Harris in 2021: Columbus ‘Ushered in a Wave of Devastation’
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Harris in 2021: Columbus ‘Ushered in a Wave of Devastation’

Harris in 2021: Columbus ‘Ushered in a Wave of Devastation’

“Perpetrating violence, stealing land and spreading disease.”

In 2021, VP Kamala Harris lashed out at Columbus Day, the day we celebrate the Italian explorer for founding the New World.

Leslie has an excellent write-up about Columbus. Read it!

Harris said:

It is an honor, of course, to be with you this week as we celebrate Indigenous People’s Day as we speak truth about our nation’s history. Since 1934, every October, the United States has recognized the voyage of the European explorers who first landed on the shores of the Americas. But that is not the whole story.

That has never been the whole story. Those explorers ushered in a wave of devastation for tribal nations. Perpetrating violence, stealing land and spreading disease. We must not shy away from this shameful past, and we must shed light on it and do everything we can to address the impact of the past on native communities today.

The Sopranos‘ Columbus Day is one of my favorite episodes.

I’m Italian, and I love Christopher Columbus.

So these clips are for you, Kamala.


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I blame firewater.

“Those explorers [illegals] ushered in a wave of devastation for tribal nations [aka American citizens}. Perpetrating violence, stealing land and spreading disease.”

Seems like an apt description of the illegals Biden and Harris have brought in.

    Paul in reply to fscarn. | October 14, 2024 at 10:53 am

    Yes, Obama and his acolytes are all about punishing America for her perceived sins. Retribution is the name of the game.

    4fun in reply to fscarn. | October 14, 2024 at 10:23 pm

    They were refugees looking to expand diversity and inclusion. kameleon is just spouting racist hate and the American people should demand better.

Arguably, Native Americans are the group most deserving of reparations, as compared with Blacks, who have been getting them by the carload since LBJ’s Great Society program, including not being held accountable for crime. Decades ago I saw an exhibit at Ellis Island showing that at one time the entire country was populated with millions of Native Americans.

destroycommunism | October 14, 2024 at 11:20 am

remind everyone he sailed for spain

she needs to lose the hispanic vote by a 5-1 margin

She hates America and everything it stands for to particularly include its history and founding documents, which is eerily reminiscent of her puppet-mater, Barack Hussein Obama. I still cannot believe America allowed a person like this to be a heartbeat away from the presidency. She has ZERO cultural or familial ties to the United States. Her parents weren’t even citizens or green card holders and only lived in the country for a short period of time. Harris herself spent much of her formative years in another country. If we had a citizenship law that was more reflective of the vast majority of western countries citizenship laws (jus sanguinis rather than jus soli, like ours), Harris herself wouldn’t even be a US citizen.

    Keep in mind that Harris’ own father said she was descended from a Jamaican slave owner. I am a little surprised that this has not gotten any publicity in this election cycle.

      Paul in reply to jb4. | October 14, 2024 at 1:10 pm

      The corporate press is the propaganda wing of the Dim party. The literally had a mental retard as “POTUS” for almost four years with zero coverage, until it was time to swap that puppet for the shiny, joyful new black female one.

      Milhouse in reply to jb4. | October 14, 2024 at 5:11 pm

      She is descended from a slave owner only in the same sense that most black Americans are. Slaves often bore their owners’ children. Giving that publicity would only help her.

destroycommunism | October 14, 2024 at 11:24 am

the romanticizing of the indians who settled into america is also to blame

they were as war like as any other group and the

“they were here first” mantra has no basis for anyone with any intelligence

to give that any “legal” or emotional preference

as we are being taken over


WE CONTINUE TO PAY people to destroy this country

the blmplo faction …anyyyyy who collect any form of tax funding is being paid by the victims to destroy themselves

Dolce Far Niente | October 14, 2024 at 11:24 am

The TRULY unspoken part of this narrative is that every aboriginal tribe on the continent got their “tribal lands” by pushing out the original inhabitants.; the weaker were driven out or subsumed by the stronger and more aggressive.

They practiced rape, slavery and warfare as a matter of course, and the more abundant the riches of the land, the more violent the acquisition.

This is how human beings roll. Just because the American Indians were a Stone Age people in a lightly populated land mass when the Europeans arrived did not confer any particular set of virtues upon them.

