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CNN’s Harry Enten Says Kamala Harris in ‘Danger Zone’ Over Voter Worry About Direction of Country

CNN’s Harry Enten Says Kamala Harris in ‘Danger Zone’ Over Voter Worry About Direction of Country

“The bottom line is it looks a lot more like a loser than it does like a winner when it comes to the country being on the right track.”

CNN data analyst Harry Enten threw up another red flag for the Kamala Harris campaign this week when he noted the number of people who believe the country is headed in the wrong direction.

As Enten points out in the video below, there is some history on this topic and he looks at different election years where this was a factor.

FOX News reports:

Harris campaign is in ‘danger zone’ as Americans worry about country’s direction, says CNN data guru

CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten noted on Friday that it would be unprecedented for Vice President Kamala Harris, representing the incumbent Democratic Party, to win the presidency considering so few Americans believe the country is on the “right track,” according to recent polling.

Enten pointed to polling showing that only 28% of Americans currently think America is on the right track and noted that this is close to the average rating when the party in power loses major elections.

“You‘re very much in the danger zone when we‘re looking at that right track, wrong direction number, that’s where Democrats are right now,” the data reporter declared.

Enten explained the predicament, noting both the historical average percentage of Americans who believe the country is on the right track when the incumbent party loses an election – 25% – and the average percentage in the same category when that party retains power via an election, which he revealed was 42%.

He spelled out to viewers that the current 28% right track number is much closer to the rate that is present when the incumbent loses…

Summarizing the data, he declared, “This to me is a bad sign for Kamala Harris’ campaign. The bottom line is it looks a lot more like a loser than it does like a winner when it comes to the country being on the right track.”

Watch the clip below:

This NBC News report is from just a few days ago:

Two-thirds of voters say the country is on the wrong track ahead of the 2024 election

Two in 3 voters say the country is on the “wrong track” as voters weigh whether Vice President Kamala Harris or former President Donald Trump would be better able to change that less than two months from Election Day.

The latest NBC News national poll finds 65% of registered voters surveyed this month say the country is on the wrong track, while 28% say it’s on the right track.

The figure is one of the “warning signs” for Democrats ahead of November, said Democratic pollster Jeff Horwitt of Hart Research Associates, who conducted the poll along with GOP pollster Bill McInturff of Public Opinion Strategies.

This is precisely why Democrats and the media have been trying a paint a picture of Kamala Harris as new and not the incumbent.

Featured image via Twitter video.


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“Kamala Harris is in Danger Zone.”

Harris is not in danger. Trump is the one who is in danger. They are doing everything under the sun to eliminate him.

America and the future of our children are in a Danger Zone. That’s why we need to elect Trump.

But … but … First Asian Jamaican Black Female President! Unburdened by what has been! Kraft durch Freude!

scooterjay | October 5, 2024 at 11:40 am

KH cannot win.
A squeaker would be tough to explain, a landslide for Harris is not going to happen and a Trump landslide that is highly probable would leave egg on too many faces.
KH can only eliminate, and the third time will be both the charm and the ignition.

I would not put much faith in that. Just for comparison: in 2012 the Won has similar right-direction-wrong-direction numbers (28% right 50% wrong in this poll) and easily crushed the hapless Mitt Romney:

It’s true that Romney was a genuinely lousy candidate (I would say the worst the GOP has ever barfed up, but John McCain has that honor locked down for eternity). But we did not have the truly staggering levels of voting fraud we now enjoy back then, so fraud cannot explain Romney’s cratering like he did.

I believe the answer is that the country is much different than it was even twelve years ago – and not for the better. While many will vote for Harris-Walz because of the government freebies they will get, there are millions of others who have abandoned humanity and joyfully embraced assassination, mass incarceration, sexual exploitation and mutilation of children, abortion, gangbangers and drugs flooding across the southern border, mass spending on wacky overseas ventures like Ukraine, surging antisemitism, and a burgeoning race war courtesy of the Communist Party. How can you possibly reason with such individuals?

Voting fraud aside, if the current polls are to be believed (a risky proposition) about 43-48% of the country seems to be fine with attempts to jail and even murder Trump and other “racists”. A healthy – or even semi-healthy – political climate would see Biden*, Harris and the Communists get trounced at the voting booth next month. But that will not happen even if the vote were 100% squeaky clean.

The history of right-direction-wrong-direction polls seem to indicate that are largely meaningless.

We have a disconnect between Enten’s wrong-track-right theory and current polls which indicate a close race. Either the polls are defective, or his theory is wrong. One has to believe that Trump is the exception where the voters believe we are on the wrong track, yet will vote for the incumbent party. I think the polls are defective. Trump is popular, but could lose because of cheating. The closeness of the polls functions to prepare us for a Trump loss. I don’t trust the polls or Enten. Anyone of integrity could not work for an outfit like CNN or any of the other MSM. The NYT comes in as the worst in my book. A history of false reporting going back at least to Duranty. The NYT should just change its name to “Pravda” and be done with it. I know people who won’t believe anything until they read it in the Times. For most of the people in my tribe, NYT is their book of Job.

gonzotx | October 5, 2024 at 1:20 pm

We don’t need no damn polls

TargaGTS | October 5, 2024 at 5:02 pm

My wife & I went to a child’s 1st b-day party in suburban ATL today, the area that Trump struggled with in GA in 2020. It was in a sprawling development and we didn’t see a single Harris sign while Trump/Vance signs were plentiful.

I really don’t know what to make of these polls. I don’t understand how Gallup can be showing GOP +3 (the 1st time that’s happened in decades) in a poll that has a tremendous track-record for accuracy while most other mainstream pollsters are showing Harris leading by 2-points or more. Somebody is going to be very, very wrong in a few weeks.

BigRosieGreenbaum | October 5, 2024 at 6:20 pm

I’d like to know who those 28% are that think we’re headed in the right direction.

How much transparency do the pollsters give? Do any of them provide the raw data, and the subsequent processing together with the modeling assumptions? I suspect absolutely none. The usual excuse: “that information is proprietary.” Now where have we seen that excuse before? Answer: Theranos, one of the biggest medical device frauds of all time. Do any of these pollsters submit to an independent audit? Again I suspect none. The response rates for these polls is generally less than 5%. How would the other 95% have responded? Response bias is the achilles heel of the political polling industry. The industry tries to cope with this problem with “imputation,” a statistical technique used to fill in missing data in surveys. This provides the opportunity to fiddle, and get the answer you want. Of course the pollsters could just make up the data.

One has to be pretty gullible to take political polls seriously.

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