DeSantis to Harris: ‘I’m Working With the President’ Regarding Milton
“I’ve been dealing with these storms in Florida under both Trump and Biden. Neither of them ever politicized it.”

On CNBC’s Squawk Box, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was asked about VP Kamala Harris’s criticism of him supposedly not taking her phone calls.
DeSantis didn’t hold back:
I am working with the president of the United States. I’m working with the director of FEMA. I’m marshaling all my state assets. We’ve been doing this now nonstop for over two weeks between Helene and this, and so if there’s anything I can leverage to benefit my people, I’m going to do it. The fact of the matter is they put out a story saying, I didn’t even know she was trying to reach me but she has no role in this process.
I’ve been dealing with these storms in Florida under both Trump and Biden. Neither of them ever politicized it. And in fact, all the storms I’ve dealt with under this administration, although I’ve worked well with the president, she has never called in Florida. She has never offered any support. So what she’s doing is she’s trying to inject herself into this because of her political campaign. So as the governor here who’s leading this, I don’t have time for those games. I don’t care about her campaign, obviously I’m not a supporter of hers, but she’s not — she has no role in this process. And so I’m working with the people I need to be working with. We’re leveraging the resources I need to be leveraging. And for her to try to say that my focus should be on catering to her rather than worrying about my own people, just shows she doesn’t understand what it means to respond to these natural disasters.
NEW: Governor Ron DeSantis torches Kamala Harris after Biden refused to defend her when she blamed DeSantis of politicizing the hurricane.
DeSantis said Harris has never once offered support during her time as VP.
“I am working with the president of the United States. I'm…
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) October 10, 2024
Even President Joe Biden has been undermining Harris, who has been trying to be the president in every situation since she “won” the nomination at the convention in August.
Biden insulted Harris two days in a row, boasting about his talks with DeSantis and praising the governor.
It’s been glorious.
NEW: Biden counter-programs Kamala Harris and says Gov. Ron DeSantis is doing a great job just hours after Harris said he was doing an awful job.
This is crazy.
As Harris was on The View slamming DeSantis, Biden told reporters he gave DeSantis his cell phone number because he…
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) October 8, 2024

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It is nevertheless a political gotcha.
Goffman wrote,, on a similar topic, that the speaker who says he has torn up his prepared speech in order to speak to you extemporaneously, has torn up the wrong speech.
“Biden insulted Harris two days in a row.”
It would not be an insult if Biden were simply stating facts in evidence, which I think he is doing.
And just because I think Biden is as incompetent as he is corrupt, that doesn’t mean that his statement isn’t accurate.
But if it gets Harris down to winning just a handful of deep blue states losing to Trump in a landslide loss, I’m good.
“Well, I come from a middle-class family where we’re very proud of our lawns…”
…so we don’t like hurricanes destroying them. I’m against hurricanes, and when I’m president I’ll propose a law banning them.”
“Hurricanes must pay their fair share!”
And just how does one go about extracting tax money from the world war II fighter plane?
She’s stupid, incompetent, and worse, she’s just a bad politician.
The first hurricane was her golden opportunity to act like she was engaged from the start and be seen as a ‘leader’, and blame the bad response on Biden screwing things up but she could ‘fix’ it as long as she was in charge.
But she screwed that up by waiting days to even pretend to care.
And now to make things even WORSE, she tried to do it for THIS storm, only reinforcing the fact that she’s only doing because she looked so bad after the first one.
The correct political play would have been to say that she’s not involved because Biden has been in charge of everything, and he’s screwing it up just like the last one.
Instead she’s chosen the worst possible course of action.
She’s just SO BAD AT THIS.
She’s evil
DeSantis is such a good governor
It’s sad he listened to some very shady people
Hard to get rid of the stink
Tomatoe juice will not work
Republicans use potatoe juice.
Why do you hate Irish Jews Henry?
She was asked outside of Air Force 2 I believe by a reporter and then on The View again tried to trash DeSantis. It’s only fair he blistered her backside on both Hannity and MSNBC. Harris was so desperate to inject herself into the hurricane where DeSantis rightly said she has no role to play that she showed up at a Biden press conference on the hurricane.
No media for months and suddenly The View, Colbert (where she drank a beer and demonstrated her 7 accent this one Jamaican), Stern, Call Me Daddy podcast and now the hurricane. Boy is she panicking with the latest polls.
Most of us here in Florida who has been in numerous hurricanes, focus on the preparation prior to it making landfall, during the time it passes and reconstruction after it leaves. Any politician like this little girl who is the vice president popping in for a sound bite is basically given the middle finger by most of us here. In our neighborhoods we watch out for one another and assist one another because we truly know the drill of a Hurricane. Harris is an interloper and not of us and quite frankly, we don’t care that she grew up in a middle class family.
Harris doesn’t wear well. Her practiced hand gestures and little head nods as she speaks — trying to sound relevant — mixed with her word salad verbiage drives me to distraction. Four years of her in the White House — no way.
Yeah, her mannerisms drive me crazy. Of course after serving 3.5 years with Biden, her smiling and nodding starts to make sense. People do that with very small children or the mentally infirm.
There’s a saying that when you take a shot of the king you better not miss. She left Joe Biden alive, looks like she’s going to regret that. He may just bury her campaign just to get a little bit of revenge. That’d be the one thing I’ve ever agreed with that old pedophile about
Biden AND Trump are still alive.
She’s so screwed.
It’s looking like that. Biden is driving the knife in on a daily basis it seems. I wonder if it’s him being spiteful for being kicked to the curb or if he just know what he is doing.
This is why DeSantis will be viable in 2028, Remember that loser Christie hugging Obama when touring the Jersey Shore and inspecting the homes of ultra multi-millionaires who sustained damage during Hurricane Irene. Christie shoved a knife in the back of poor Romney through his escapade. DeSantis, on the other hand, took a hard shot at Kamala Harris. Good for him. That is how it is done, Christie.