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College Enrollment Among White Students Dropping Faster Than Other Groups

College Enrollment Among White Students Dropping Faster Than Other Groups

“Since 2018, enrollment among white undergraduates has dropped by 19 percent across all sectors, compared with 11 percent among Black students.”

Doesn’t this conflict with everything the left has been telling us for years?

The Chronicle of Higher Education reports:

Where Are the White Students?

For more than a decade, college officials have watched their incoming classes steadily shrink, nudging them closer and closer to an enrollment cliff that experts say campuses could be tumbling off in the next year or two.

Civil-rights advocates, higher-education officials, and politicians have long tussled over how best to boost the college-enrollment rate for students of color and reconcile with the sector’s racist past. With affirmative action now banned and diversity efforts being dismantled, much of the recent national focus has been on how to legally keep the doors open for students from underrepresented minority groups and make sure they have the tools to succeed.

But in a twist that’s caught even some demographers by surprise, it’s the white students colleges have typically relied upon to fill their seats whose numbers are plummeting the fastest.

Over the last decade, undergraduate enrollment of white students has dropped more than that of any other racial group, according to federal data, a Chronicle analysis, and several outside experts. The effects continue to be felt in college classrooms.

Since 2018, enrollment among white undergraduates has dropped by 19 percent across all sectors, compared with 11 percent among Black students. The drop in white enrollment is nearly three times the almost 7-percent decline among college students overall, according to Doug Shapiro, executive director of the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center.

The disparity has significantly worsened since the pandemic, as minority enrollment has begun to stabilize while white enrollment continues to slide.

The extent of the shift snuck up on many demographers. “White enrollments were declining even before the pandemic across all sectors,” Shapiro says. “We didn’t really notice it until the last couple of years. When the pandemic started in 2020, we were focused on race and ethnicity and the large declines in Black and Hispanic enrollments,” especially at two-year colleges.


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For their entire lives they’ve been told they are the root of all evil and that there is no hope. Now they are avoiding giving time and money to the people who want to tell them more of the same.


Schools in the U.S. are not healthy for children and other living things — from pre-K through grad school.

Subotai Bahadur | October 31, 2024 at 3:26 pm

OK, looking at it rationally it makes less and less sense for anyone who is not a Leftist Approved Protected Class [LAPC] to seek a higher education in the current system.

If you are NOT a LAPC:

1. Your standards to enter a school are higher than a LAPC.

2. Once there, a LAPC is more likely to receive financial aid and the terms of that aid are likely to be less onerous for the LAPC. (grants and scholarships -v- loans)

3. While in school, the functional academic and conduct standards that have to be met by a NON-LAPC are likely to be higher than for a LAPC.

4. If you are a NON-LAPC both LAPC students and the school administration are pretty sure to discriminate against you because of your supposed white/christian/jewish/male/straight/conservative/western culture privilege (choose all that may be applied) that is deemed to have historically oppressed all LAPC’s regardless of reality.

5. If a NON-LAPC and you or your property are attacked in anyway by a LAPC; you will be automatically deemed the aggressor and punished legally or administratively, and the LAPC’s will be deemed the victims.

6. Once you graduate, in the politically correct world of modern business you will be hired and promoted AFTER LAPC’s regardless of accomplishments or lack thereof.

7. Unless you are in a STEM field where they cannot avoid counting accomplishments over Protected Class status, the incentives to endure the extra work for lesser rewards just are not there. You get more of what you systematically incentivize and less of what you systematically punish.

Subotai Bahadur

“If you can speak Spanish, you’ll get hired ahead of anyone who graduates first in his class at any medical school.” This was said to me casually in ~2002, in Montgomery County, MD, by a well established doc.

This was years before anybody had ever heard of Obama.

“Se habla español” is on virtually all ads for attorneys in Montgomery County, MD and many American cities.


If you interact with the public, you’re more useful to your employer if you speak Spanish. Duh

And yet Spanish is not required almost anywhere. Certainly not any American colleges

Imho this is just one way that you know that your best interests are not the priority of Americas education system.

So, do it yourself.

Theres really no excuse for an American child to be unable to reach C1 Spanish proficiency – certainly by age~20.

There are afterschool programs
There are weekend programs
There are internet programs
There are summer programs
There are homestay exchange programs.
There are Gap Year programs post-h.s.
And of course college in Puerto Rico or Latin America

These white kids are a credit to my race.
White Pride, baby!

The decline in (belittled, demonized, discouraged whites is true, and important. However, this misses a point that is at least as key: the decline is in white MALES.
Females continue to be a Protected Class, to be celebrated as victims (strike up the violins, por favor), to be deserving of preferences…and it is not white FEMALES who are not the priority of the American education system.

    OldProf2 in reply to Philosopher1. | November 1, 2024 at 3:14 pm

    Female high-school graduates are 50% more likely to go to college than male high-school graduates. The college where I taught has to beat the bushes for male applicants to keep from becoming more than 60% female.

Don’t Go To College
Authors: Michael J. Robillard, PhD, & Timothy Gordon, JD
Year: 2022

The College Scam
Author: Charlie Kirk
Year: 2022
Author: Alicia Warren
Year: 2024

Why Are You Still Sending Your Kids to School?: The Case for Helping Them Leave, Chart Their Own Paths, and Prepare for Adulthood
Author: Blake Boles
Year: 2020

The Case Against Education: Why the Education System Is a Waste of Time and Money
Author: Bryan Caplan
Year: 2018

The Teenage Liberation Handbook (Third Edition): How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education
Author: Grace Llewelyn
Year: 2021

Inside American Education:
The Decline, The Deception, The Dogmas
Author: Thomas Sowell, PhD
Year: 1992

Jaundiced Observer | November 1, 2024 at 3:34 pm

Maybe they’re wising up to the college grift and choosing blue collar or technical jobs that pay well and don’t leave them in six-figure student loan debt.

That way they can afford to “forgive” the loans given to others.

    What a concept, right?

    (1) Learn a useful skill,
    (2) Get experience
    (3) Be a good employee.
    (4) Go out on your own. (optional)

    Isn’t this the way it’s always been done ?

    And if you ever decide that you need to learn more about something, well…… guess what—you can hire somebody either in-person or on-line.

    Or take a class.

    Or read a book.

    What a concept.

Remember COVID-19? When colleges forced their students who paid their tuition but were required to take classes online from their form rooms? There are better post-secondary alternatives for white and black students than a large university or liberal arts college education that saddles young people with six-figure debt service when they are only 22 or 23 years of age.

STEM programs are rapidly developing and are everywhere. Large industrial manufacturing corporations like GM, CAT, MMM, etc., offer operational training programs out of high school and a straight path to employment with great compensation and NO DEBT.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Ghostrider. | November 2, 2024 at 8:04 am

    That last part about general motors in 3M and other companies offering these programs is great news to me.

    Regular readers of this website know that I’ve been touting the return of the apprenticeship program for many years. This is a variation on that theme and I think it’s wonderful.