CNN’s Scott Jennings: ‘A Lot of Men Think Democrats Care More About Dudes Who Want to Become Women’
“And no hunting cosplay or cringey videos is going to change it. The bet is made.”

On CNN’s State of the Union, Republican strategist Scott Jennings made the panel gasp with a dose of reality.
“A lot of men think Democrats care more about dudes who want to become women than dudes who just want to be dudes,” stated Jennings.
He’s not wrong. The media and the left try to blame misogyny for VP Kamala Harris’s low ratings with men.
The campaign has tried to reach out to white men. VP candidate Gov. Tim Walz failed miserably this weekend while pheasant hunting.
Jennings continued:
It was a rough week. I mean, her faves are down, they’re struggling with it, I mean, the front page of the New York Times this morning. Democrats struggling with African American voters, particularly African American man. This gender gap issue is real. It’s a real problem. And you see the Democrats reacting to it. And I think what they are now finding in October, the election coming to realize is that a lot of men think Democrats care more about dudes who want to become women than dudes who just want to be dudes. And no hunting cosplay or cringey videos is going to change it. The bet is made.
Working class men, whether you’re black, hispanic or white, persistently, consistently do not believe the Democratic Party and specifically Kamala Harris are going to do a thing for them. They’ve been told that they’re the problem, and I suspect they’re going to rise up on election day until the elites who told them that you’re wrong.
Me, on Harris’s problems w/ working class men of all races on @cnn: “Alot of men think Democrats care more about dudes who want to become women than they do about dudes just wanna be dudes. No amount of hunting cosplay or cringy videos is gonna change it. The bed is made.”
— Scott Jennings (@ScottJenningsKY) October 13, 2024

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We don’t reject her because she’s a woman.
We reject her because she’s a communist.
And this so-called “strategist” should be pointing this sort of thing out, along with the fear that Harris as president would mean four more years of terrible domestic and foreign policy.
Well, even is she wasn’t a communist, the stupidity would still be a problem.
The ‘bed is made’….CNN just wet it to ruin I’ll bet..
>>CNN’s Scott Jennings: ‘A Lot of Men Think Democrats Care More About Dudes Who Want to Become Women’<<
Gee, and I wonder where that came from. Perhaps the Biden regime's pursuit to put gender benders into positions of authority wherever they could.. You know, like Admiral (4-Star) Rachel Levine in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. Or Sam Brinton in the Department of Energy.
Based on the reaction of the other panelists, Dems obviously, I wonder if that might have been one truth bomb too many for CNN? Will they fire Jennings now?
Oh no, they won’t fire him. But Jennings will now be expected to complete a rigorous course of re-education and indoctrination so as to never repeat his errors again.
He gets a bunk in Jordan Peterson’s re-education camp tent.
Jennings probably delivers 30% of CNN’s audience. I tune in every so often to see him.
His name is Dick.
Or Michelle Obama.
Her biggest problem is not only does she want more trannies and boys in female restrooms but she let the cat out of the bag when she said she wouldn’t do anything different from Biden. We have all seen the disaster of the last 4yrs both foreign and domestic. That’s the problem, she thinks it has been a roaring success.
Probably b/c the media has amplified the feminist nonsense that the d/prog have championed for decades. No matter what it’s always the fault of a Man or Men in general or the ‘Patriarchy’. Women, until very recently, weren’t ever wrong or to face blame/criticism. That changed with the shift to ‘trans’ and CRT/DEI.
‘White’ women are no longer an equal partner at the diversity dinner. Especially straight/Cis white women. Suddenly many of them are discovering the dangers of discrimination when they are no longer quite as protected a class as they used to be. Many men have long since figured this out and now our ‘black, brown and asian’ brothers are doing the same, particularly those who still work outside or with their hands. They are tired of being unappreciated, reviled, overtly discriminated against to the point a mass online movement of women decided they would prefer to face a bear in the woods than a man.
This all started over thirty years ago in the public schools. Boys were diagnosed with ADHD or hyper activity. Dosed with drugs. All in an attempt to promote young girls into STEM. 30+ years later here we are. If President Trump wins the first order of business is to eliminate the Dept of Education. 2nd is to destroy the teachers unions. FKH
Actually, I think the Ritalin craze was because by that time, few teachers had ever seen a live, normal boy. And those few who had just didn’t want to deal with them. Hence the “medical” intervention.
lefty still working on making the look of a rocket gender bend into a Y
One little nit to pick:
“dudes who want to
becomePRETEND TO BE women”The key in all of the gender-bending lunacy is that it is PRETEND. That has to be driven home every single time this deranged stupidity is discussed in any way. No man can ever “become” a woman. He can only pretend to be a woman … and if he can pretend well enough, through surgery, makeup, etc., to fool a normal man – and he does, in a serious way – then he had better understand that he might well be in for a a very non-pretend, justified violent reaction.
Dems are freaking out: Kammie is desperately trying to shore up her Blue Wall while Trump is taking the fight everywhere–even blue Colorado and NYC.
They were never going to win the red states. They’ve found the breaking point of swing states and some blue states too.
Hopefully they’ve broken it bad enough that Trump can beat the cheat.
Well Scott, what you say about them ignoring males is just truth. All of us know it regardless of race, color or creed.
Democrats want their slaves back with interest. We’re going to say screw you with hopefully enough of a win that the cheat can’t fix it for the democraps.
“A lot of men think Democrats care more about dudes who want to become women than dudes who just want to be dudes”
Seriously, no jokes intended; what is it in the media or political world in this country that even hints that the Democrats and their leaders even farther to the Left do NOT hold that belief and are not trying to force it on everybody?
Subotai Bahadur