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‘Bust Him in His Mouth’: MSNBC Tries to Normalize Calls for Violence Against Trump Twice in One Week

‘Bust Him in His Mouth’: MSNBC Tries to Normalize Calls for Violence Against Trump Twice in One Week

“[Kamala Harris] needs to bust him in his mouth. I’m saying it like that because he’s dangerous. He’s dangerous to particular people.”

One would think that after two assassination attempts in a two-month timeframe that Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers would cool it a bit with the incendiary rhetoric, but it just wasn’t meant to be.

Twice in one week, two different MSNBC personalities have tried to normalize calls for violence against GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, with one of them outright suggesting that it should be Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris committing the violence.

On Monday, Princeton Professor Eddie Glaude was in full-blown meltdown mode on Nicolle Wallace’s “Deadline: White House” program to the extent that his fellow panelist, former Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) had to step in and calm him down:

“This man is running around here busting his chops, scaring the hell out of communities, and we’re trying to figure out how to keep that middle locked in on [Vice President Kamala Harris] when she needs to bust him in his mouth,” Glaude said. “I’m saying it like that because he’s dangerous. He’s dangerous to particular people … We got to keep this troglodyte out of office because if he comes in, our babies are gonna be in danger because, remember, we know children are gonna grow up with the memory of having to not go to school for the threat of bombs, and somebody told them that their moms and dads eat cats and dogs. I’ll get myself together, Claire.”

“Okay, take a minute. Deep breath,” McCaskill said.


And on Tuesday night after the vice presidential debate, MSNBC anchor Joy Reid discussed how there were Democrats who wanted someone to “get up there and give a knuckle sandwich to Donald Trump.” While Reid herself didn’t call for it, she didn’t condemn the Democratic base’s desire for a “fist fight,” either.

The context was how she thought Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz won the vice presidential debate because he allegedly conducted himself with “civility.” Here’s what she said:

“Tim Walz was very detailed and he spoke the way a governor speaks about really specific issues like gun violence, like health care. He was substantive and knowledgeable, so if you are that person who the thing that is keeping you on the fence is you need more details, he gave you more details.”

She continued, explaining that the base of the party prefers to see a brawl between the two candidates, and their preferred leader taking it directly to Trump with heavy blows.

“No. 2, I don’t think that small narrow group of people wanted to see a fist fight. And so, I think that the people who want the fist fight are the base of the Democratic Party.”

“Democrats want to see someone get up there and give a knuckle sandwich to Donald Trump,” Reid also said.


Amazingly, the same Democrats and media who told us after the 2011 assassination attempt on then-Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) that we needed to cool it on the use of words like “crosshairs” has been strangely silent after Glaude’s rant and Reid’s candid assessment of what the Democrat faithful would like to see happen to Trump.

Go figure.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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Because nitrogen Hypoxia sends the wrong message…

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to rduke007. | October 3, 2024 at 5:53 pm

    You seem to have this thing about nitrogen hypoxia; it has been in comments in several threads.

    Do you attend executions in Mississippi and Alabama for amusement or something?

destroycommunism | October 3, 2024 at 5:14 pm

they are the hamasholes we have been warned about

destroycommunism | October 3, 2024 at 5:16 pm

by saying “protecting babies”

it means not allowing them to be born in the first place


Peter Moss | October 3, 2024 at 5:34 pm

The only troglodyte I see is that bald headed woman barking at the camera like a rabid dog.

Let’s hope that Harris’ loss is as epic as it appears to be right now because watching this guttersnipe on November 7th will be must see TV.

TargaGTS | October 3, 2024 at 5:50 pm

If someone had said this about Barack Obama – even today – that person would not have a job by close of business and would be unemployable in the media for years, probably decades. And, it wouldn’t make a difference what network they worked for. There is ZERO percent chance Fox News would tolerate that kind of language from anyone.

CommoChief | October 3, 2024 at 5:51 pm

I really hope election night coverage has a repeat of the teary eyed wokiestas, downcast and dejected as Trump/Vance and the down ballot GoP deliver a resounding victory.

gonzotx | October 3, 2024 at 5:52 pm

These bastards, absolute bastards

BREAKING: Former Mesa, CO Clerk and Gold Star Mother Tina Peters Sentenced to 9 Years in Latest Political Persecution

    alaskabob in reply to gonzotx. | October 3, 2024 at 6:11 pm

    The intent is the crush any opposition. The exposed nail is not hammered… it is sledgehammered. Intimidation, followed by fear and then terror to maintain control. Note the venue for the sentencing… Colorado. I guess D.C. was too far away.

    destroycommunism in reply to gonzotx. | October 3, 2024 at 9:39 pm

    yeah read that

    they wanted to convict people over “the lie” that hunters laptop was even hunters lap top let alone what it contained

    they are for censoring the truth which she sought to expose to the world but it takes bravery and investigations

    she is a patriot

IMO, given her remarks, Joy Reid needs a visit from the Secret Service or FBI.

I’ve been reliably informed that culturally apropriating other race traits for your own vanity is bad – even dangerous.

Arnoldn | October 3, 2024 at 7:00 pm

Princeton Professor Eddie Glaude completely lost me when he said, “….because if he comes in, our babies are gonna be in danger because, remember, we know children are gonna grow up with the memory of having to not go to school for the threat of bombs ….” I get that DJT is not everyone’s cup of tea but just what is he talking about? Professor – how about basing your arguments on the record of President Trump’s first term in office? Otherwise you come across as someone with a severe case of TDS.

Antifundamentalist | October 3, 2024 at 8:00 pm

In FL they are taking a “zero-tolerance” policy regarding threats of violence against Public Schools, sarcasm and obvious jokes are not considered an “excuse” – so they are tracking down and arresting 13-year-olds. After two assassination attempts, and goodness knows how many credible threats, seems to me that it’s time to take the same stance on threats against presidential candidates.

Mrs Emhoff needs to slap him in his mouth.

Yeah, because she can’t depend on her husband to do it. He’s only used to slapping women around.

2smartforlibs | October 3, 2024 at 9:31 pm

I understand AA hires never have to study like the rest of us but she might want to shut her overused mouth and look up Title 18.

Another argument against “soylent green”.

guyjones | October 3, 2024 at 10:40 pm

The vile Dhimmi-crats are unabashed and brazen totalitarians and Maoist/Stalinist thugs. It makes perfect sense that these reprobates have gleefully aligned themselves with goose-stepping, genocidal, Jew-hating, Christian-hating and Hindu-hating Muslim supremacists, Islamofascists and terrorists.

They will come after us once they’ve got Trump out of the way. Prepare yourself for prosecution for thought crimes.

inspectorudy | October 4, 2024 at 12:43 am

I hate to say it but shining the spotlight on trash like Reid helps her keep her odious job. The number of msnbc viewers is so small that without outside help, no one would know she exists. Scum like her count on their obnoxious rants being picked up and re-aired by legitimate sources. It is called being a shock jock and that is their stock in trade.

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