Harris: ‘What’s at Stake in This Election – Well It’s Packed With Some Stuff’
She also said there’s a duality in our democracy & then talks about meeting world leaders. Sheesh. I think I’ll push my fingers into my eyes.

(Does anyone get my subheadline? Hint: It’s a lyric from one of my favorite songs.)
VP Kamala Harris is campaigning in Arizona today, trying to gain more Latino voters.
Trump holds a slight lead over Harris in Arizona.
Well, Harris doesn’t have a teleprompter. So, um, it’s going just as well as you expect.
What’s at stake in this election?
Stuff! So much stuff is at stake!
🚨This is brutal to watch. Kamala Harris without a teleprompter is the Democrat Party’s worst nightmare:
“When we think about what’s at stake in this election – well it’s packed with some stuff! Some fundamental stuff! *cackles* I say rather articulately.” pic.twitter.com/2UEboEUkgW
— Steve Cortes (@CortesSteve) October 11, 2024
Apparently, there’s a duality that exists in our democracy? Can anyone interpret this paragraph for me because I am lost:
HARRIS: “So, we are all here together because we love our country. We love our country. And I was talking with some folks recently about the importance of understanding the — the duality, frankly, that exists in terms of our democracy. You know, as your vice president, I’ve now met over 150 world leaders, presidents, prime ministers, chancellors and kings. And when we, representing the United States, walk in those rooms, traditionally we’ve been able to walk in those rooms chin up, shoulders back, with the earned and self-appointed authority to talk about the importance of democracies, rule of law. But I say to a room of role models, here’s the thing about being a role model. When you’re a role model, folks watch what you do to see if it matches up to what you say.”
Harris opening her remarks in Arizona: "I was talking with some folks recently about the importance of understanding the, the duality frankly that exists in terms of our democracy." pic.twitter.com/auiPEIiPUo
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) October 11, 2024

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If they remade The Ipcress File, Michael Caine would be locked in a cell, forced to watch Kamala Harris tapes.
She says ‘duality’. Maybe she heard the word ‘singularity’ somewhere and would really like to try some.
I think she is talking about the President and Vice President each having say in administration policy which is, of course, not true. The VP has no say in anything except being President of The Senate. That’s about it.
No, she’s referring to the US somehow not living up to the principles it espouses. That’s the alleged “duality”: asserting a principle and acting differently.
So while claiming to love America she’s bashing it.
Dichotomy, maybe.
I have no idea what song you’re talking about … it made me think of Jack Nicholson in Terms Of Endearment (though I know that was “stick needles in”).
I thought that “it’s packed with some stuff” quote was a joke. WTF?? Komrade Kamala is worse than Barky … and Barky grew up in Jakarta. I guess Canada isn’t as far away from Indonesia as we have generally thought …
Democrats sure do love to flaunt their retards. … speaking of Walz …
Barky did not “grow up” in Jakarta. He spent less than four years there, from the age of six to ten.
Harris spend six years in Canada, from the age of 12 to 18.
Now consider Kemi Badenoch, who was born in London but spent most of her childhood in Nigeria and the USA. Like Harris, her mother was a professor, who got jobs in foreign universities and took the family with her. Badenoch says that although she was born in the UK her experience is effectively that of an immigrant because of all the time she spent abroad. Now she’s a leading contender for leader of the opposition.
The most important years of development that set much of a person’s deep world view and personality (the part that is environmental, obviously). Yes, Barky GREW UP in Indonesia.
In Barly’s own ghost-written book he talks about how his first political aspiration was to be Prime Minister of Indonesia – though he really dreamed of being a new Sukarno, no doubt.
If those are the most important years, Harris spent those in Berkeley. Which is, admittedly, a place more alien to the USA than Montreal or Indonesia, but it is within the USA’s borders.
Yes, Harris really grew up in Berkeley, the daughter of whacked out commie “black-power” academics. But she did spend the whole of her late puberty and adolescence in Canada, which is not insignificant. She is not without American sensibilities (as Barky is) because her most important years were spent in America, but she is off-kilter because of being raised by two commies, and then one commie (after the first commie threw the second one out). And America certainly deserves to know that she spent the whole of her teen years in Canada, for people to make their own judgments about how that would affect her personality and world view. ANd people deserve to know, when she is telling tales of her childhood, (the ones that aren’t total lies) what country, specifically, she is telling those tales about.
