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Happy XX Day! A Time to Celebrate Girls Sports and Scientific Reality

Happy XX Day! A Time to Celebrate Girls Sports and Scientific Reality

“Real Women’s Day” was born from a desire to celebrate real women, those with XX chromosomes, amidst a cultural debate over gender identity fueled by pseudoscience.

Earlier this week, I reported that the once esteemed publication Scientific American beclowned itself by claiming there was no biological difference between male and female athletes.

It seems fitting then that I join the celebration of XX Day.  “XX Day,” also known as Real Women’s Day, is celebrated on October 10th because, in Roman numerals, it’s the 10th day of the 10th month, or “XX.”

October 10th has become a beacon for those highlighting the biological essence of womanhood, specifically focusing on the XX chromosome pair.

Spearheaded by athlete-turned-activist Riley Gaines, XX Day was born from a desire to celebrate real women, those with XX chromosomes, amidst a cultural debate over gender identity fueled by pseudoscience.

Gaines is spending this particular XX Day by targeting Nike, a woke company that has bought the pseudoscience nonsense that was shamefully promoted in Scientific American.

In my analysis of the differences in men’s and women’s physical capabilities, I cited the sport of archery.

Physicality may be one advantage testosterone gives, but it isn’t the only one. My sport, archery, usually separates men and women for tournaments. This is because men’s longer arms and more upper body strength allow them to shoot higher arrow speeds. Higher speed leads to higher scores because higher arrow speed means less wind interference and more forgiveness for form mistakes.

I have decided to spend the day practicing with my coach for an upcoming tournament.

As always, I will continue the celebration year-round, defending real science.


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Dolce Far Niente | October 10, 2024 at 3:20 pm

How pathetic it is that we need to have a day to celebrate cold hard reality.

gonzotx | October 10, 2024 at 3:23 pm

Reilly Gains has finally been making gains ( no pun intended) supporting women over fake “ Things” , it’s truly gaining ground with teams refusing to play with a trans on a rooster!

And no where are the so called women’s groups

Just like Sharia, just in it’s existence abuses and murders women, these so called women’s rights groups are absent , missing in action…

Terrified, paid off, I don’t know, but they would rather a girl be murdered in an “honor” killing them to stand literally for all women’s rights


gonzotx | October 10, 2024 at 3:24 pm

NOW.. lol this phone

rhhardin | October 10, 2024 at 4:01 pm

XX is 20 not 10

Great ad! And for me, it sparked a question:

Why is “cultural appropriation” an absolute no-no, but “gender appropriation” is now seemingly not just acceptable but something to be celebrated?

    Sanddog in reply to Brian. | October 10, 2024 at 5:04 pm

    Because it only has a negative impact on women.

    Flatworm in reply to Brian. | October 10, 2024 at 5:55 pm

    Forget consistency, it’s Calvinball. The only consistent rule of the Woke is that they’re the ones who get to make the rules.

    In the end, is not about racial equality or gender equality. It’s not about LGBT rights. It’s not about open borders or rent control or gun safety or climate change. It’s about power. For them.

henrybowman | October 10, 2024 at 4:13 pm

I have to say the advance promotion for this event was lacking. It’s half over before I even learn about it. Whereas, our society practically posts “Advent calendars” in advance of Pride and Black History months. Thank you, unbiased media!

E Howard Hunt | October 10, 2024 at 4:38 pm

I celebrate REAL women on Double D Day.

I’m holding out for XXX day.

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