minutes.

Iran fired over 180 ballistic missiles at Israel. Remember, these missiles can carry nuclear weapons.

The Israel Aviation Authority reopened the airspace at 12:54 PM ET (8:54 PM local time), signaling that the attack is over for now.

The Iron Dome did not catch all the missiles. We won’t know the damage right away or how many got through. Some appeared to land in the Mediterranean Sea, too.

IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari promised consequences: “We are on heightened alert on defense and offensive, we will protect the citizens of Israel. This [missile] fire will have consequences. We have plans, and we will act in the time and place that we choose.”


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Oracle | October 1, 2024 at 12:53 pm

Now Israel can take the kid gloves off.

puhiawa | October 1, 2024 at 12:54 pm

And so it begins. Israel has had weeks to prepare.

healthguyfsu | October 1, 2024 at 12:57 pm

Time to fire back. Enough of this crap where Iran gets protected to misbehave.

Awaiting the strongly worded letter response from the US as soon as he gets up from his nap. Either that or he’ll pull the “Face that launched a thousand cruise missiles” response that Clinton tried when Monica was about to take the stand.

All of their surrogates are dead.

Time to cut the head off the snake.

TargaGTS | October 1, 2024 at 1:00 pm

Israel response will be maximal. While they don’t have heavy bombers, they do have the capability to establish air supremacy would allow them to eventually use cargo planes to drop fuel-air explosive and 5/10-ton bunker-busters. I would look for ports to be targeted, ships at sea to be targeted and of course, command and control installations to be heavily targeted.

Where is Joe gonna go? A bit early in the week for Delaware. Probably go make sure Camp David survived Helene.

    Paula in reply to Tom M. | October 1, 2024 at 1:21 pm

    They will have to bring him out of induced coma before they can talk to him.

    Paula in reply to Tom M. | October 1, 2024 at 1:41 pm

    This is what happens when there is nobody in the White House.

    As they say, “When the cat’s away…” or in this case when there is no cat, but only a brain dead incumbent and a worthless POS side kicker with a ______ mouth and a giggle that brings shivers down your spine.

    venril in reply to Tom M. | October 1, 2024 at 2:18 pm

    Better question, what’s Obama gonna order them to do? Joe isn’t issuing orders.

Arnoldn | October 1, 2024 at 1:05 pm

I think that the Biden/Harris administration will call for restraint on all sides and a ceasefire right after the Iranian missiles reach Israel,

Peter Moss | October 1, 2024 at 1:07 pm

This brought to you by weak horses – Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama and Joe Biden – who have done their level best to back the mullahs and their 7th century nonsense.

The blood is on their hands.

Prayers for the good people of Israel as they (finally) take care of family business.

    jakebizlaw in reply to Peter Moss. | October 1, 2024 at 1:28 pm

    Iran lighting candles for Jimmy Carter’s 100th birthday cake. 45 years of American pusillanimity and left wing cowardice.

    oden in reply to Peter Moss. | October 1, 2024 at 1:49 pm

    Carter lies at the root of the Iran menace. Way way back in the 1970s I attended a classified talk by Iranian expert. She was fluent in Farsi, and spent her career specializing in Iran. Iran was once a US ally and friendly towards Israel. We supplied high-end weapons to Iran. But Carter decided Iran had a human rights problem, and the Shah had to go. She went into details on how the Islamic revolution in Iran played out. The world, especially Israel is paying the price for Carter’s disastrous foreign policy. In my opinion, (and many others as well) Carter was our worst president in terms of the lasting damage he did. Others conclude he was not an honorable man. For example Robert Novak called him the biggest liar in Washington, which is saying a lot. Not being an insider, I have no idea if this is actually true. He would have a lot of competition.

