Harris Sending Pre-Recorded Video to Al Smith Charity Dinner
That doesn’t count as attending, Kamala.

Tonight is the 79th Al Smith charity dinner. It’s a tradition for the presidential candidates to attend and roast each other.
VP Kamala Harris announced last month she would not attend so she could campaign.
I guess Harris felt the heat, but not enough because she’s sending in a pre-recorded video.
From The Daily Caller:
“Vice President Harris will appear via a pre-recorded video at tonight’s dinner,” Joseph Zwilling, spokesman for the Archdiocese of New York, told the DCNF.
“Although we traditionally have had the privilege of hosting two presidential candidates, unfortunately Vice President Kamala Harris is still unable to join us this year due to conflicts with her campaign schedule,” Mary Erdoes, vice chair of the Al Smith Foundation’s board of directors, wrote in an email Friday which was obtained by the DCNF. “Please know that we exhausted every possible effort and connection we had to try to get her there, but to no avail. While we will miss her on the Dais, she will be joining us on screen, likely via video.”
Former President Donald Trump will attend in person.
The Al Smith dinner raises money for Catholic charities that help children with financial and medical needs.
The presidential candidate tradition started in 1960 when Richard Nixon and JFK attended.
The Archdiocese of New York did not invite former President Bill Clinton or challenger Bob Dole in 1996 “because Clinton vetoed a late-term abortion ban.”

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She can’t take a little bit of roasting, how is she going to talk to Vladimir Putin or Xi or Kim Jong-un
She’s having voicemail installed on the red phone.
An AI Bot can handle the call, likely better,
If nothing else, her video will probably be good for a few hearty laughs.
She’ll be reading “jokes” written for her by some Hollyweird schmuck.
It doesn’t count, Harris. There is a participation grade.
No, it was bad. Really bad.
Profile in courage.
Given the way her “values” shift, she’s a Profile in Putty.
Pork sausage in cabbage.
Say, what’s the name of the TV Trope where somebody substitutes an embarrassing video in place of the video scheduled to be shown at a public event?
Harris is a horrible candidate. Without the CA d/prog machine anointing her she couldn’t get elected dog catcher. It still baffles me why someone as smart as Rep Jim Clyburn forced her as VP in ’20. She had gotten treated like a pinata in the d/prog presidential primary campaign and was constantly making unforced errors.
The national d/prog machine and their media allies are trying to do the same for her Presidential campaign but the national electorate ain’t a one party State like CA. Her campaign is keeping her away from opportunities to fumble/stumble. Avoiding a relatively friendly environment like the Al Smith dinner which is good natured ribbing for a good cause demonstrates how much her campaign staff fear she will make another gaffe.
Did Clyburn force her specifically? I remember it as him extracting a promise of:
1) A black female VP pick
2) A black female SCOTUS pick
I bet he was as shocked as anyone when the Dims chose this dolt.
SCOTUS was open but still a small list. VP was technically open but not really. Who else was he gonna pick Maxine Waters? Not a large number of black female prominent on the stage political figures and as I recall Harris was the single person in the ’20 primary to meet the criteria.
Plus they didn’t phrase it ‘pick Harris or else’ b/c even the backroom deals ain’t that specific. Gotta leave room for plausible deniability and of course it can’t seem as if a Presidential candidate is being explicitly maneuvered to choose one specific person as a precondition for support of the ‘Dean of the Black Caucus’.
My guess is Michelle Obama turned it down.
Well, Kamala does have a history of old black men inserting her into positions for which she is totally unqualified.
She will appear as a vision, and to the attentive faithful, will reveal the three secrets of Kamala.
But they can’t be disclosed to the public for 75 years.
Jokes aside, what’s interesting is the 75-year classified exemption to FOIA requests of presidential records was supposed to be for a tiny, tiny fraction of all the presidential records, the most secretive HUMINT stuff. The non-classified were only to be exempted for 12-years (upon specific presidential request) and the classified materials should have only remained classified for no longer than 25-years. The reality however, has proven to be something much different. We don’t even really know precisely how many records remain unavailable from the Eisenhower administration and we’re nearing 72-years from when he entered office. This subjective and mercurial lack of transparency should not be how the people’s business is conducted in a free society.
At heart, we haven’t been a free society since FDR at the latest. “Philip Dru, Administrator” was the beginning of the end.
She obviously has no chance-which is why they will rely on Dominion
Is she trying to win?
I see this as actually being *worse* than not showing up at all.
