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Chemistry Students at Kennesaw State U. Told There’s No Need to Learn Names of ‘Dead White Dudes’

Chemistry Students at Kennesaw State U. Told There’s No Need to Learn Names of ‘Dead White Dudes’

“I don’t care if you know the name of all of these different equations”

The Democrats are having a hard time understanding why men are fleeing the left. This is why.

The College Fix reports:

No need to learn ‘dead white dudes’ names’: chemistry lecture at Kennesaw State University

Students studying chemistry at a public university in Georgia were recently instructed that it is unnecessary to memorize the names of various laws named after deceased white, male scientists.

Lecturer Rebekah Cordeiro told her chemistry class Oct. 2 that, under her pedagogy, she does not prioritize learning the names of laws named after white men because it “doesn’t matter,” according to an audio clip of the comment provided exclusively to The College Fix this week.

“The last few minutes of class I am going to talk about a bunch of different laws,” Cordeiro said. “OK, um, here’s the thing about the way that I am going to teach this, it’s a little bit different from the slides and the textbooks, is that — I don’t care if you know the name of all of these different equations.”

“I am not going to ask you, ‘Which one is Boyle’s Law?’ ‘Which one is Charles’s law?’ Because I don’t think it’s very important for you to know all these dead white dudes’ names like that, it doesn’t matter,” she said. “What matters is the relationship between the variables, that you understand the relationship, and that you can use these laws in the math.”

Listen below:


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destroycommunism | October 27, 2024 at 2:48 pm

they are correct

just like with madame currie

the left will change history to be herstory and all the lies will be in place

The Gentle Grizzly | October 27, 2024 at 3:06 pm

I read the first sentence of this article, and knew the lecturer had to be a woman.

I’ve stated this thought in past threads, both here and elsewhere. Within the next 5 to 10 years, a serious American students will be going overseas for their education. Note, please, that I said serious students.

Decolonize the sciences!

AfroChemistry at Rice Univ.


Halcyon Daze | October 27, 2024 at 4:24 pm

” . . . all of the history of a nation or a people before Year Zero would be largely deemed irrelevant, because it would ideally be purged and replaced from the ground up.”

CincyJan | October 27, 2024 at 4:47 pm

Doesn’t knowing the names help with remembering the law??? Don’t the names act as a category where the details are stored? Is it really easier to remember the details on their own? I don’t think so ..

    henrybowman in reply to CincyJan. | October 27, 2024 at 5:37 pm

    I actually find this to be true the older I get. These long-forgotten names practically bubble up out of nowhere. I was having a discussion about an electrical problem a fellow RVer was having, and found myself about to say, “Kirchhoff’s Law says,.,” Well, I couldn’t tell you off the top of my head exactly what Kirchhoff’s Law says, but now that I have the name I can easily look it up and proceed with the rest of the discussion.

henrybowman | October 27, 2024 at 5:33 pm

I don’t know who created this formula… but it’s got what plants crave!

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