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Anti-Israel Student Protesters Storm Administrative Building at U. Minnesota

Anti-Israel Student Protesters Storm Administrative Building at U. Minnesota

“Members of the University’s Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) chapter organized the demonstration, protesting the University’s protest policies and investments in Israel and arms companies”

Students at the University of Minnesota stormed the school’s main administrative building, Morrill Hall, on Monday, demanding divestment from Israel. The school’s board of regents voted against such a measure over the summer.

The groups involved in this action read like a who’s who of the radical left: Students for Democratic Society (SDS), Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), and Young Democratic-Socialists of America (YDSA). Arrests were eventually made.

The Minnesota Daily reports:

Pro-Palestine Protesters occupy administration building, arrested

Police arrested roughly 11 pro-Palestine protesters who occupied and barricaded a University of Minnesota administration building early Monday evening. A Minnesota Daily reporter wearing a press vest was also briefly detained.

University of Minnesota police and Hennepin County officers came through the building’s east entrance at about 5:45 p.m. A crowd of protesters had congregated outside the building’s west entrance, by Northrop Mall.

A SAFE-U emergency alert at 4:40 p.m. said protesters restricted access to the building and damaged University property, advising those still within Morrill Hall to safely exit the building if possible.

Protesters barricaded the building with metal tables and chairs, bike racks, wooden pallets and locked the doors with bike locks around 4 p.m. after marching from a rally outside Coffman Memorial Union…

Members of the University’s Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) chapter organized the demonstration, protesting the University’s protest policies and investments in Israel and arms companies…

The University reached an agreement in May with the University of Minnesota Divestment Coalition, consisting of SDS, Young Democratic-Socialists of America (YDSA) and Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) to disclose its investments in Israel. The University recently committed to sponsor tuition for three Gazan students in the spring semester.

More from CBS News:

The protest is organized by the group UMN Students for a Democratic Society, which is calling on the university to divest from companies that support Israel — which the Board of Regents declined to do in August following weeks of pro-Palestinian demonstrations on campus.

Officials say the protesters are “causing property damage and restricting entrance and exit from the building,” and they’re advising people inside to “safely exit” the premises immediately if possible.

Here’s a local video report:

The police finally moved in.

The students who are doing this at this school and others are disrupting campus and imposing chaos on all the other students who are trying to study and get an education. It is way past time to begin expelling people.

Featured image via YouTube.


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CommoChief | October 22, 2024 at 10:09 am

Any bets on whether these goons will face serious charges v the ‘authorities’ choosing to minimize this episode?

Free Trump ad.

MarkSmith | October 22, 2024 at 10:51 am

If I was paying for my kids school, I would pull my funds.

rebelgirl | October 22, 2024 at 11:16 am

Send the battle-tested and ready Governor Walz in to take action!!!!


    irishgladiator63 in reply to gonzotx. | October 22, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    “Roughly 11.”

    Though from the way the sentence reads, they could have roughly arrested them.

    “Police arrested roughly 11 pro-Palestine protesters who occupied and barricaded a University of Minnesota administration building early Monday evening.”

JohnSmith100 | October 22, 2024 at 12:49 pm

Tear gas and rubber bullets, these punks need to suffer immediate pain. Then they might learn something.

Leaders should be banned outright, others a one year expulsion.

If they are citizens, deportation. and permanent ban.

Schizophrenics – how do you count them?

MrMichael | October 22, 2024 at 4:41 pm

Please stop pushing the lie that these are “Protesters”. These people are not demonstrating to raise awareness. They are not there to cause an inconvenience to get attention. They are committing criminal acts in order to effect change. They are terrorists, or terrorist wannabes.

I’m against slavery. The university administrations are against slavery, I’m sure. Yet they invest in companies from Nations that still practice slavery. Have you noticed that there are no criminals causing damage and harm trying to get the universities to divest from pro-slavery nations? Only communist and socialist organizations using the excuse of the plight of terrorists are committing criminal acts to force their viewpoint on universities.

They hold no special moral status. They are not protesting. They are criminally causing harm in order to get their way. That kind of action has a name. If we are afraid to use it, it will only escalate.

Terrorists. Or, if you want to be less strident… terrorist wannabes.

It’s a hoot to. see all of the gay flags at a rally for Palestine. If there is a measure for these mope’s confusion about reality, that is it.

And the young lady with the megaphone, oh boy, she’s a shrill one. I feel sorry for anybody in her world. It must be painful.

Capitalist-Dad | October 23, 2024 at 9:10 am

Antifa, BLM, and now terrorist-cheering thugs—all Democrat Party blackshirts are proliferating.

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