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Walz, Others Pounce on AP Report Falsely Accusing Vance of Calling School Shootings a ‘Fact of Life’

Walz, Others Pounce on AP Report Falsely Accusing Vance of Calling School Shootings a ‘Fact of Life’

Vance said psychos targeting children is a fact of life. Even the “corrected” AP tweet/article is wrong.

This is why you cannot trust anyone about anything. Always seek out the full video and the transcripts.

The Associated Press claimed Republican VP candidate Sen. JD Vance said that school shootings are a fact of life.

Except, you know, that’s not what Vance said. Vance said psychos targeting children is a fact of life.

The AP finally retracted the article and admitted it took Vance out of context.

But even the “corrected” article and tweet aren’t correct.

Again, Vance said psychos targeting children is a fact of life.

But it didn’t stop the usual suspects from pouncing on the out of context report.

Tim Walz. Kamala Harris. Aaron Rupar. Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers.

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Regime media doing their very best to prop their diversity hire candidate up.

English comprehension is not their strong suit, is it?

Walz: “This is pathetic. We can’t quit on our kids — they deserve better.”

One could perhaps say that Walz did exactly that, when he ran out on his unit before it deployed to Iraq.

The vile, water-carrying, dutifully slavish Dhimmi-crat media shills/trained seals/lapdogs/propagandists will do their utmost between now and Election Day, to gin up alleged controversies over anything that President Trump or Senator Vance say, that can be distorted, taken out of context and otherwise deceitfully mischaracterized, in order to vilify them and win votes.

These reprobates have been doing this since at least 2012 (remember Mitt Romney and the supposed “binders of women” statement that was supposed to constitute an alleged controversy?).

    guyjones in reply to guyjones. | September 6, 2024 at 10:42 am

    I mean, Romney actually did make the “binders of women” statement;” I’m not suggesting that he didn’t say it. But, the media reaction to it was to take it out of context and attempt to cast it as an allegedly offensive and misogynist statement.

inspectorudy | September 6, 2024 at 10:54 am

Dems have been doing this since Clinton and like the old saying says, “A lie is halfway around the world before truth gets its shoes on”. Or, another of their tactics, act first and get permission later as Biden has done many times against SCOTUS rulings.

destroycommunism | September 6, 2024 at 11:30 am

didnt walz use the n word????

has he ever said a word that begins with the letter n?

if yes,,,then he can be accused of using the n word

these communistnazis are treacherous and the only way to win is to do to them more what they do to us

Halcyon Daze | September 6, 2024 at 12:00 pm

All lies, all the time from the left. The end justifies the means. There is no objective morality, there are no objective ethics, everything is subjective. Leftism is evil.

Would be a useful thing to build a mechanism into Twitter that would identify a “correction” and automatically send it to everyone who received the original article (even if that has been deleted), even if it was forwarded/tweet-quoted. (I don’t tweet, so I apologize if any of that wording is wrong.)

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