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Zelensky Trashes Trump and Vance, Signs Artillery Shells in PA

Zelensky Trashes Trump and Vance, Signs Artillery Shells in PA

Oh, the Biden administration flew Zelensky to Pennsylvania, a battleground state, on a U.S. Air Force C-17.

You know that if Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came to America, trashed VP Kamala Harris & Gov. Tim Walz, and signed artillery shells, the left’s heads would explode.

I wouldn’t like it if Netanyahu did it, and I surely don’t like it that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky did precisely that this weekend.

Zelensky is in America to address the United Nations. The media and the left (but I repeat myself) jumped at the chance to pamper him with attention and love.

Oh, the Biden administration flew Zelensky to Pennsylvania, a battleground state, on a U.S. Air Force C-17.

Gah, I hate that I feel this way since I’ve held Ukraine close to my heart since 2014. Oh, well.

Zelensky sat down with Joshua Yaffa of The New Yorker and criticized former President Donald Trump and VP candidate Sen. JD Vance.

Zelensky will present his “victory plan” to President Joe Biden, Harris, and Trump.

Well, Zelensky had some harsh words for Trump and Vance:

During the Presidential debate, moderators asked Trump whether he wanted Ukraine to win against Russia, and he sidestepped the question. He just said, “I want the war to stop.” It must have troubled you to hear his answer and to consider the prospect of his winning.

Trump makes political statements in his election campaign. He says he wants the war to stop. Well, we do, too. This phrase and desire, they unite the world; everyone shares them. But here’s the scary question: Who will shoulder the costs of stopping the war? Some might say that the Minsk Agreements either stopped or froze the fighting at some point. But they also gave the Russians a chance to arm themselves even better, and to strengthen their fake claim over our territories they occupied.

But isn’t that yet more cause for alarm?

My feeling is that Trump doesn’t really know how to stop the war even if he might think he knows how. With this war, oftentimes, the deeper you look at it the less you understand. I’ve seen many leaders who were convinced they knew how to end it tomorrow, and as they waded deeper into it, they realized it’s not that simple.

Apart from Trump’s own reluctance to talk about Ukrainian victory, he has chosen J. D. Vance as his Vice-Presidential candidate.

He is too radical.

Vance has come out with a more precise plan to—

To give up our territories.

Your words, not mine. But, yes, that’s the gist of it.

His message seems to be that Ukraine must make a sacrifice. This brings us back to the question of the cost and who shoulders it. The idea that the world should end this war at Ukraine’s expense is unacceptable. But I do not consider this concept of his a plan, in any formal sense. This would be an awful idea, if a person were actually going to carry it out, to make Ukraine shoulder the costs of stopping the war by giving up its territories. But there’s certainly no way this could ever happen. This kind of scenario would have no basis in international norms, in U.N. statute, in justice. And it wouldn’t necessarily end the war, either. It’s just sloganeering.

Zelensky loosened up on Trump a tad, saying he never encountered a Vance-like attitude with Trump.

“I should say that it hasn’t been like this with Trump,” said Zelensky. “He and I talked on the phone, and his message was as positive as it could be, from my point of view. ‘I understand,’ ‘I will lend support,’ and so on.”

Zelensky used the “domino effect” our past leaders used to justify going into Korea and Vietnam. You know, if this country falls to communism, then the whole area falls and communism everywhere.

Zelensky said:

[Vance and others who share his views] should clearly understand that the moment they start trading on our territory is the moment they start pawning America’s interests elsewhere: the Middle East, for example, as well as Taiwan and the U.S. relations with China. Whichever President or Vice-President raises this prospect—that ending the war hinges on cementing the status quo, with Ukraine simply giving up its land—should be held responsible for potentially starting a global war. Because such a person would be implying that this kind of behavior is acceptable.

