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Emhoff’s Ex-Girlfriend Speaks Out: ‘He Slaps Me So Hard I Spin Around’

Emhoff’s Ex-Girlfriend Speaks Out: ‘He Slaps Me So Hard I Spin Around’

“In that moment, his mask had dropped and I saw his dark side.”

Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff’s ex-girlfriend spoke to The Daily Mail, confirming the story about him hitting her at an event in Cannes.

The woman, who The Daily Mail refers to as “Jane,” came forward due to the media portraying Emhoff as a loving husband and feminist.

She told the publication:

‘I had already planned and paid to go to this event, and he was already invited, so I went ahead and brought him,’ she said.

She described the trip as a ‘fairytale’ at first. She mingled with A-list celebrities at the May 24 event, dressed in a red ball gown with Emhoff in a dapper tuxedo.

But she said it turned into a nightmare at around 3am when they joined a long and chaotic line for a taxi outside the Hotel du Cap event venue in Antibes to return to their lodgings in a neighboring town.

‘I decided I’m going to go up to the valet and give them 100 bucks, to get out of this line,’ Jane said.

‘I put my hand on the valet’s shoulder and tell him, with my $100, could you please get me a car as soon as possible.

‘As I’m talking to him, Doug got out of the line, comes up, turns me around by my right shoulder. I’m completely caught off guard, I’m not bracing, I’m in four inch heels, wearing a full-length gown and it’s between 2-3am.

‘He slaps me so hard I spin around, and I’m in utter shock.

‘There had been no fight, no argument. It had been a completely fantastic event. I am so furious. The only thing I could think to do was slap him back. I slapped him on one side, and on the other cheek with the other hand.

‘In that moment, his mask had dropped and I saw his dark side,’ she added.

‘All of a sudden the car is there, the valet is ushering me in.

‘I intended to go back to the hotel without him. So I was shutting the car door, but he forced his way into the car, which I did not want.

‘It’s dark. I don’t speak French, my friends we’re with are off having an amazing time. I’m embarrassed and humiliated that, this amazing experience turned into this violent spectacle.

‘I can’t believe he just slapped me. I think I said to him in the car, ‘What the hell is wrong with you? Why did you do that?’ And the only thing I could get out of him was he thought I was hitting on the valet.’

“Jane” also confirmed she called her businessman friend in New York after the abuse:

‘This was the first time I saw Doug’s ugly side,’ Jane said. ‘I was in shock. I wanted somebody to know where I was, and what happened. I was freaked out because I thought I knew this person. But I don’t, and he’s in the car with me.

‘I also wanted Doug to see me on the phone telling somebody.’

Emhoff also acted “weird” before the dinner:

‘We went outside and sat on the loungers,’ Jane said. ‘I’m in a bikini. He wanted to take a picture of me. I didn’t think anything of it.

‘Later on he sent me a couple of pictures. The picture he took of me did not include my head. I was like, ‘Where’s my head?’ And he was just giggling about it like a pubescent boy.

‘It was gross and I felt so humiliated. In retrospect I believe he was intentionally objectifying me to diminish me. That’s the kind of person he is.’

Beginning of the Relationship

“Jane” and Emhoff met on when she lived in New York and he resided in Los Angeles. They first met in New York, but he brought his son Cole to the first date.

“It was an odd request for a first date, but I also felt bad that his son was walking around the city waiting for his dad to finish his date,” she said. “So I agreed. In retrospect, it should have been a red flag.”

The it became more uncomfortable:

Jane said their relationship consisted of ‘an intense few months’, with Emhoff discussing marriage and children after just weeks.

‘He flew me to Los Angeles in April [2012]. I stayed in his home for a week. The entire time, he was alluding to marriage and having children with me,’ she told

‘He was totally love-bombing me. He grabbed me round the stomach and talked about wanting more babies.’

Jane said that less than a month into her relationship she got a lucrative job opportunity in the UK, and Emhoff gave her the impression he was willing to leave his family behind.

‘He was really pushing me to pursue it, and he seemed like he was willing to come with me to London,’ she said. ‘He was ready to uproot, even though he had a family, and he had a child still in junior high school.’

“Jane” said she had an “impression Emhoff still felt a debt to his ex.” She brought it up when she visited him in 2012.

Emhoff spilled everything:

‘We were in Santa Monica. He was driving his fancy car. And so I just straight out asked him: ‘I feel like you’re on the back foot in the divorce, like you’re trying to make up for something?’ she said.

‘All I did was ask him one question, and he told me the whole story. Without skipping a beat, and staring straight ahead at the road, he tells me he had an affair with his daughter’s teacher and that subsequently she claimed that she was pregnant. He’s telling me this very casually like it’s no big deal.

‘He yelled at her. He never said he hit her, but he said he got really angry with her, and she subsequently claimed that whatever he did caused her to lose the pregnancy.

‘He said she got a lawyer and was threatening litigation. I was flabbergasted. And I was taken aback by how matter of fact he could talk about it.

‘He tried to minimize it. He said there was no proof that the woman had become pregnant. He tried to make it seem like she was scamming him.

