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Tim Walz Wants You to Have “Hard Conversations” With People at the Grocery Store

Tim Walz Wants You to Have “Hard Conversations” With People at the Grocery Store

“This thing’s going to be a battle for the next 52 days”

Kamala’s running mate Tim Walz was campaigning in Wisconsin this weekend when he told a crowd that the race is going to be a battle in which you speak to people in the grocery store and ask them if they’ve voted yet.

When Walz was first introduced, he tried very hard to frame Trump and J.D. Vance as “weird.” I’m thinking this was a case of projection. Also, isn’t this the same guy who always says people should mind their own damn business?

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

Walz highlights importance of Wisconsin in November election

The November election will be a “margin-of-error race,” Walz predicted, saying Wisconsin would be one of a handful of states necessary to win.

“This thing’s going to be a battle for the next 52 days,” he said. “It’s gonna be won in rooms just like this. It’s gonna be won door-to-door, call-to-call, $5 donation, trying to have that hard conversation in the produce aisle with the person you saw there at the grocery store.”

The last two presidential elections in have been close in Wisconsin. In 2020, Biden won by about 21,000 votes after the state elected Trump by a similar margin just four years earlier.

It’s ironic that Walz is even bringing up grocery stores. The price of groceries under Biden and Harris is one of the issues that’s pushing many voters to Trump.

Here’s the clip:

People on Twitter/X had a field day with this.

Just a few weeks ago, Walz was complaining about people arguing about politics at Thanksgiving.

Of course, that tradition can be attributed to Obama who famously told supporters to argue with people and “get in their faces.”

Featured image via YouTube.


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Yeah, try that with me and eat a knuckle sandwich, gratis.

TY Mike

People who tell you to look forward have dog sht on their heel, from where they have been. Move along, nothing to see (or smell).

fairy timwalz probably wishes he was still in-uniform when DADT was repealed.

I want to have a hard conversation about Tim Walz being a turd.

Yeah, if some Marxist c*nt gets in my face at the grocery store he’s going to have a ‘hard conversation’ all right. Step on up, Marxist c*nts, step on up.

What a clueless thing to say.

Soaring food prices (which disproportionately affect the very people that the Democrats rely upon to retain power) are directly attributable to the ruinous monetary policies enacted by the Democrats during the Biden administration.

As to accosting me in a grocery store to ask me how I’m going to vote, I’m a curmudgeonly old misanthrope who doesn’t even like when Girl Scouts are selling cookies out front. Like TrickyRicky above, Walz would find himself upside down in the banana case.

Conservative Beaner | September 15, 2024 at 10:55 am

Have that conversation. Have them explain the high cost of groceries thanks to Bidet-Harpy.

After you have burst their bubble, have them explain the increase in serious crime, housing cost and interest rates.

Who knows, you might convince them to vote for Trump.

    It would help if we merely convinced them to not vote for Harris. I get many Dems hate Trump, that that doesn’t mean the alternative is actually a better candidate for the office.

Vance is going to cut this guy into tiny pieces during the debate.

Has he actually been inside a grocery store in the past 3 years?

I still work a few days a month at a local independent grocery. No one is happy about the prices, and most seem to know exactly where to put the blame, the eejits in DC, even many who could never bring themselves to vote for Orange Man Bad. (Here’s hoping that even if they are psychologically incapable of voting for an R, they at least won’t vote for the D.)

I’ve only had one person try to convince me that Trump is still responsible for the economy. Of course that person also still believes Trump is a Russian asset and Hunter’s laptop wasn’t real.

“As God as my witness, I thought communists could fly.”

That wasn’t hard, at all.

The school teacher is strong with this one. Blanket party might tone him down, disgusting puke that he is.

The last conversation I had with a stranger in a grocery store was commiseration over the high price of ground beef.

What Walz suggests is brazenly Maoist. Not surprising given all of his connections to Chinese Communists.