They shared and still share all the nasty aspects of human behavior, as well as the fine ones.

Descendant-of-slave-traders said what?

Do you suppose she actually believes her own bullshit or is she just so far down the left side of the bell curve that she’s not capable?

Romanticizing pre-civilizational people has become a major academic fashion. The reality is something far different. As carefully documented in Lawrence Keeley’s book, “War Before Civilization,” indigenous pre-state people all over the world existed in an almost constant state of warfare. For example, only 13% of the pre-Columbian American Indians did not engage in wars with their neighbors at least once a year. Indian tribes like the Iroquois would torture to death captive enemy warriors. Children were not exempt as the saw marks on ancient bones reveal.

Harris again reveals her ignorance of history, archeology, economics, finance, war, statecraft … Indeed it’s hard to think of anything she’s not ignorant of. Europeans didn’t introduce violence to America, they tempered it.

As a goodwill gesture, as partial reparations for the devastation ushered in by our European ancestors, perhaps we should consider selling Manhattan back to the Indigenous peoples for $24 worth of beads and trinkets.

Silly idea, right? They would never settle for such a bad deal!

Blah, blah, blah. There are daily international flights to India, the land of your ancestors, Harris. Tickets can be purchased online.

thalesofmiletus | October 14, 2024 at 12:00 pm

Yes, those unclean White people always spreading disease and sapping the purity of our precious bodily fluids.

Columbus ushered in a wave of devastation

How so?

Opened up new world
New world called America
Waves of people come to America from Haiti
Waves of people come to America from India
Pretty soon they interbreed
One of them is named Kamala
Willie Brown discovered Kamala
Wave of devastation begins….

    Paula in reply to Paula. | October 14, 2024 at 12:34 pm

    On second thought—that was Jamaica not Haiti
    Devastation from Haiti is called Jean-Pierre

    Milhouse in reply to Paula. | October 14, 2024 at 5:17 pm

    “America” in a sense that has anything to do with Columbus refers more to Haiti than to the USA. Columbus never set foot in any of what is now the USA.

Ahh…Columbus, one of my favorite Jews!

    Milhouse in reply to traderjoe91. | October 14, 2024 at 5:19 pm

    Despite the latest alleged DNA discovery, I’m still very skeptical. I still think he was more likely Italian than anything else, including Jewish.

    (No, he could not have been both Italian and Jewish. The notion that such a thing was possible didn’t even exist until Napoleon. If he was a Jew then he was not Italian at all, regardless of where he was born or lived.)

We celebrate indigenous peoples by not delivering mail and closing banks.

Kamala, once a Marxist pig, always a Marxist pig.

The atzecs were modeling good behavior with their slave labor building the pyramids, and human sacrifices?

    Milhouse in reply to smooth. | October 14, 2024 at 5:22 pm

    The Conquistadors were evil, horrible people — and in the Aztecs they found a people a whole order of magnitude worse than them. They did the world in general, and Mexicans in particular, a favor by destroying the Aztec empire.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | October 14, 2024 at 2:17 pm

Harris in 2021: Columbus ‘Ushered in a Wave of Devastation’

As opposed to the locals who were into cutting the beating hearts out of people by the thousands for sh*ts and giggles. Yeah … great cultures …

As to the disease part … it’s funny how the retarded left never seems to remember that the Europeans had, themselves, just come under the first ACTUAL mass biological attack when the Mongols had catapulted plague-ridden bodies over the walls of Caffa and helped bring the Black Death to Europe, which killed more than a third of the population – and that was actually intentional on the part of the Mongols, unlike what happened with contact in the Americas.

destroycommunism | October 14, 2024 at 2:35 pm

todays whites are yesterdays american indian

destroycommunism | October 14, 2024 at 2:35 pm

she is confusing columbus with

P diddler

I saw an old documentary about how savage the “Native” Americans were and I realized it had to be old because they would not make such today. Number one, every person in North America came from someplace else so there are no native Americans. The things one tribe did to others are as bad as Hitler was in many instances. They kept slaves and tortured their captured enemies. They drove entire herds of buffalo off cliffs to eat just a few. They burned down forests to have more land and held religious beliefs straight out of hell. The things they did to settlers who had no idea that the land they were on belonged to anyone were horrible. Just living part-time on the land did not make Indians the owners but they massacred white people anyway some who were only passing through. Their women were one step up from a good dog and were treated like cattle. This idea that they were a noble breed with high morals is just BS.