I don’t take Vance’s words seriously, because, if this were a plan, then America is headed for global conflict. It will involve Israel, Lebanon, Iran, Taiwan, China, as well as many African countries. That approach would broadcast to the world the following implicit rule: I came, I conquered, now this is mine. It will apply everywhere: land claims and mineral rights and borders between nations. It would imply that whoever asserts control over territory—not the rightful owner but whoever came in a month or a week ago, with a machine gun in hand—is the one who’s in charge. We’ll end up in a world where might is right. And it will be a completely different world, a global showdown.

Here’s Zelensky watching Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro signing artillery shells for Ukraine. He also signs the shells.


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ChrisPeters | September 23, 2024 at 3:08 pm

Let’s just hope Trump wins . . .

. . . and Zelensky regrets this stupidity.

Maybe the REAL victory plan would be to stop funding Ukraine. I believe that Russia is the invading aggressor in this case, and I very much believe the Ukrainians have a right to national sovereignty, but this war is looking more and more like a money pit that will never by itself result into a return to the borders that were in place before hostilities began.

healthguyfsu | September 23, 2024 at 3:18 pm

Z has a lot of nerve asking who will pay the cost when the US has been footing the vast majority of the bill for years.

    Quartermaster in reply to healthguyfsu. | September 24, 2024 at 6:18 am

    The price in blood has been paid by Ukraine, not the US. That, by far, is the bulk of the price.

      jhkrischel in reply to Quartermaster. | September 24, 2024 at 8:50 am

      Why are we paying to kill more Ukranians and Russians? If we hadn’t bought Ukraine as a vassal state, Russia would have bought them and way fewer people would have died.

      Sailorcurt in reply to Quartermaster. | September 24, 2024 at 10:43 am

      And your point is???

      Ukraine got invaded, not Mississippi. Seems to me that the burden of defending a country should rightly fall upon the shoulders of…that country. I should send my kids and grandkids to die for Ukraine for what reason exactly? So the corrupt politicians in DC can keep feeding at the trough of corruption in Ukraine? No thanks.

      Trump could easily stop the war in Ukraine. Stop sending them money, stop sending them munitions, stop sending them intelligence. That war would be over in a matter of weeks.

      Even quicker if the rest of NATO and the EU countries followed suit.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 23, 2024 at 3:20 pm

Zelensky Trashes Trump and Vance, Signs Artillery Shells in PA


“This shell has your name on it!”

First, Ukraine is heavily involved in the bribery of a high official and his entire dirtbag family. Then Ukraine is a major part of an illegitimate impeachment of one of the best and most important Presidents in all of American history. Now, Ukraine is trying to draw America into a hot war with nuclear-armed Russia (remember when Ukraine came out and claimed that Russia had bombed Poland when it was errant Ukrainian missiles that hit Poland) and the POS Zelensky is sticking his corrupt nose into the 2024 Presidential election in favor of the neo-Soviets of the modern American left.

I have had more than enough of this guy and more than enough of Ukraine’s dangerous meddling in America and collusion with American traitors.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to ThePrimordialOrderedPair. | September 23, 2024 at 7:39 pm

    I can’t wait until Trump is elected, and begins to deporting the endless grifters stealing from the taxpayer. Ukraine under Zelensky is one.

    The money that is spent on endless wars can be given back to the taxpayer, and not spent on free room and board for illegal military age men.

    When Trump wins, Zelenski will be licking his boots trying to get Biden money from him. Cry more. Ukraine. He just threw YOU all under the bus for the Biden team. Enjoy the downfall.

UnCivilServant | September 23, 2024 at 3:25 pm

So he’s going to be arrested as a material witness of corruption and money laundering, right?


/wanders of delusionally.

Important Message to Putin:

The IDF kills its enemy’s leaders anywhere it can throughout the entire world.

Can Russia do the same?

The piano player is responsible for Ukraine’s deaths and destruction.

The world would be better without the piano playing pervert.