His reception will depend on where he goes. Should he wander into Zabar’s on the on the Upper West Side of Manhattan (80th Street and Broadway on the west side of the street) he will most likely get a warm reception. This area has a large number of affluent Jews who always vote for the Democrat. I used to shop there regularly. The prices are high, but the quality is very good. Real rye bread with Caraway seeds. They know how to slice Prosciutto. Most places don’t. Have not been there in well over ten years, so My info might be out of date. He could also visit one of the Whole Foods stores in Manhattan for a similar experience. On the other hand, should he prance around a grocery store in (say) Florence Texas (never been there) he might get offered a knuckle sandwich. We can be sure the recorded conversations will be carefully selected an edited to make him look good.

Just a useless silly stunt.

DeweyEyedMoonCalf | September 15, 2024 at 11:45 am

Timmy’s plan has a non-zero chance of producing a tragic outcome. Rational people avoid confronting strangers and having “hard conversations.”

Here’s a fun fact that somebody could discuss with this insufferable douchebag: tampon prices have surged almost 40% since that stupid Marxist whore that he works for “took” office.

They tried to kill Trump, now they want to start fights in grocery stores. If they win and Trump is no longer their number one target, they’re coming after us, his supports. Big Brother rises.

What happens when you say something that upsets someone else and they feel validated for assaulting you with physical violence for triggering them? Who is to blame, “get in yo face” or “mind your own damn business”?

Give them the address to a dive bar in bad area of town and invite them over to extend the conversation that evening.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 15, 2024 at 1:20 pm

rooms … just like this

The idiot was talking to a crowd in an auditorium. What sort of “room” does he think that is?


What the hell is that?? Maybe he meant “call by call”?

What a moron.

Antifundamentalist | September 15, 2024 at 1:21 pm

When I’m at the grocery store, I want to buy my groceries and go home. I do not want to be approached by fanatics wanting me to join their cult. In fact, pushy fanatics will be reported to the police officer at the front of the store.

The only conversation I want to have at the grocery store is with someone using their flag waving EBT card to buy Hot Pockets, frozen pizza, ice cream and Mountain Dew while I’m checking out meat that is on sale due to the buy by date

BigRosieGreenbaum | September 15, 2024 at 1:35 pm

“The last two presidential elections in have been close in Wisconsin. In 2020, Biden won by about 21,000 votes after the state elected Trump by a similar margin just four years earlier.”
So there you are in the grocery store, trying to remember what you need and lamenting over the prices and some asshole comes up to you and wants to talk about voting for those fools. They’ll get a grapefruit shoved in their face and that is my answer as to my voting preference.

The prices aren’t even mostly Biden’s fault. It’s covid nobody producing and everybody consuming shortages working their dislocations out of the system.

Biden’s still responsible for insane regulations screwing everything up, so that part is his.

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to rhhardin. | September 15, 2024 at 1:59 pm

    Biden’s still responsible for insane regulations screwing everything up, so that part is his.

    And the part about him trying to destroy the oil and gas industry, to raise all petroleum-related prices (which involves EVERYTHING) … and the part of him deficit spending TRILLIONS extra (that were one-time COVID emergency expenditures that Traitor Joe and Komrade Kamala and the dems forced through Congress … and the part about unleashing criminals to wreak havoc in the commercial world (Traitor Joe and the Dems and all the idiot dem mayors and governors and city councils and legislatures) … and the part about orchestrating an invasion of America by tens of millions of savage third worlders, all loaded up with government cards and rent subsidies and the like to press the markets and pressure prices … and on and on and on …

    Yeah … except for those minor things rising prices aren’t Traitor Joe’s fault. And once Komrade Kamala gets in with her Soviet price controls – going after that dastardly “price gauging” … whatever that is – it’s going to be like heaven on Earth …

    DaveGinOly in reply to rhhardin. | September 15, 2024 at 8:24 pm

    Biden was handed a jewel in the pandemic. Governors across the country decimated the economy by shutting down their States. When the lockdowns were lifted, the economy had nowhere to go but up. So who’s fault is it that didn’t happen? Hint: Trump didn’t prevent that from happening.

