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Winning! Michigan Court of Appeals Removes RFK Jr. From Ballot

Winning! Michigan Court of Appeals Removes RFK Jr. From Ballot

Judge Yates said it wasn’t a game, but the Appeals Court decided to play ball anyway.

More winning for Team Trump and RFK Jr. on Friday. The Michigan Court of Appeals has granted RFK Jr.’s request to remove his name from the state’s November ballot.

The opinion: “While the request was made close to the deadline for the defendant to give notice of candidates to local election officials, it was not made so late that laches should apply,”

This ruling contrasts with an earlier decision in which Michigan Court of Claims Judge Christopher P. Yates said, “Elections are not just games, and the Secretary of State (SOS) is not obligated to honor the whims of candidates for public office.”

For your information, the North Carolina Court of Appeals also removed him from the North Carolina ballot today. He was removed from Georgia on Friday.



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scooterjay | September 6, 2024 at 2:12 pm

The word is out…Kamala and her ilk have been thrown to the wolves.
It sure is a strange way to signal defeat in the face of a yuge victory.

NotCoach | September 6, 2024 at 2:42 pm

The appeals court should have also told the lower court to save their histrionic platitudes for their children and grandchildren.

SaltyDonnie | September 6, 2024 at 3:04 pm

Strange. Milhouse opined that denying RFK’s removal was legal, within the statutory law, because the SOS had discretion to decide (i.e., a political decision). Apparently, as I stated, WHO the judge is matters more.

“Elections are not just games, and the Secretary of State (SOS) is not obligated to honor the whims of candidates for public office.”
She says this while making a move in the game.

LeftWingLock | September 6, 2024 at 5:51 pm

PREDICTION — Kennedy will still be on millions of Michigan ballots.

“Gee, the ballots were already printed and we didn’t want to waste taxpeyer money.”

That out of control Sec of State in Michigan needs to be impeached.

We probably also shouldn’t honor the whims of various judges

Michigan is still lost.
sos, ag and gov are all wicked bwitch democrats as is the house and senate full of the dictating dems.
Republican party is in shambles, the senate race brought in rino mike rogers versus Goodyear size blimp elissa slUtkin, formerly lying in the service of the See-I-Effin A and ran in a race where the district lines were redrawn in her favor. Such luck.
She spouts out about being an ANALyst for the corrupt cia, but when the facts proved the russia, russia, russia hoax to be false as heck, she still voted to impeach President Donald J Trump.
So whatever you do, try not to throw a ham sandwich down a narrow hall and be standing in front of her or you will be run over with ensuing great bodily damage.

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