Zelensky better keep his mouth shut. If/when Trump and Vance are in office he doesn’t need them remembering what he said.

CommoChief | September 23, 2024 at 3:39 pm

Ukraine is and has long been a very corrupt Nation, perhaps the most corrupt European Nation in the post cold war era. Zelenskyy is authoritarian toady and a willing tool of the US foreign policy/neocon/globalist, forever war DC establishment. He has imprisoned political rivals, cancelled elections, seized control of TV and Radio, jailed Orthodox Clergy, seized assets. He allowed himself, just as prior Ukrainian leaders, to be used as a cats paw by the US Gov’t to rile up the Russians. He allowed the Azov Brigade a free hand in the Donbas.

Zelenskyy is not a good guy. He isn’t a freedom fighter. He’s a megalomaniac who allowed the US Gov’t to drive his Nation into a no win scenario war with Russia. The ordinary people of Ukraine are paying the price for his arrogant hubris. The sooner those ordinary people rise up and shake off this tiny tyrant the better off they will be.

    Sanddog in reply to CommoChief. | September 23, 2024 at 4:14 pm

    So now it’s Zelensky’s fault that Russia invaded his country. Gosh, I guess Putin really did have to invade to save democracy, right? /s

      Zelensky is 1000% evil and has absolutely no redeeming features.

      In this fight, Putin wears the white hat!

      CommoChief in reply to Sanddog. | September 23, 2024 at 6:02 pm

      When you choose to deliberately provoke a bigger, stronger neighbor b/c you want to impress your erstwhile ‘friends’ with your bravado and pseudo strength allowing neo Nazis to run amok to do your bidding you forfeit any sympathy from me.

      Feel free to follow your conscience but in my view Zelenskyy is a stooge of the DC establishment who are now using him for domestic political gains in our Presidential election. Seems shady to me but I suppose it doesn’t look that way to those who are more enthusiastic about ensuring the successful implementation of the globalist agenda.

      ttucker99 in reply to Sanddog. | September 23, 2024 at 6:55 pm

      Sometime during the Obama Administration Ukraine let the US set up listening stations on the Russian border. Just imagine if we had a Trump or Reagan in office and Mexico allowed China to set up listening stations 5 miles from our border. How long do you think it would be before they either mysteriously blew up or the border moved 6 miles. I don’t think we should just let Putin win but we did everything we could to provoke him.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Sanddog. | September 23, 2024 at 7:50 pm

      It’s Biden’s fault. He gave the green light to Putin.

      No different than Dean Achison the green light for North Korea to invade the South.

      saneman1 in reply to Sanddog. | September 24, 2024 at 4:10 am

      Insisting on joining NATO might have had something to do with it. But I get it – the neo-Cons and their now Leftist Progressive Democrat partners want the war to go on – forever it seems. This idea from Orwell’s prescient “1984” comes to mind. “America has always been at war with Russia.”

    Quartermaster in reply to CommoChief. | September 24, 2024 at 6:21 am

    You described Putin, but think you are describing Zelensky.

      CommoChief in reply to Quartermaster. | September 24, 2024 at 7:32 am

      Nah man, I offered a very accurate description of Zelenskyy. To be clear Putin isn’t a ‘good guy’ either. There’s no white hats in the ongoing Ukraine/Russia conflict. This is a case of two Eastern European strongman/tyrants slogging it out using their populations as pawns, shoving them into the meat grinder to feed their own self inflated egos.

      The sooner it ends the better the people of both Nations will be. Ukraine can’t defeat Russia, even with all the arms, equipment and ordinance provided by the West. Russia is simply too big for them to take on. Just about the only hope is for Putin to be deposed in a coup but then you likely have a fractured Russia and a return to overt banditry and regional warlords with nukes. Deliberately destabilizing Russia and risking all the potential downsides of a fracture seems like an undesirable outcome to me.

