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Faculty at Mount Holyoke College Told to Report ‘Misgendering’ and ‘Incorrect’ Pronoun Use

Faculty at Mount Holyoke College Told to Report ‘Misgendering’ and ‘Incorrect’ Pronoun Use

“misgendering creates a hostile environment”

Telling people to snitch on each other never ends well. Has anyone at the school studied any history?

The College Fix reports:

Mount Holyoke tells faculty to report ‘misgendering,’ ‘incorrect’ pronoun use

Mount Holyoke College rolled out a new directive this fall that requires faculty to report “misgendering, deadnaming,” or using “incorrect” pronouns for individuals on campus.

The directive came from a Sept. 4 email, shared on X, from the Massachusetts college’s administration regarding its recently created Compliance Department.

“It is the expectation of the College that faculty report when misgendering occurs,” the email from Assistant Vice President for Compliance Shannon Lynch and Provost and Dean of Faculty Lisa Sullivan stated.

Faculty has a responsibility to do so “as mandated reporters at the College,” Lynch and Sullivan wrote.

In Massachusetts, mandated reporters are individuals “who, as a result of their profession, are more likely to be aware of abuse or neglect” and “are required by law to report cases of suspected abuse” of children, people with disabilities, and elderly individuals to authorities, according to the state Health and Social Services website.

At the private college, the administrators wrote that faculty should report to the college when “misgendering creates a hostile environment.”

Faculty also should tell administrators when a student reports being “deadnamed,” a term referring to someone calling a transgender person by their given name after the person changes their name to match their “gender identity,” according to the email.

Furthermore, faculty must report if a student “has been subject to incorrect use of their pronouns,” or “mispronouning.”

Additionally, they must report if “there is an open mocking of [the college’s] pronoun policy or an individual’s choice of pronouns,” according to the email.

The email noted that the new directives come in response to the Biden administration’s overhaul of Title IX, which included redefining the word “sex” to encompass “gender identity.” Title IX is a federal law that prohibits schools from discriminating on the basis of sex.

Lynch and Sullivan said in their email that “Title IX regulations expanded to include misgendering, deadnaming, and mispronouning as prohibited acts.”


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Good grief, people. Walk away.

“misgendering creates a hostile environment”
Nowhere near as hostile as constantly harping and nagging people about it.

“Additionally, they must report if “there is an open mocking of [the college’s] pronoun policy”
Go ahead and put in on my Permanent Record, bitchez.
(This is absolutely a slam dunk 1A and MA constitution violation.)

And those morons wonder why their enrollments are dropping faster than Nancy Pelosi’s facelift…..

Morning Sunshine | October 13, 2024 at 8:14 pm

on my (women’s) college alumnae facebook pages, there is a lot of flack given to Bryn Myer college – a women’s college that has re-iterated that they are only for women – “assigned at birth” AND ” currently identifying” as such.
The vocal anti-support is active, but not large, based on the number of “likes.” Of course, there is no record of “dislikes” or objections to this because that would be hate speech and is taken down (I have seen it) by the mods.
Meanwhile, Bryn Meyer is suddenly a school I would consider sending my daughter to – if I could afford it! But I know that I am not the only women’s college alumna who supports this action, vocal detractors aside.
Just because this trans fad is loud and active does not mean that they are a majority.

    In my 40 years teaching in colleges (including teaching and advising at Radcliffe, one of Bryn Mawr’s competitors) the story on Bryn Mawr was that if you sent your daughter there, you should expect her to return a lesbian.
    Now, you can send your daughter there and find out her roommate is a transgender lesbian Dude. So she can call herself a lesbian while she’s actually shacking up with a Dude. All of this with the blessing of Bryn Mawr, of course. Strange place!

      Morning Sunshine in reply to OldProf2. | October 13, 2024 at 10:24 pm

      oh, I am well aware of the lesbian bent to women’s colleges, I expect that is not limited to Bryn. But at least at Bryn Mawr, there are no dudes pretending to be women. or women pretending to be men. But at any of the other remaining “women’s colleges” – that is not the case.

      moot point for me and mine – we cannot afford such a college, and unlike my situation where my parents were so far BELOW the poverty line that I had grants galore, my kids do not have that option.
      And, more important, I do not think a college degree currently has a decent ROI either financially or academically or socially or spiritually, so I am not encouraging that route for any of my 5 homeschool children.

Years ago Mount Holyoke was considered to be an expensive but highly competitive college. It now is an expensive college with a 48% acceptance rate. Amherst, its coed neighbor, has an acceptance rate of 7 – 10%.

Notice they don’t care about the hostility shown to non-believers in the trans religion.

Mt. Holyoke is the alma mater of the recently deceased Maryanne Trump Barry. (And of my mother and sister).