    It’s covid? No, it was the government who shut everything down and forbade people to work and locked them in their houses under penalty of law. Covid didn’t shut things down: the GOVERNMENT did.

    Even with the first year of covid, the economy was still going. Biden cancelled Trump’s business tax advantages, energy production, import management, personal tax credits, border control, and pretty much everything he could. Ya dang tootin’ it’s BIden’s fault.

This guy sets off all sorts of creep alarms.

From the guy that proclaimed: “MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS!”

    While setting up a Maoist/Stalinist Wuhan virus “snitch” hotline.

    Brazen hypocrisy is lost on these fools, and, Walz is clearly too stupid to understand how easily rebutted his hollow boast is.

      And signing a law that allows the state to take your kids if some blue haired groomer ‘teacher’ convinces your kid he/she needs their genitals mutilated and you have the audacity to disagree. It still surprises me that we haven’t seen a bunch of these ‘doctors’ wind up in a ditch with their throats (and other parts) cut.

We have enough vagrants outside the grocery store begging for your money.
No one wants to be acosted both in and out, except evil people with an agenda.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to scooterjay. | September 15, 2024 at 6:33 pm

    What I do with vagrants outside a store is tell them I will buy them a sandwich and a bottle of water. Most turn it down. Never cash.

      I do this, too, and one guy said he wanted something with egg and sausage. So I bought him a couple of those sandwich things that have egg, sausage, and cheese, and then I thought he must need something to drink with it, so I bought him some orange juice. He was very happy and grateful. There are some people who are just down on their luck in this Bidenomics economy, not all are druggies, drunks, or criminals. This guy may have been one or more of those things, but he was happy to be fed, didn’t ask for cash, and I was happy to help him.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 15, 2024 at 2:50 pm

Tim Walz is seriously insane. Not “ha ha” insane, but “oh sh*t!” nuts. He is a lunatic.

This democrat ticket looks to be McGovern/Eagleton on crack and PCP, with real communist bona fides. They are total lunatics and completely inept losers. G-d help this country that such a demented duo is even an actual Presidential ticket.

Clown Walz’s Wuhan virus “snitch” line and kowtowing to the misogynist tranny lobby, by installing tampon dispensers in men’s bathrooms, says all that one needs to know about the stupidity and despotic ethos of this Maoist/Stalinist reprobate and apparatchik.

This idiot farcically and hypocritically states that the Dhimmi-crats’ ethos is allegedly about “mind[ing] your own damn business.” That’s truly rich. This claim coming from the vile and evil Party apparatchiks who are obsessed with issuing diktats telling the peasants of the proletariat what kind of straws and shopping bags they can use; what kind of foods they can eat; what kind of cars they can drive; what kinds of ovens they can own; how much water their toilet/dishwasher/showerhead can use; what socioeconomic opinions they can hold that are deemed to be socially acceptable and laudable; to name only a few of the Dhimmi-crats’ myriad tyrannical and obnoxious exertions of State power.

On top of all of this, the fact that Walz’s family members are openly and vocally disavowing him and his wretched policies and beliefs, and, endorsing his opponent, should prove instructive to rational minds.

Cleanup in the tampon aisle!

Come on by Mr. Walz, I generally shop at the Meijer. We can have that conversation. I’ll be civil and non-violent. But you won’t like me very much, because I can knock down each and every socialist argument, lie and canard you care to raise.

A note to the readers: I have that mad skill because I’ve been reading LI, and Ace, and Instapundit, and a dozen other key sites for the last decade. Pays to be properly prepared.

Somehow reminding me of the 2015 protests where race activists ‘confronted’ people in restaurants eating brunch,

If someone tried to have such a conversation with Walz, he would simply run.

Walz is weird.

Awful odd statement for the Father of a covid mask snitch hotline…

‘ isn’t this the same guy who always says people should mind their own damn business?’

wagnert in atlanta | September 16, 2024 at 8:54 am

I’m not going to be doing this. I already have all the enemies I need.

We need “Ask me why I’m voting for Trump” buttons.