TargaGTS | September 23, 2024 at 3:58 pm

This Mother-Effer. I suspect if Trump wins, Congress will immediately enact some kind of legislation that will make it legally impossible for Trump to stop the funding…and 80% of the GOP caucus will vote for it.

The Ukraine ‘war’ may be the single greatest taxpayer boondoggle in American history that has nothing to do with ‘green energy.’

    Sanddog in reply to TargaGTS. | September 23, 2024 at 4:18 pm

    The Ukraine war is the result of weak leadership and Putin’s desire to expand his empire. We convinced Ukraine to give up their nukes in exchange for security assurances. They complied and Putin went on the march once he realized we had a weak president and Europe was on their knees because of their green energy boondoggle.

      alaskabob in reply to Sanddog. | September 23, 2024 at 5:38 pm

      The Ukraine War is the result of the 0bama/CIA/Nuland color revolution that subverted the military/political agreement amongst USA, Russia and Ukraine. An interesting movie on the major players over the years that Oliver Stone presented called “Ukraine on Fire” from 2015. All of this didn’t have to happen. Ukraine was, is and will be corrupt…. a lot of money can be made at the beginning and end of a nation…. especially one with so many resources. We are so far down the road that the why’s and how’s are fading from memory.

      Poking the (critically declining population) Bear because, as 0bama said… only a regional power. The “only” regional conflict is as “only” as a Sarajevo 1914.

      Milhouse in reply to Sanddog. | September 23, 2024 at 6:49 pm

      Hmm. In 1956 we convinced Israel to give up the Sinai peninsula in exchange for security assurances, and then in 1967 when it tried to call on those assurances we pretended we didn’t know what it was talking about, so it had to take care of business itself.

      In 1967 everyone thought the coming war was going to be the end of Israel, the Final Solution Part 2. The memorials to the exterminated Jews were already half-planned. Then the Jews upset the script by not being wiped out. And that has had the rest of the world upset at them ever since. As Mahatma Gandhi said, the Jews should just let themselves be slaughtered, and then the world will remember them as martyrs and saints, but they’re stupidly attached to a desire to live.

      CommoChief in reply to Sanddog. | September 23, 2024 at 8:21 pm

      Had the US kept its equivalent and contemporaneous assurances to Russia not to expand NATO eastward….
      Or given more attention to Russian declarations of what their red lines were and the clear messages the Russians gave about crossing them … Instead the globalist, neocon, forever war DC establishment plowed ahead with their usual arrogance and got a very bad result just as they have so often in the past.

      saneman1 in reply to Sanddog. | September 24, 2024 at 4:27 am

      The last two sentences of your comment – spot on. The first sentence – well. In my opinion Putin’s goal was to secure the ethnic Russian speaking areas in eastern Ukraine that he has already absorbed, secure the Crimean Peninsula – which was Russian for centuries, and only ceded to Ukraine by Kruschev in 1954, and sure their access to the Black Sea. I don’t see that he had any interest in reabsorbing Ukraine into the Russian Federation, not at all. That would mean a perpetual guerrilla war, and the Russians remember Afghanistan vividly. And of course – Ukraine would not join NATO. But I do understand – many neo-Cons need to believe it was a war of conquest. I get – I was a hard-core neo-Con for a long time. Defended Dick Chaney and Bush the Younger on countless occasions – sure believed the ‘weapons’ of mass destruction construct. I got played for a chump. Sadly, the longer this war lasts, the danger of a miscalculation cascade increases. And let me see – the Russian nuclear weapons and delivery systems PROBABLY don’t work. That is one heck of a wager! Strange indeed – the neo-Cons seem to treat Zelensky like he is some sort of ‘Rock Star.’ I don’t know what else to say. I am an old guy, and this is the most dangerous situation I have seen in my lifetime. Negotiate an end to this war, with the best terms the Ukrainians can get. Some seem pretty happy to fight the Russians to the last ‘Ukrainian.’ Let us all step back from the abyss.