    We know from Genesis in the Torah that Abraham struck a deal with G_d. Sodom would be spared if he could find ten righteous men (down from 50). He couldn’t, so Sodom was destroyed. Well DC has about 1,000 times the population of ancient Sodom. Could we find 10,000 righteous men in today’s Washington? I don’t think so. I doubt we could even find ten.

    paracelsus in reply to Peter Moss. | October 1, 2024 at 3:09 pm

    please don’t forget to add in George Soros and Bill Gates, plus several others

UnCivilServant | October 1, 2024 at 1:10 pm

My fervant hope is that Israel shoots down the missiles and in retaliation takes out the Ayatollah, his Mullahs, and their regime flunkies in Tehran so that the regular people are emboldened to kick out the remnants of the revolution

destroycommunism | October 1, 2024 at 1:17 pm

harris to broker peace deal~~~expect more fighting!

destroycommunism | October 1, 2024 at 1:18 pm

Ayatollah Valeria Jarrett said to not be happy with israel
will consult with tlaib and omar asap

destroycommunism | October 1, 2024 at 1:20 pm

why didnt fjb use those warships that he had strategically placed to pound the f out of iran?

oh thats right america is not involved

EXCEPT when the Obidenharrisomar regime keeps funneling money to Iran and its holy terrorist warriors

Concise | October 1, 2024 at 1:20 pm

It’s probably a good thing I don’t control policy because my response to Iran would not be, shall we say, disproportionate.

destroycommunism | October 1, 2024 at 1:20 pm

I hope the 72 virgins turn out to be


I’m old enough to remember when the liberal talking heads said WW3 would start under Trump.

All Israeli civilians are in bomb shelters
Not looking at some of the videos I was seeing. A camera could see one man in a corner office of a tall building. 🙁

destroycommunism | October 1, 2024 at 1:29 pm

while the ussr is preoccupied with the ukrans

now is the time for the usa to stop iran
by any means necessary

get usa oil /coal companies producing now!!!

we are going to be happy if we do so

if china buys even on the secondary market from iran /quartr

100% tarriff on any products we allow in

bring back our jobs!

This time I think that Israel WILL extract a price directly from Iran. Israel has now been unilaterally attacked twice with tons of missiles by Iran, with only a single rocket attack on one building in response – to make a point. Iran did not get the message. They chose poorly.

destroycommunism | October 1, 2024 at 1:30 pm

insiders :

At least eight dead after gunmen open fire at Tel Aviv light-rail station in on-ground attack as Iran launches missiles

destroycommunism | October 1, 2024 at 1:36 pm

fjb allowed this to happen so the admin could “come to the rescue”

and regain the jewish vote in america


MoeHowardwasright | October 1, 2024 at 1:51 pm

Israel is letting shoot their bolt! IDF will attack command and control centers, economic targets and mullahs. They will not stop this time. Watch for a stray missile to strike Saudis or Gulf States. Then they will join in too. Israel doesn’t have to destroy the nuclear facilities. Just the doors to the underground facilities. Also cyber attacks against the Iranian comms networks. FKH

Celebratinng Jimmy Carter’s 100th birthday! This is what happens when you project weakness.

destroycommunism | October 1, 2024 at 1:58 pm

college campuses to get nastier with the pro omar agenda now in full swing??

destroycommunism | October 1, 2024 at 2:03 pm

lets say fjb is going pro israel on this

how will he handle the subterfuge within the wh and the down the line chain that is 1000% behind tlaib/omar??


The army also disclosed that days after Hamas’s October 7 mass onslaught in southern Israel, thousands of terrorists had been positioned near the Lebanon border in a plan to storm the Galilee and unleash similar carnage there.

In his briefing, Hagari showed a map showing Hezbollah’s alleged “plan to occupy the Galilee.”

A map found by the IDF in Lebanon in recent months, showing a Hezbollah plan for its elite Radwan force to stage a mass invasion of northern Israel, in a photo released by the IDF on October 1, 2024. (Israel Defense Forces)

500 missiles shot by Iran; 1 got through. All the rest are shrapnel on the streets. Iran now declares they are done, and Israel should not respond.

paracelsus | October 1, 2024 at 3:13 pm

For history:
Iran has intitiated WWIII today

Ironclaw | October 1, 2024 at 3:17 pm

Remember just a couple of years ago when peace was breaking out all over the middle east? Installing a demented, retarded pedophile in the white house has its consequences and now they’re being paid.

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