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Biden on Trump: ‘We Got to Lock Him Up. Politically Lock Him Up’

Biden on Trump: ‘We Got to Lock Him Up. Politically Lock Him Up’

WHAT: Thinks he has a right under the Supreme Court ruling on immunity to be able, if need be, if it was the case to actually eliminate, physically eliminate, shoot, kill someone who he believes would be the threat to him.

President Joe Biden told an audience that former President Donald Trump needs to be locked up.

A Biden administration official responded: “For better or worse, no one is listening to him anymore and his words have little power and less reach. It’s a blip. Gone in any meaningful way by mid-day tomorrow if it makes it that long.”

Are you serious?

Anyway, I thought these statements weren’t allowed. Biden sort of caught himself at the end, though.

Biden also claims that Trump wants to shoot and kill people:

He is talking about doing away with the entire department of Education. He’s talking…he means it not. This is not a joke. This is the guy who also wants to replace every civil servant, every single one.

Thinks he has a right under the Supreme Court ruling on immunity to be able, if need be, if it was the case to actually eliminate, physically eliminate, shoot, kill someone who he believes would be the threat to him.

So I know this sounds bizarre. It sounds like I said this five years ago. You’d lock me up.

We got to lock him up. Politically lock him up.

How is no one listening to the President of the United States? I mean, we already know he is a puppet, but sheesh.

Again. The official said “no one is listening to him anymore.”


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Peter Moss | October 22, 2024 at 6:45 pm

You want to see the French Revolution Part II – Decapitation Boogaloo?

Because this is how you do it.

This jerk needs to go away.

REDACTED | October 22, 2024 at 6:47 pm

it will be interesting to see if Joe wants to try the untested theory of a president pardoning himself

and if Trump’s DOJ challenges Joe’s post election pardons, citing incompetence.

I’m kinda thinking he wont take this route and will step down and allow Kamala to do the dirty work

this will satisfy his massive ego and will put to bed the challenges

xleatherneck | October 22, 2024 at 6:54 pm

This wretched excuse for a human being shouldn’t be saying stuff like this when he’s so close to meeting his maker…..

What a fu*king retard. Somebody slap the dentures out of this deranged old cu*ts mouth and stuff Corn Pop’s co*k in there… he’ll suckle it like a baby on a tit and will finally, for once in his life, shut the fu*k up.

JohnSmith100 | October 22, 2024 at 7:27 pm

I think we all want to see incompetence and dead weight rooted out, that is essential to Making America Great Again. We also need to bring Dem deplorables, criminals to justice.

“Lock her up” yelled Trump at hundreds of rallies. But of course, typical Trump, he did nothing.

    The comment of a chump. Yes, Trump did nothing. He could have easily jailed her. Next will you claim the fine people hoax is true? You’re seriously off your rocker. It’s a pathetic showing. Embarrassing. Are you Liz Cheney?

    scooterjay in reply to JR. | October 22, 2024 at 10:45 pm

    Don’t worry, little buddy…I upvoted you so you wouldn’t feel so lonely, but I still disagree with you.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to JR. | October 23, 2024 at 4:44 am

    It looks to me like Trump is going to win, Dems know that Trump will be doing a lot, and that they will have to bend over an take what they have coming. Then you will come out from under your rock, moaning and bellyaching.

    steves59 in reply to JR. | October 23, 2024 at 7:27 am

    A post made by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

CommoChief | October 22, 2024 at 7:44 pm

Since Admin folks declare ‘no one is listening to him (Biden) anymore’…who is performing the unitary executive duties and responsibilities of POTUS? Jill? Is Hunter helping out? A backroom cabal similar to the one which forced him to step out of accepting the d/prog nomination?

Remember this about Clinton? It applies to Biden and even a commenter here. Watching the effects of TDS, a pathology worse than covid.

“Trump accuses Clinton of having “tremendous hate in her heart.””

2smartforlibs | October 22, 2024 at 9:01 pm

What happened to the peaceful transition of power these pucks have cried about for 4 years. This looks dictatorial to the world.

Aarradin | October 22, 2024 at 9:20 pm

You can’t dismiss this as the ravings of a senile imbecile given that Democrats have weaponized the federal government to literally lock up Donald Trump and have been trying to do so, in a variety of cases that are still in progress, since 2015.

    henrybowman in reply to Aarradin. | October 23, 2024 at 1:24 am

    “Thinks he has a right under the Supreme Court ruling on immunity to be able, if need be, if it was the case to actually eliminate, physically eliminate, shoot, kill someone who he believes would be the threat to him.”

    And yet, isn’t it strange that all the bullets have been flying in the opposite direction.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Aarradin. | October 23, 2024 at 4:49 am

    Their attempts to do Trump I tells how afraid they are. They should be, karma is catching up with them.

He is talking about doing away with the entire department of Education. He’s talking…he means it not. This is not a joke. This is the guy who also wants to replace every civil servant, every single one.
Hey pedo joe, you didn’t need to sell me even more on voting for Trump. I’ve already put my ballot in the drop box.

Off topic but interesting.

Amazing. Loretta Lynch — the Obama AG whom Bill Clinton tried to secretly meet with in the middle of a DOJ investigation into Hillary — is now working for China’s largest drone company.

Everyone can see Lynch’s court filing on behalf of CCP’s DJI here:

Jimmy Quinn
Oct 21
New: Obama-appointed attorney general Loretta Lynch is representing DJI, a U.S.-designated Chinese military firm, in its lawsuit against the Pentagon.

In a statement to National Review, @EliseStefanik accused Lynch of

scooterjay | October 22, 2024 at 10:50 pm

Joe is liable to pull the trigger himself and claim insanity, but no one will listen to him.

“For better or worse, no one is listening to him anymore and his words have little power and less reach. It’s a blip. Gone in any meaningful way by mid-day tomorrow if it makes it that long.”

OMG! WTF! Madre De Dios! So whose in charge? Who gives the launch code in the event of a nuclear attack? POTUS as the Commander and Chief has sole authority to order a retaliation. If POTUS is so incapacitated that he cannot perform the basic duties of his office, then he needs to be removed. NOW. Are you listening Congress?

“He is talking about doing away with the entire department of Education.”

Yeah, So? BFD. Reagan wanted do away with DOE, but the clown show we call the GOP wouldn’t cooperate. Education has always been a local matter, and left to the states. Nothing radical, but it Biden’s compromised state, he thinks it’s a big deal.

He is officially in charge of the country. He is the one who should have been sent to pasture about 3 1/2 years ago as unfit to run the country.
Who let him out in public anyway?

diver64 | October 23, 2024 at 6:52 am

“He is talking about doing away with the entire Dept of Education”. Hey, I’m already voting for Trump you senile old pervert. No need to sell me.
I hope Trump will do away with the Dept of Ed and send the money back to states to run it themselves. It is another of the useless government bureaucracies created to provide a home for over 4,000 civil servants and spend $80 Billion a year as political payoffs to cronies.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | October 23, 2024 at 6:27 pm

There’s no such phrase “politically lock him up”. It is completely meaningless … because Traitor Joe said exactly what he meant – “lock him up”. But this is not news. Everyone knows that all of the lunatic and ridiculous cases against Trump have come from the White House. No democrat would even take a step in this direction without having first gotten permission and help from the White House on it.

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