    SDN in reply to TargaGTS. | September 24, 2024 at 6:58 am

    “Congress will immediately enact some kind of legislation that will make it legally impossible for Trump to stop the funding”

    Already built in; SCOTUS told Nixon that if Congress puts a billion for Ukraine in the budget bill(s), the President MUST spend it.

      TargaGTS in reply to SDN. | September 24, 2024 at 12:10 pm

      That’s true. But, it’s unclear if the Impoundment Control Act of 1974 can usurp the Executive’s exclusive constitutional power to establish foreign policy and to make war. This actually came up during Trump[‘s 1st term when Congress wanted something spent (overseas) and Trump refused. While I think that situation was eventually resolved without the court getting involved, Biden just this summer exercised that same authority when he refused to send weapons to Israel even though the weapons had been authorized and appropriated by Congress. Ultimately, I think Trump would have difficulty keeping aid from being delivered. But, he probably can use his authority as Executive to indefinitely suspend weapons shipments.

stevewhitemd | September 23, 2024 at 4:05 pm

How many laws are we breaking here?

And how will the Left complain about President Trump in 2025 since they’ve destroyed the mos maiorum?

RandomCrank | September 23, 2024 at 4:28 pm

He’d better hope Trump loses the election. LOL

Dan Caldwell 🇺🇸
Worth noting that Zelenskyy was flown to Pennsylvania on an U.S. Air Force C-17.

The Biden-Harris admin is using military assets to fly a foreign leader into a battleground state in order to undermine their political opponents.

destroycommunism | September 23, 2024 at 4:43 pm


I will not stand by idly while my artisan flair is ignored by the ultra serious pro american trump vance team

alaskabob | September 23, 2024 at 5:26 pm

“By any mean$…..”

Zelenskyy said:

“That approach would broadcast to the world the following implicit rule: I came, I conquered, now this is mine. It will apply everywhere: land claims and mineral rights and borders between nations. It would imply that whoever asserts control over territory—not the rightful owner but whoever came in a month or a week ago, with a machine gun in hand—is the one who’s in charge.”

That’s exactly what Russia did in 1939 when it invaded Poland as Hitler’s allay. Poland was split roughly in half along a demarcation called the Curzon Line. Russia grabbed land by naked aggression and got to keep it with the approval of the Allies. Areas east of the line got incorporated into what’s present day Ukraine. For example the Polish city of Lwow (now called Lviv) became part of the Ukraine. I know a lady (still alive) who was in Lwow as a little girl (about ten) whose family fled into a DP camp in Russia. Her family survived because her parents were dentists and had valuable skills to trade.

So Zelenskyy your country sits on land stolen from Poland and never given back. Poland is the rightful owner of parts of your country. Are you going to return Lviv and other places to Poland?

Notice how no one ever brings up this bit of history. How inconvenient for the sanctimonious posturing we get from our leaders and the bandits in the Ukraine.

    alaskabob in reply to oden. | September 23, 2024 at 5:42 pm

    The tug of war on the region isn’t just WWII…. and not just Poland.

    Danny in reply to oden. | September 24, 2024 at 6:38 pm

    1. Poland conceded that territory at the end of the Second World War

    2. In return for that territory Poland gained what had previously been East Prussia a land of German speakers that had never had much of a Slavic population, that had been conquered by the Teutonic Order and which had never been under direct Polish rule and was along with Brandenburg the original territory of Prussia.

    3, There isn’t a single Pole alive today who wants to take over Ukrainian land but there are tens of millions of Poles who want Ukraine not to be conquered by Russia, or for the principle of “I came I conquered and this is mine” to be a current principle.

Peter Moss | September 23, 2024 at 5:53 pm

Zelensky can go straight to hell.

He’s no hero. He’s the point man for the deep state and the Democrats (but I repeat myself) in Ukraine. He’s simply giving the thinnest gauze of plausible denial that this is simply a money laundering operation.