‘To be honest, I wanted to believe him at the time, because by all appearances this was turning into a serious relationship.

‘I had just met both his children, his parents and many people he worked with at Venable. But I did harbor reservations after this.’

“Jane” also said Emhoff told her about the $80,000 payoff to the nanny and made her sign an NDA.


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And unfortunately, nothing will come of this

    JR in reply to gonzotx. | October 24, 2024 at 7:45 pm

    Well, at least Trump never slapped any women. He just sexually abused them. Which, from what I gather here on LI, is much less serious than slapping someone.

    “Despite Carroll’s claims that Trump had raped her, they noted, the jury stopped short of saying he committed that particular offense. Instead, jurors opted for a second option: sexual abuse.

      steves59 in reply to JR. | October 24, 2024 at 9:46 pm

      LOL. You’re really hittin’ them out of the park tonight, f*ck-knuckle!
      Any a-hole who lent any credence to that pestilent dingbat Carroll’s accusations is literally too dumb to breathe on their own.

    diver64 in reply to gonzotx. | October 25, 2024 at 6:20 am

    Why would it? I believe her as much as I believe that chick who is accusing Trump of groping her. Unless there was a police report at the time it’s just another unproven allegation of something that happened decades ago so can not be proven or dismissed.

E Howard Hunt | October 24, 2024 at 11:06 am

This woman really favors the amazing present tense. Doug obviously has a taste for brainless street meat.

None of this matters, they are stealing this election and that is just the plain truth

We are so screwed

“We know this for a fact because Krebs, Chris Wray, and CISA COMPLETELY OMITTED the fact that the Iranian regime successfully breached one state’s voter roll database and used the names, Social Security, and Driver’s License numbers to fill out UOCAVA or overseas ballot registrations

This tiny fact was omitted from Kreb’s report, and Chris Wray and DOJ Chief Bill Barr ignored it!”

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to gonzotx. | October 24, 2024 at 11:34 am

    None of it matters because it is between this woman, Emhoff, and Mrs. Emhoff. A story hardly worthy of a scandal sheet.

      gonzotx in reply to The Gentle Grizzly. | October 24, 2024 at 12:11 pm

      It’s does matter because it talks of the quality of character

      This Jewish man in. Name only who impregnates a many , forces an abortion and beats a woman

      irishgladiator63 in reply to The Gentle Grizzly. | October 24, 2024 at 12:48 pm

      It matters. This is someone the administration and the campaign hold up as an example of how to treat women. He himself proclaims it. Exposing that hypocrisy is good whatever his connection to Kamala.

      Frankly I think he’s a perfect example of a liberal man. Use women for sex, beat them if they don’t comply, make them abort the baby if they get pregnant. Make them sign an NDA. Talk about how awesome you are to women. Nothing will ruin his fun. He’s scum. I want him nowhere near the White House or having any influence on policy.

inspectorudy | October 24, 2024 at 11:19 am

He said that men and women are equal and she disagreed.

rhhardin | October 24, 2024 at 11:23 am

I’m on good terms with all my ex-girlfriends, which I put down to picking girlfriends.

NotCoach | October 24, 2024 at 11:31 am

Beware the male feminist.

George S | October 24, 2024 at 11:43 am

Men should never hit women — no excuse. Except in an Olympic boxing match.

Wade Hampton | October 24, 2024 at 12:23 pm

This is marriage is nothing more than a sham, a show piece to “humanize” Kamala. I will wager that within a year of her losing the election, they will be separated or divoriced.

destroycommunism | October 24, 2024 at 12:30 pm

kamala said

uhh,,why do you think I married him????

TargaGTS | October 24, 2024 at 12:51 pm

This is an interesting development and potentially quite unflattering for the Second ‘Gentleman’…

I wonder if he ever slapped Kamala around…what a nightmare for the Secret Service. One is reminded of Hillary throwing an ashtray at Slick Willie while he was the sitting POTUS. What a mess. Can you see Emhoff walking into a State Dinner while Hail to the Chief is playing? The Dems are unworthy of any of it.

So he spins her round?

Yes, I’m a bad man.

destroycommunism | October 24, 2024 at 2:22 pm

so lets get this straight

women are considered to be weaker than men
but must be paid equal in jobs that require the same physical needs/demands that a man must live up to…but she cant do ,yet she is to be paid equal and given the same respect?

so in combat sports there are stated weight divisions ( not always but the state commissions wont allow anything less …the original ufc is proof of that)

so then how can we expect a 110lb female to defend herself from a much larger male?

yet the very same people say that a transman to a women is not an issue

but those same people would say that a male ( not including many who they favor) must be given longer jail times for these actions

or that a female who r apes///assaults “Willing” males is not as guilty as the male who does the same to his “willing” female

but THAT female cant be willing b/c we have to pretend that young women are not as interested in s ex and are more easily coerced by males

whereas young male are actually willing participants that the female cant be ( by their double standards)

it canttt be both ways

either we do the equality thing or we dont

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | October 24, 2024 at 2:44 pm

“Bitch set me up!” — standard Democrat response.

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