Harris Still Cannot Tell Us How She’ll be Different Than Biden
“I love that it is our character in nature to be an ambitious people. We have aspirations, we have dreams. We have incredible work ethic.”

VP Kamala Harris told The View she’s “been a part of most the decisions that have had an impact” in the Biden administration.
Harris couldn’t think of anything she’d do differently than Biden in the last four years.
Stephen Colbert asked her what changes she would make in her administration and what she would keep the same.
Harris completely ignored the question, using the same talking points she’s always used.
I’m shocked she didn’t mention her supposed “middle-class” upbringing:
Colbert: Polling shows that a lot of people, especially independent voters, really want this to be a change election and that they tend to break for you in terms of thinking about change. You are a member of the present administration. Under a Harris administration, what would the major changes be and what would stay the same?
Harris: Sure. Well, I’m obviously not Joe Biden. That would be one change in terms of. But also, I think it’s important to say with 28 days to go, I’m not Donald Trump. And so when we think about the significance of what this next generation of leadership looks like, were I to be elected president? It is about, frankly, I love the American people and I believe in our country.
I love that it is our character in nature to be an ambitious people. We have aspirations, we have dreams. We have incredible work ethic. And I just believe that we can create and build upon the success we’ve achieved in a way that we continue to grow.
Opportunity, and in that way grow the strength of our nation. So, for example, my economic policies, I think of it, and I have named it as creating an opportunity economy. So it’s about things like investing in small businesses. I love our small businesses.
Um, what!?
Colbert asks Kamala what she would do differently than Joe Biden (the second time she has been asked this question today).
She responds by whipping up a truly epic 60 second word salad that does not answer the question. pic.twitter.com/6buNheLitS
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) October 9, 2024

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“Harris Still Cannot Tell Us How She’ll be Different Than Biden”.
Because she is no different. She is the same mean-spirited, nasty leftist.
Saying she is no different than Joe Biden gives her too much credit.
She can’t answer the question because she has no idea what a good policy is, as opposed to a bad policy.
She literally, has no clue what she is doing.
God help us if she wins, and there is a very good chance the Democrats will steal this election just like they did last election
If they can throw the election for a senile corruption schmuck like Joe Biden, they can do it for anyone.
In fact, that’s probably why she was chosen. To show us that they can put anybody they want in the Oval Office, and there’s not a damn thing anyone can do about it….
The same handlers would run things with a brainless puppet in the office. So there would be no change.
We need a full-government purge.
It would be different handlers, which is why the Biden handlers are not happy.
Imagine laying the egg she did on The View. Then, after having 24-hours to gauge media and public reaction to that disaster and sitting with advisors to plot the best way forward, she does it AGAIN after being given a softball by Colbert (certainly coordinated with her campaign) to remedy her earlier mistake. She’s an idiot. She not only knows the questions in advance but the answers as well and she still jumps on the rake with both feet. God help us if she wins.
Her previous staff has said she will not read briefing books they prepare for her. It’s likely she does this with “interviews” too.
She will not read the briefing papers her staff prepares for her on a daily basis and then berates, belittles, and abuses them when she makes a fool of herself in public and at interviews. She apparently behaved that way as a Senator and as VP and continues such behavior with her campaign staff. it’s everyone else’s fault she looks like an idiot. It’s never her fault.
Well, um, at least she’s a CONSISTENT idiot!
she said
no one can call me brandon
so there!!
Let’s Go, Brandy!
Harris is the living mental personification of what
Affirmaction has done FOR AND TO this country
The expulsion of words from her mouth reminds me of periodic attic clean outs. Random, unrelated, useless items fall out of the cupboard creating a depressing mess.
If this lady becomes president she will set back the cause for women 75 years.
She should be standing alongside KJP. AOC is smarter. It’s embarrassing.
She literally sucked her way to the top. This is most assuredly not the message our society needs to be sending to young girls.
She will have proved that you really can sleep your way to the top.
That’s because she’s every bit as stupid as Brandon, but without the excuse of having dementia. If she wins, the country is dead.
Slow Joe only had that excuse the last few years. Before that he was in a similar situation to Harris. Without the “Sleep your way to success” class she took.
Wow! Not only did VP Harris give a non-answer but one that misleads. She implies by saying that she “is not Donald Trump” that some how that is a change? Folks if people want change because they, correctly in my view, sense that the country is headed in the wrong direction, it is not because of DJT. It is because of Biden and Harris.
Oh, but she is different from Biden. He wouldn’t have drank a Miller High Life on tv.
(Wasn’t that Liz Warren?)
Both will be Puppets
“Harris Still Cannot Tell Us How She’ll be Different Than Biden”
“It’s the same Venn diagram.”