If Trump is elected, I hope he cuts this m*****f****** off completely. I have no love for Putin but no desire for WWIII either.

Not one American son or daughter should be sacrificed for the greed of the deep state.


Did Zelenskyy forget that he didn’t have Russia in his country while Trump was prez?

I think that historically Ukraine was first established as a political entity by the Bolsheviks after the Tsarist government fell. (Ukraine was only an idea starting to be popularized in the revolutionary times of 1848.) In Lenin’s time, it seems that no one considered the specific boundaries that important as the UkSSR was part of and integrated with the much larger USSR. (The aftermath of WWII also instigated more recent boundary changes.) Now that the USSR is no longer, Ukraine’s boundaries and their strategic importance have became more acute. These issues should have been dealt with by Gorbachev and Yeltsin but they probably had other things on their minds at the time of the breakup of the USSR. Russia would never have consented to Crimea to being separated from Russian control had they imagined a antagonistic Ukraine especially as a member of NATO. During the Obama/Biden administration, Russia carved out Crimea for themselves. But then realized that Crimea w/o a land bridge is problematic as the Ukrainian government was none to pleased to supply the peninsula with various utilities and land access. Frankly the Russian goals, not methods, of securing Crimea and a land bridge to Crimea are quite understandable particularly given the inorganic nature of the historical Ukrainian political boundaries. I think there is anecdotal evidence that if a plebiscite had been held in the eastern areas of Ukraine prior to the war, the majority of people would have opted to join Russia.

The talk about Ukraine “winning” promulgated by Zelensky, Biden, and various Biden/Harris officials is dangerous and absolute nonsense. The implication is that they will do anything to “win”. Couple that with careless talk of Ukraine joining NATO and it is easy to see that this war has become a leadership test of Vladimir Putin. Officials who fails to recognize the determination, resiliency, and access to resources of Vladimir Putin over this matter are in for a lot of disappointment not to mention wasted lives and resources.

In my view, this war is best settled soon with swap of a land for Russia and money for Ukraine. (Other political questions will need to be addressed as well.)

broomhandle | September 23, 2024 at 8:20 pm

I don’t think Zelenski explaining why Trump’s position is a bad idea is a fair comparison to Bibi trashing a sitting president. He has calculated that it is better for his cause to back the team that is committed to helping him fight off the Russian invasion. If he is right, Ukraine gains an even stronger hand. If he is wrong, Ukraine gets what it would have gotten anyway from Trump-Vance.

    Danny in reply to broomhandle. | September 24, 2024 at 6:35 pm

    I would agree with the latter but when did Bibi trash a sitting president?

    Are you talking about his being willing to see Mitt Romney or when he disagreed with Barack Obama demanding Israel return to the 1967 lines in return for starting negotiations (i.e. no concessions in return for already having the border set to what we can now see would have been a catastrophe)?

    Ukraine and Israel are in the same situation and having different interpretations of the different conflicts makes no sense.

Apparently Zelensky believes that Harris/Walz has the election locked up. Do you think he may have contributed some of the 40 billion U.S. funds back to Harris/Walz?

henrybowman | September 23, 2024 at 9:46 pm

Zelensky is a puppet executive, same as Biden… only a pre-senile version.

So he expects some of that cash he laundered for Biden and the Democrats back in the form of more weapons? Zelensky’s ambition is dangerous–the US should just tell him to pound sand

Evil Otto | September 24, 2024 at 5:54 am

Not a great plan, Zelensky. The Biden Administration may be telling you Harris is a sure thing, but she’s not… and pissing off the possible next administration is idiotic.

It’s very likely that you’re going to have to give up some territory. You may not like it, but that’s how wars often end. Ukraine can’t drive Russia out and Russia can’t conquer Ukraine. It’s a slow grind that no one can afford anymore, least of all the west.