    I will state there were tribes who did NOT practice such things. (Or at least all of them at any one time.)
    Of course, those tribes also mostly disappeared before Europeans came along.

The Europeans didn’t treat the Indians any worse than the Indians treated each other.

2smartforlibs | October 14, 2024 at 3:56 pm

Wasn’t your family involved in that

Subotai Bahadur | October 14, 2024 at 4:31 pm

It is interesting, to put it mildly. Columbus and Europeans are blamed for bringing European diseases to the Americas, diseases the natives had no resistance to. And yet, Europeans had no concept of either where those diseases came from or “germ theory” and disease resistance at all. They are held to be responsible for something that they had no concept of existing.

Europe itself has had to deal with waves of hostile foreign invaders repeatedly that have destroyed European populations, nations, societies, and cultures. Think Goths, Vandals, Mongols, and through the current day Muslims. Yet the Left has nothing to say about the damage done to Europe or any approbation against the hostile foreign invaders. Just in passing, my use of the phrase “hostile foreign invaders” which is the same description I use for what is crossing our national borders today is done with due consideration.

Those who attack Columbus, and all Europeans, for discovering [admittedly from the European point of view] the Americas envision the people there as saints living in a paradise. OK, Columbus sailed in 1492 AD. In 1487 AD in the huge Aztec civilization in what is now Mexico; the rulers performed human sacrifice [cutting the hearts out of conscious victims] on 84,000 men, women, and children as part of the periodic reconsecration of the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan. We have archeological evidence of it. Some saints, and some paradise.

As far as being “indigenous peoples”; genetics and paleontology tells us that they came from the same human root stock as all humans originating in Africa and Eurasia. There is dispute as to exactly when and how they crossed what is today the Bering Strait, but there is no doubt where they came from. There is more than a touch of my Chinese ancestry that we share.

Humans are a nasty, bloody-minded species with many subgroups rising and falling. And in the entire history of that species, there has probably not been a single year where somewhere one subgroup was not trying to [and sometimes succeeding] wipe out another.

“Indigenous People” lost that encounter with Europeans. That does not mean that it is something to be celebrated. Nor does it mean that it is a reason to hate and reject Europeans. It is/was what it is/was.

Subotai Bahadur

    Not all of Louis L’Amour’s books were westerns. One (Last Of The Breed) was written about an American pilot shot down by the Soviets over the Bering Strait. He happened to be an American Indian. And, as he evades across Siberia he interacts with the locals there – multiple observations are made about the similarity of the two people in looks and in lifestyle.

Those explorers ushered in a wave of devastation for tribal nations. Perpetrating violence, stealing land and spreading disease.

“Ushered in” doesn’t blame them individually, but asserts that they changed history in a way that had these results.

But that implies that the situation after them was different from how it was before them, and I don’t see how. Yes, after them violence was perpetrated, land was stolen, and disease was spread — exactly as it was before them, and had been for thousands of years. The scale of these things changed, but that wasn’t the explorers, it was technology. Firearms and horses enabled both Indians and Europeans to keep doing what they had always been doing, but more and faster. That’s all.

But the explorers also brought with them a civilization that was beginning to have a notion that things could be different. That humanity wasn’t doomed to a perpetual existence of nothing but violence, stealing, and disease. And that is what eventually created this great country.

The Sopranos‘ Columbus Day is one of my favorite episodes.

I love that the kid is reading Howard Zinn. He’s responsible for the fact that so many people believe all this nonsense. But the parents don’t know enough to refute his lies, they just reject him instinctively, and that’s an attitude that’s almost designed to make a teenager embrace him and his poisonous message.

Oh, for heaven’s sake, woman… go back to India, take a three-day shower to get all the American guilt off you, then STFU.

Let me just say that I have no problem celebrating Indigenous People’s Day, on two conditions:
1) It doesn’t replace any other holiday, or diminish our celebration of other’s greatness, and
2) I’m allowed to celebrate by cutting the still-beating heart out of my neighbors’ chests and sacrifice them in the fire (for certain values of “neighbor”).