But that is all moot, really, because she is ineligible because her parents were not , so far as I can gather, American citizens when she was born. I know you have a silly view that every organism born on American soil is a natural born citizen but you are mistaken in that.
‘Barky’ grew to the beginning of his formative years in Kenya and madrassas in Indonesia.
Bullshit. He was never in Kenya until he was an adult. And he never attended a Madrassah.
It’s the jargon of authenticity, almost exactly mimicking Stenciled Speech for Festive Occasions by Christian Schutze, cited in Adorno’s Jargon of Authenticity p.89. No content, designed to produce positive togetherness feelings.
“a room of role models”
The late great Dusty Rhodes (The American Dream) a professional wrestler in the ’70s, ’80s and early ’90s is getting ripped off. He cut a very colorful promo with a similar theme that’s well known to those of us who are aficionados of old school pro wrestling (when ‘rasslin was still ‘real’).
‘I’ve wined and dined with Kings and Queens and I’ve sat in alleys eating pork&beans. Horsemen, you jumped 4 on 1, tried to break my leg, y’all tried to put hard times on Dusty Rhodes.’
Except Harris seems to have skipped the wider message which was not about himself or his individual struggle but about the shared experience of ‘hard times’ he had in common with average wrestling fan.
‘Hard times are when the auto worker is out of work and they tell ’em go home. Hard times are when a man has worked a job for thirty years..Thirty Years, and they give him a watch, kick him in the butt and say ‘hey, a computer took your place Daddy!’ That’s Hard Times!’
Harris doesn’t share that same experience. Not even close, no matter how many Miller High Life she pretends to enjoy or how much she and her surrogates claim it.
Cumalot looked like she had never tasted a beer in her life. When that MHL ran across her tongue, the look she made was probably close to the look when Willie B first popped one.
Her look? “I don’t know if I should swallow this or spit it out!”
You know who she appears as to me?
Richard Pryor, doing his “nervous pitch” bit.
She was channeling Ilhan Omar: “Some people did some things…”
Interpret the paragraph? Sure. First, remove the fluff language that doesn’t matter to her point, and you get this:
“I was talking with some folks recently about the importance of understanding the — the duality, frankly, that exists in terms of our democracy., folks watch what you do to see if it matches up to what you say.”
So. Look at what she says, and see if it matches up with what she’s done. That’s the duality, and apparently it’s been obvious to “over 150 world leaders, presidents, prime ministers, chancellors and kings.”
Sure, it makes her look bad, but she has no skills in self awareness, either.
And here I was thinking she was simply bitching because when she walked into a room full of a kings and world leaders, she got no respect.
Except that she wasn’t referring to herself but to the USA, which she claims is not living up to its ideals, and is seen by the rest of the democratic world as lacking moral authority.
How exactly do you know to what she was referring?
Just read her words. It’s very clear what they refer to.
She doesn’t seem to have the word “hypocrisy” in her vocabulary.
I know … as my 5th grade teacher would say, it’s “a 50 cent word” and Komrade Kamala seems to have stopped at the dime words …
She really has no clue what “duality” means, and if she had even half a brain she wouldn’t try to use it in public.
Google came up with Duality by Slipknot. I even listened to the first 15 seconds of the song before I started slamming my head into the keyboard.
Her new line will be she’s inarticulate but you know who she is/her values have not changed, so she can simply sound dumb and you should play dumb, too.
Sounds like a legal firm. Inarticulate and Knucklehead.
Something the ticket can gleefully embrace.
We have arrived.
“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”
H. L. Mencken— A Carnival of Buncombe
I don’t know about the timing. I kinda thought Biden was the moron. But I can be swayed by the fact that Cumalot could be lower in the index.
I would bet money to marbles it was a staff member who started the clapping.
She’s dreadful and seems a bit wasted.
If Democrats “win” by stealing an election, that’s democracy. If Trump wins honestly, that’s the end of democracy.
Duality, Democrat style.
“Now answer my question or you’ll be standing tall before the man!”
“I think I was suggesting something about the duality of democracy, sir!”
“The what?”
The duality of democracy, the Kamelian thing, sir!”
“Son, who’s side are you on?”
“Our side, sir!!”
If she’s trying to win Hispanic votes, shouldn’t she have a Hispanic accent?
And wear one of those humongo sombrero thingies. Maybe also carry an oversized guitar.
Before this speech, she packed some stuff into a bowl, and “burnt that bitch to the ground! [cackle cackle cackle]”… As she has before so many appearances.
That woman is high. Pretty much every time we see her.