    Danny in reply to Evil Otto. | September 24, 2024 at 6:30 pm

    From Zelensky pov if he endorses and Trump is serious he loses nothing Trump was going to change American policy anyway.

    If he endorses and Trump isn’t serious (I don’t think he is I think he saw the Russia bots on twitter, youtube and quora and confused them for reality) his endorsement won’t change Trump policy because Trump knows what is good for America

    If however Ukrainians see him not trying to do something as one of the two major candidates has avoided stating he wants Vladimir Putin to lose when given that question as a yes or no question the question becomes “are you trying to lose this war”.

Election campaigning for Democrats with hand in American taxpayers pockets. The corruption is so complete it is blatantly out in the open, and anyone daring to object is the problem, you see, the cause is so just.

If left alone, this would have been over. If left alone in 2014, this may not have been a thing. Outsiders to anything (even those that try to solve your family problems) don’t have enough information to make good choices. We are supporting Ukraine because a few Americans that have something to gain by doing so are in positions of power to make it happen. All in the name of “democracy’.

In Zelensky’s universe, when you gain power, you only have to dance to the tune those paying plays.

Before I stop list the program or programs you think Biden would have spent money on you think would have been better than keeping an enemy of this country from conquering an ally of this country? I promise you not a single cent would have gone to securing the border if Putin had focused on developing a capitalist economy instead of pretending to be Peter the Great (and proving why Peter deserves that title by losing in a situation that Peter would find incredibly easy).

Vance has been a long time critic of sending help to Ukraine while the Biden Administration maintains that the territorial integrity of Ukraine is a vital American interest.

When Trump was cornered with the yes or no question of “do you want Vladimir Putin to lose” (which means he does not get to conquer Ukraine) Trump repeatedly refused to answer despite being given multiple opportunities by his opponent to say “yes”.

Do I wish Zelensky would not endorse?

Yes it offended me being someone who supports Trump and wants Ukraine to win and for the Russia/Iran/China axis of unprovoked aggression to be defeated.

Do I blame him?

Hmm lets see

Biden is for giving lend lease to Ukraine for it to be able to resist annexation by Russia

Trump originally had exactly the same policy

Then picked J.D. Vance as a running mate and refused to say he wanted Vladimir Putin to lose in the ONLY point in the debate he could be said to have been given a softball question (and yes “I want Vladimir Putin a self declared enemy of the United States of America to lose” is the ultimate softball).

Zelensky in case you didn’t notice is president of the Ukraine. What is good for Ukraine is his ONLY interest and if it wasn’t his people would be fully justified in launching a coup to get rid of him.

This is not corruption. This is the fact that Zelensky correctly is worried that the change in Trump rhetoric towards Ukraine will be accompanied by permitting Vladimir Putin to enter Kiev in triumph.

This was an inevitable reaction to Trump picking an explicitly anti-Ukrainian running mate followed by refusing to say he wanted Vladimir Putin to lose.

If Vladimir Putin conquers Ukraine Poland becomes his neighbor. Unlike Ukraine we have full treaty obligations towards Poland.

However lets say we decide to hell with our treaties Vladimir Putin can invade Poland.

Did you know France has a fully functioning Nuclear Arsenal?

If instead of a Ukrainian bulwark against Russia standing in between without NATO membership or EU membership Russia and Poland go to war either Western Europe or Russia will lose the conventional war and can you count on the loser not to push the nuclear button?

I also promise you there is a 100% chance that Trump will be continuing the same policies as Biden vis a vis Russia and Ukraine making his decision to alienate Zelensky yet another act of unbelievable incompetence.

I am with Trump over 90% of the time on issues (and frankly on this issue to because I think there is a 100% chance he will throw the isolationists under the bus, and apologize to Zelensky and flood Ukraine with shells if he wins).

There is no pro-Russia constituency in the United States or Ukraine, or Western Europe. I wish Trump would stop using twitter and youtube comments for his source of what Americans want to see.

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