The complaint leveled against Harris is that she’s a lightweight with a chip on her shoulder in other words a person that cannot take criticism and is otherwise offended easily.
Even Felonious Von Pantsuit showed up and laughed heartily at the “Pardon” joke.
By “appearing” via zoom she is reinforcing the notion that she cannot think on her feet, cannot speak extemporaneously, cannot take a joke.
Mostly because all of those things are true.
Hillary, for all her vile evil soul
Didn’t back down from really much, except… she should have found her ovaries of steel and told the Democratic Party on 5/31/08 to shove it up their a$$ when they stole the Democratic nomination from her in the crooked rules and by law committee for the magic negro…
She totally sold what was left of her soul that day and was “promised” the Presidency in 8 years, IF she stood aside… black men always override White women and she was finding out herself that day…
It was his time, despite having paid no dues at all, not hers, not women, and that glass ceiling would have to wait.
She swallowed her vile bile and played the supportive Sec Of State. Where she murdered Gaddafi, helped further destabilize the ME, have her friend ,( cough, cough/s), our Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs. Murdered
She personally Refused all requests for help, had the military stand down…and told the world
“What difference does it make now?”
Yeah, Hillary can not believe the deal she made with the devil didn’t work out for her, and now she has done everything in her power to destroy DJT, his family, and I dare say, this nation because of it!
I hope the tape breaks down and no one sees this pathetic vision on the screen
Hillary said at one time she was not Tammy Wynette and wouldn’t “Standby her man”
And yet, Luke the abused wife, the Democrats pushed her aside for “The MAN “
She she going to do a stand up comedy routine in drag?
I just don’t understand
the harris team will tell us she is too busy attending to the war room protecting america
This will be nothing but a massive bathroom break!
They should send her a message saying we invited you, not a recorded version of you. We will not be playing your recording. Period.
After seeing that incredibly lame attempt at humor, I take back my comment. She couldn’t possibly have done more harm to her campaign by showing up.
It would be rather awesome if someone managed to replace her video with a rickroll
The. British are coming
How is this legal?
From Conservativetreehouse
The British are Coming – U.K Labour Party Sends 100 Staff to Assist Kamala Harris
October 17, 2024 | Sundance | 88 Comments
Apparently, some forms of foreign election influence are okay. According to recent reports the British Labour Party are sending their staff to the United States to run support operations in battleground states.
GREAT BRITAIN – The British Labour Party is sending approximately 100 current and former staff members to the United States to work for Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign in key swing states.
The left-leaning Labour Party won a majority in the Parliament in July, toppling the Conservative government and making Labour leader Keir Starmer the new prime minister.
In a post originally published on LinkedIn calling for more volunteers, Sofia Patel, head of operations for the Labour Party, wrote, “I have nearly 100 Labour Party staff (current and former) going to the US in the next few weeks heading to North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Virginia.”
“I have 10 spots available for anyone available to head to the battleground state of North Carolina – we will sort your housing,” she added. (read more)
GB News reported, “Confirmation of a Labour campaign push raises doubts about the Prime Minister’s previously neutral stance on the 2024 US Presidential Election.”
It is worth remembering the British intelligence operation (Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), commonly known as MI6) was at the center of the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy in 2016.
Additionally, September 27th, 2024 – British Prime Minister Keir Starmer had a two-hour dinner with President Donald Trump after the U.K leader delivered a speech to the United Nations in New York. However, intentionally unnoticed by U.S. media, the Prime Minister immediately left the U.S. following the lengthy meeting with President Trump, and never met with Kamala Harris.
The extensive discussion and dinner took place in New York, apparently at Trump Tower. There is an aspect of typical British worry woven throughout British media reporting on the meeting because U.K. Foreign Secretary David Lammy, also attended the meeting. Lammy once called President Trump a “woman-hating, neo-Nazi sympathizing sociopath.”
Sending a recording translates to I can’t be bothered.
“VP Harris will appear via a pre-recorded message,”
Heck, even Yahya Sinwar could do that.
Yeah, yeah… he could.
/Couldn’t resist
“Good evening. I am a chump and a poser. Peace out.”
— Crone-Harlot-Dunce, Harris.
As border Czar, she has very important things to do!!
Her video was pathetic and insulting, but what else is new?
what a loser! she can’t even do basic politics.
They should wheel in an old-school television on a cart and place it behind the lectern. That would be hilarious.
Camella not only a slattern and an ideological Party hack, but a coward
Her video went over like the proverbial “turd in the punchbowl.”