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Elon Musk Rallies in Pennsylvania: ‘Everyone Needs to Focus on Registering’ to Vote

Elon Musk Rallies in Pennsylvania: ‘Everyone Needs to Focus on Registering’ to Vote

His next event will be Friday, October 18th, at 7:00pm. 

The richest man in the world, Elon Musk, went on the stump this Thursday in Pennsylvania. He wasn’t promoting Tesla or reaching Mars. Instead, he was rallying for something more important—voter turnout in the 2024 election.

At the town hall event, Musk urged them to get their friends and families registered to vote. “For the next three days everyone needs to focus on registering friends, family, acquaintances.. everyone you know!” He went on to emphasize that anyone not registered by Monday evening would miss out on voting, adding that the outcome of this election could come down to just a few people. He urged everyone to treat this weekend as a crucial opportunity to focus on voter registration.

“I haven’t been politically active before. I’m politically active now, because I think the future of America and future of civilization is at stake”

Elon signed a hat for an adorable little boy and then he was able to get on stage with Elon for a photo.

Elon of course made the audience laugh. Especially when answering if he thinks “there’s a shadow government behind the Biden-Harris administration?”

Here’s the full video

His next event will be Friday, October 18th, at 7:00pm.


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I would campaign if I were him to, the Marxists will try and make his life as miserable as possible if they win.
Not sure if fraud will win out in Pennsylvania or not. If it’s not a blow-out and the race isn’t called for Trump by 1am as in 2016 that means the Marxists will be delaying and pulling votes out of car trunks and hacking the numbers.

    jb4 in reply to Skip. | October 18, 2024 at 2:02 pm

    My concern is that we see something like the recent election in Venezuela. It is startling to see Musk out like this. Being foreign born and with major business operations all over the place he probaby has a better perspective of the world than almost anyone and nothing to gain. In fact, eliminating EV mandates probably will hurt Tesla. He must really believe what he is saying, that “this election, I think, is going to decide the fate of America.”

Peter Moss | October 18, 2024 at 2:09 pm

There is a lot wrong with the world right now and it’s sometimes difficult to see the remarkable things that are happening for all of the bad.

I personally think that Donald Trump would have been one of the founding fathers if he lived in the 1770s.

I think that Benjamin Netanyahu is every bit Israel’s Winston Churchill.

And somehow we live in the presence of a renaissance man that is in equal parts Leonardo da Vinci, Nicola Tesla, and Alexis de Tocqueville – Elon Musk. That he’s the world’s richest man is entirely beside the point.

The Cold War was won by the triumvirate of Reagan, Thatcher and Pope John Paul II and was a remarkable thing to witness.

Let’s hope and pray that we’re on the cusp of another dawn.

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