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White House: Biden Wore Trump Hat to Show Unity on 9/11

White House: Biden Wore Trump Hat to Show Unity on 9/11

Yeah, I don’t think so.

President Joe Biden put on a Trump 2024 hat in Pennsylvania on Wednesday.

Of course, people went crazy about it.

The White House has an explanation.

It didn’t seem like a moment of unity. But it looked like Biden knew it was a Trump hat and did it in humor. Here’s the entire exchange:

Biden: “Sure, I’ll autograph [a hat].”

Man: “You remember your name?”

Biden: “I don’t remember my name… I’m slow.”

Man: “You’re an old fart.”

Biden: “Yeah, I’m an old guy… You would know a lot about that.”

Biden: “I need [the Trump] hat.”

Crowd: “Put it on!”

Biden: *Puts the hat on.*

Man: “I’m proud of you now.”

Bonchie is probably correct. We’ve seen interviews with Biden in which he implies the situation was a coup and is angry with senior Democrats.


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The last several years have seen incidents of chyrons with election results ‘accidentally’ shown before the election, and those ‘accidentally’ chyrons turned out to be dead on accurate predicting the winner and margin.

Blink 3 times if you’re in danger, Joe.

The Gentle Grizzly | September 12, 2024 at 12:23 pm

He wore that one because they were out of Truman ’48 hats.

I think it demonstrates Biden is checking out. Not necessarily dementia, but not caring much anymore about flinging stones and arrows in defense of the progressive cabal. He’s back to being a glad-hander, a retail politician.

If he were running, even at a 9/11 event I doubt he would have smiled and worn a Trump hat. But now he really doesn’t care.

I wonder if they’ve taken him mostly off the hard drugs now that nobody needs to see him “in action” anymore. That would make for a milder dementia, I think.

healthguyfsu | September 12, 2024 at 8:21 pm

If he votes for Trump that will show even more unity, but who am I kidding, as the walking dead he is definitely voting Democrat.

Biden wore the Trump hat because he has the mental capacity of a toddler.

This was a good moment because it captures some of what used to be great about American Politics and the place America should be trying to return to.

Biden has been a horrible president because instead of going in this direction he danced to the tune of people like Bernie Sanders.

Considering he’s committed capital offenses

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