‘I Made it Myself’: Trump Works at a Pennsylvania McDonalds
“I’ve now worked for 15 minutes more than Kamala” at a McDonalds!

The former president worked at a McDonald’s in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, outside Philadelphia.
Trump made everything and even worked the drive-thru.
I have to admit this is awesome. I wish this persona of him came out more often.
He even wished VP Kamala Harris a happy birthday!
President Trump SUITS UP for his shift at McDonald's.
Kamala could never! pic.twitter.com/YgAf27eeBV
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) October 20, 2024
President Trump becomes the first and only 2024 presidential nominee to work at McDonald's pic.twitter.com/hySlBqQLhi
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) October 20, 2024
A perfectly executed order of fries from President Trump. 🔥 pic.twitter.com/WsugOMDAcx
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) October 20, 2024
ICONIC 🍟 pic.twitter.com/TeSI0ffffO
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) October 20, 2024
ORDER UP! 🔥 pic.twitter.com/wl8NcqTYJr
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) October 20, 2024
Fries: BAGGED ✅ pic.twitter.com/oj3T5KSazz
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) October 20, 2024
President Trump serves fries to a Fox 29 Philly crew in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. pic.twitter.com/hUnVM4b9OR
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) October 20, 2024
WATCH: The crowd roars as President Trump waves from the McDonald's drive-through window pic.twitter.com/i6tgRhT6Uv
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) October 20, 2024

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Vote Trump-Vance-MAGA
Do we get fries with that? :-{)}}}
purty shore I saw Kameltoe in that order of fries
Harris goes on MSNBC and lies, while Trump goes to McDonald’s to rebuke her employment lie and show the nation learning how to fry potatoes is a job that’s not beneath him.
I see the way forward to national Unity if Trump puts these two items in his platform:
1) McDonald’s shake machines work 100% of the time.
2) McRibs on the menu 24/365
DW loves shopping at two local “discount stores” that are actually food remainder outlets. Novel stuff other outlets just couldn’t sell, stuff getting close to date, etc. One of them routinely offers 15-pound boxes of unseparated McRibs slabs, and she brings them home to the freezer. They are tasty the first several times, then your palate starts rejecting them. I think that’s the reason why McDonalds offers them only as an “occasional special.” The customer base has to have time to detox. DW says McDonald’s has announced another McRib return soon.
Have you tried one of those “scratch and dent” stores? those can be interesting
I love those stores. There do not seem to be any in my new state of Idaho 🙁 but every time we travel to Utah, I check out my favorites!
Nah, McDonald’s needs to bring back chicken wings!!!
“Do you wanna superYuge that?”
When Kamala looses I can hear her say, “Would you like fries with that?”
With her seeming to be intoxicated at times, “Did she get fried with that?”.
Poor Kamala, she winds up running against a shrewd businessman, who is a great showman.
A rumor I am trying to start says DJT will buy Mrs. Emhoff her own Micky D’s franchise after the election.
in downtown San Francisco.
She has only two talking points (and even these she routinely slaughters):
Trump is Literally Hitler and
Abortions For All (and that includes pregnant men).
And yet, there is still a huge swath of voters who will pull the lever for her. I pray for a national divorce.
How much are you willing to bet that Peter Doocy will ask Karine JP to comment on Kamala’s employment history at McDonald’s during Monday’s White House Press briefing?
Imagine how Harris would have interacted with that family.
Note how all the Dhimmi-crat apparatchik standard-bearers (e.g., Harris, Walz, Biden, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, Warren, Sanders, Occasional-Cortex, et al.) have studiously avoided working in the private sector for any substantive length of time.
These pukes are too lazy and stupid to succeed int the private sector. They are manifestly incapable of achieving success in a merit-based environment.
Wouldn’t the people who want “equal outcomes” be in the bottom half?
I hope acts like this show DJT is out to help the average American
There is a kinda iconic pic of him waiving from the drive through window. I soooooooooo wish that would become a White House Portrait…
Whatever else DJT might be one thing he is good at is generating publicity and making himself seem genuine. IMO it is real not contrived but even if contrived he pulls it off. Whenever he’s working a crowd he has the ability to connect on some instinctual level. Bill Clinton had the same sort of thing as did Reagan; all three seemed to have the ability to make whoever they are speaking to the center of the universe at that moment and observers, even in still photos, could see the crowd around the interaction ‘felt’ the connection. Some have it most don’t.
Trump was hilarious at this event, as he usually is. He’s the best retail politician I have ever seen, which is saying something because Bill Clinton (in his prime) was also very, very good at this kind of thing.
His shift McDonald’s lasted longer than mine did! Don’t remember what year it was but it was in the dead of winter and all I had was a motorcycle. The ride up along the river was so damned cold I swore I’d never do it again.
Fast forward 50 years or so and now I can ride in some comfort down in the mid-20s on the Godwing, wearing a 50 year old Patagonia wool sweater heated vest and an Aerostich riding suit.
FWIW, in the old days, McDonalds french fries were made fresh in each restaurant from 50 lb bags of potatoes. Peeled and pressed through a hand operated press. Salted and then stored for a couple of days in the cooler until they were ready for frying.
In the 1960’s, I worked for $1/hour at a McDonalds.
One of my first assignments was to make fries.
I had to carry up from the basement 100 pound bags of potatoes.,
The store made fries from fresh potatoes each day.
And they did t use the bad” oil
It was an emotional birthday — even the cake was in tiers.
Double Fish Filet, Double Tartar sauce…….the winner
Made with real tartar. Visit your dentist twice a year.
This is how The Philadelphia Inquirer — a former newspaper — covered this same story.
They hate you.
They really hate you.
They really do hate you.
If cancer was cured tomorrow by Donald Trump or by a Trump supporter, the Left would eulogize the cancer cells.
And you’d be condemned for being glad that a cure for cancer had been found.
NYT was scathing using the “with no evidence, Trump said Harris never worked at a McDonald’s” etc.
The Harris campaign released another hysterical press release like the unhinged Al Smith one. “Trump is keeping people out of work blah blah blah”
She must have the worst campaign staff since Dukakis. From a publicity standpoint Trump is running rings around her. She should have stayed in the basement.
Even Snopes couldn’t support the “Trump is lying” Narrative(tm) about Harris and McD’s, even after talking to her sister.
While I’ve never worked at McD’s, you betcha that for someone working working retail, anyone nearby is at risk of getting a rant about stupid customers, stupid management, or funny stuff that happened (especially if it involves one or both of the other subjects).
(Please note that I don’t consider Snopes “Holy Writ” by any stretch of the imagination, but given they’re one of the darlings of the left it cuts down on the “fake right-wing news” accusations when sources for any given situation aren’t MiniTru-approved.)
Last night’s media reaction to this story was weird. This morning, it’s transitioned to unhinged. Newsweek and MSNBC are having nervous breakdowns. By this reaction, I must presume that they’re afraid this was a hugely effective campaign stop for Trump in the middle of a critical state where Democrats cannot afford to see suburban and rural voters turn out en mass.