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Zelensky: Trump ‘Will be on Our Side’ and ‘He Will Support Ukraine’

Zelensky: Trump ‘Will be on Our Side’ and ‘He Will Support Ukraine’

“And really we had very productive, I think good meeting.”

Sorry to the left and media.

It sounds like Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and former President Donald Trump had a very productive meeting.

Zelensky seemed satisfied with the talk:

ZELENSKYY: “And really we had very productive, I think good meeting. It was very important for me because before I came to New York I said that I have to strengthen my country now, it’s very challenge you period. And we need the answers, that we need the answers from the United States because you are the leaders in support of the very beginning of the war and for me, it was very important to share our steps, steps in our plan of victory, what can really strengthen us to be strong on the battlefield. Even after battlefield, we understand. Even in any kind of future negotiation, Ukraine has to be strong. And that’s what about we spoke with Biden, Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, and Congress of the United States. I don’t know what will be after elections and who will be the president because your country, your people right, extremely right that they decide who will be the president, but I’ve got from Donald Trump very direct information that he will be on our side, that he will support Ukraine and there are so many–“

Trump met with Zelensky in New York after he met with VP Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden.

Afterwards, Trump praised Zelensky:

“We’re going to work very much with both parties to try and get this settled,” he said, claiming he could negotiate a peace deal even before he gets inaugurated Jan. 20.

Following the meeting, Zelensky expressed openness to the idea of the US leading negotiations, but stressed that Putin has to be pushed out of Ukraine.

“We need to do everything to pressure him to stop this war and he is on our territory,” he said. “That is the most important [thing] to understand.”

“US is the leader. US is the leader of support. US is the leader in the world. And of course we really value the support of the United States,” he added.

“And of course we understand that the United States can be the leader through any negotiation.”

Zelensky also invited Trump to come to Ukraine, to which the former president responded: “I will.”

Trump said he “learned a lot” from his meeting with Zelensky, but reiterated the war should never have “happened” and promised to “get it solved.”

“We want to have a fair deal for everyone,” Trump said, but repeated that it was too early to say what such a deal might look like.

Zelensky recently trashed Trump and VP candidate Sen. JD Vance in a New Yorker article.

He also visited an ammunitions factory in Pennsylvania where he signed artillery shells going to Ukraine.


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Best thing to do for all involved is to help them negotiate the best peace deal they can.

Peter Moss | September 28, 2024 at 8:24 pm

Two things that I’d like to see in a second Trump administration:

1) Resolve the war in the Ukrainian. Not one more cent in funding. Find out where all that money went and get as much back as possible. (I suspect a lot of it is in Fairfax, Prince George’s Counties, etc.)

2) Get the equipment back we left behind in Afghanistan. Give the Talban a month to arrange it otherwise we (fill in the blank).

JohnSmith100 | September 28, 2024 at 8:29 pm

We should support Ukraine in principle, just no more material support, and no more graft for our crooked politicians.

UnCivilServant | September 28, 2024 at 8:31 pm

Z – You should be arrested as a material witness regarding multiple major corruption cases. Then tried for butchering your people in a pointless bid to protect those corrupt officials from exposure.

End the war.

hey dude .. news flash
Trump is on America’s side
and the gravy train with biscuit wheels is going to stop.
no more money laundry…

Z shoulda never listened to Tori Nuland

but it’s too late now

he coulda had a fair deal but now he’s gonna get a bad deal

I don’t really care what he does as long as it isn’t on our dime

Z is a worm

He’s destroyed his country, murdered his people.

This never needed to happen

By the way

Look at these number so

In less than 4 years, Kamala has relocated almost 5% of the entire population of Haiti to the United States, and 6% of the populations of Honduras and Nicaragua.

These countries are so dangerous that the U.S. State Department has Travel Advisories warning Americans not to go there—yet Kamala is resettling them HERE…

JohnSmith100 | September 28, 2024 at 9:22 pm

Israel and Taiwan are more deserving than Ukraine.

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