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UCLA Approves Non-Lethal Weapons for Campus Police Following Anti-Israel Protests

UCLA Approves Non-Lethal Weapons for Campus Police Following Anti-Israel Protests

“I am outraged that the University of California is prioritizing funding for military equipment while slashing resources for education”

Now the students will protest the police being given weapons. Just watch.

The Associated Press reports:

Board Approves More Non-Lethal Weapons for UCLA Police After Israel-Hamas War Protests

The University of California board of regents approved Thursday additional non-lethal weapons requested by UCLA police, which handled some of the nation’s largest student protests against the Israel-Hamas war.

Clashes between protesters and counterprotesters earlier this year on the campus led to more than a dozen injuries, and more than 200 people were arrested at a demonstration the next day.

The equipment UCLA police requested and the board approved included pepper balls and sponge rounds, projectile launchers and new drones. The board also signed off on equipment purchase requests for the nine other police departments on UC campuses.

Student protesters at the regents meeting were cleared from the room after yelling broke out when the agenda item was presented.

Faculty and students have criticized UCLA police for their use of non-lethal weapons in campus demonstrations, during which some protesters suffered injuries.

During public comment, UCLA student association representative Tommy Contreras said the equipment was used against peaceful protesters and demonstrators.

“I am outraged that the University of California is prioritizing funding for military equipment while slashing resources for education,” Contreras said. “Students, staff and faculty have been hurt by this very equipment used not for safety but to suppress voices.”

California law enforcement agencies are required by state law to submit an annual report on the acquisition and use of weapons characterized as “military equipment.” A UC spokesperson called it a “routine” agenda item not related to any particular incidents.

“The University’s use of this equipment provides UC police officers with non-lethal alternatives to standard-issue firearms, enabling them to de-escalate situations and respond without the use of deadly force,” spokesperson Stett Holbrook said.


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wagnert in atlanta | September 30, 2024 at 8:06 am

If they don’t like non-lethal weapons, then authorize lethal weapons — and their use. Bet they like that less.

What are they protesting again? UCLA is guilty of owning stock in starbucks?

for military equipment
Ummm, that’s not “military equipment” any more than lasagna is “military food” because they serve it in Fort Benning’s chow hall. And that sort of argument makes me really want to pass a law that says you are allowed to punch people who say such insane lies.

Also, I’m really disappointed they didn’t authorize other non-lethal tools – like hickory sticks. The problem would go away quickly if the police had barged in and laid about, applying some hickory body wash to those encamped and refusing to move. “Spare the rod and spoil the child” as the old saying goes. (And as is proven by the last 50 years of American history.)

Heck, if they authorized non-lethal military weapons, it would be something like the microwave crowd dispersal system the military built (and successfully tested). It makes your skin all itchy, like ants are eating at you. You CANNOT remain in the beam for very long – even the tough guys who tried ended up bailing without reaching the objective. (One knucklehead thought a large aluminum blanket would help him. He said he now knows what a burrito under the heat lamp at 7-11 feels like.)

And, the great part was that no one ended up with anything more than a very light sunburn (one of those tough guys who almost made it). No one could stay in the beam long enough to get cooked. (I don’t recall if anyone’s chocolate bars melted, though.)

destroycommunism | September 30, 2024 at 10:13 am

the board also approved the continued support for the arming of the violent beings aka criminals

So, truncheons? Finally?

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