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Tim Walz Education Appointee Supports Critical Race Theory, Called for ‘Overthrow’ of U.S.

Tim Walz Education Appointee Supports Critical Race Theory, Called for ‘Overthrow’ of U.S.

“You can’t be a critical race theorist and be pro-U.S. … and that’s why I’m a critical race theorist.”

Minnesota Governor (and Kamala Harris’s running mate) Tim Walz appointed Brian Lozenski to implement the curriculum in public schools. It is now revealed that Mr. Lozenski is a staunch supporter of critical race theory.

In a video shared on social media, Lozenski explains that CRT is very much about the ‘overthrow’ of the United States.

Stanley Kurtz broke the story at National Review:

Walz Education Appointee Calls for the Overthrow of the U.S.

Brian Lozenski, an associate professor of urban and multicultural education at Macalester College in Saint Paul, Minn., was appointed by Governor Tim Walz’s state education department to help write the statewide “implementation framework” (similar to a curriculum) for Minnesota’s new “ethnic studies” standards. It now emerges that Lozenski has called for the “overthrow” of the United States.

Lozenski is no outlier. On the contrary, he has been the leading voice advocating the addition of a radical version of “ethnic studies” to Minnesota’s social-studies standards (citizenship and government, economics, geography, history, and now ethnic studies). Lozenski is also the key organizer and thought leader for the radical leftist advocacy groups that Governor Walz has effectively put in charge of rewriting Minnesota’s social-studies standards.

While Lozenski’s call for the overthrow of the United States is the clearest expression of his radical stance to date, it’s hardly surprising. For years, conservative voices in Minnesota have sounded the alarm over the extremism of Lozenski and his allies. Maybe now, Walz will have to answer for putting Lozenski and his friends in charge of education in the state.

More from FOX News:

In a video first reported on by the National Review and posted to YouTube on June 19, 2022, by The Solidarity Network, Lozenski spoke about his research with a panel. He even touched on Critical Race Theory, a school of thought that generally focuses on how power structures and institutions affect racial minorities. The video was removed from YouTube late Wednesday evening.

“We don’t use critical race theory in school,” Lozenski said. “The first tenet of critical race theory is that the United States, as constructed, is irreversibly racist. So, if the nation state, as constructed, is irreversibly racist, then it must be done with. It must be overthrown.

“We can be like, ‘Oh no, critical race theory is just about telling our stories and diversity,’” he added. “It’s not about that. It’s about overgrowth. It is insurgent.”

Watch this entire video:

David Strom of Hot Air, who is from Minnesota, commented on this story:

Walz has been pushing Critical Race Theory and alphabet ideology into the public schools, so it is no surprise that his appointees are all about destroying America.

He believes the country to be fundamentally, systemically, and endemically racist, sexist, and homophobic, and his goal has been to turn our state into the People’s Republic of Minnesota.

As Vice President, his goal will still be more ambitious: to upend American society.

Conservatives and centrists have done a tremendous amount of successful work in education in recent years, empowering parents and removing woke madness from classrooms. All of those efforts will likely be for naught if Harris and Walz get their hands on the Department of Education.

Featured image via Twitter video.


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retiredcantbefired | September 26, 2024 at 11:26 am

Of course.

TargaGTS | September 26, 2024 at 11:31 am

Oh look, an actual insurrectionist.

destroycommunism | September 26, 2024 at 11:56 am

thanks for these stories

now read this from his own article:

I explore how white nationalism is baked into the fabric of the nation state and its schools. The panel included myself, Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, Steven Hunegs, Executive Director, JCRC, and Michael Paul, Special Agent in Charge, FBI Minneapolis. It was hosted by Steven Belton of the Urban League. Check out the video here.

So why is the fbi there in assistance of his pov!!!!!??!?!

^^^from feb 2021^^^^^

That just means that he’s up on the latest academic discoveries.

destroycommunism | September 26, 2024 at 11:58 am

so when one ( or more as in this case) tell you that they are going to

“extinguish” you ….”overthrow” you

you cant and dont expect anything less from them



destroycommunism | September 26, 2024 at 12:00 pm

walz spin: I never knew this about him

he said he was pro israel and america and I saw no reason to think otherwise

Another Communist.

alaskabob | September 26, 2024 at 12:22 pm

Rename St. Paul as Walzingrad and be done with it. So the FBI was there to participate in a Marxist/Maoist meeting… openly. Does the FBI get frequent flyer miles as a fellow traveler?

The appointment of this idiot should in and of itself be disqualifying for Walz.

healthguyfsu | September 26, 2024 at 12:32 pm

A little off topic but education related….

I’m really curious why Trump and other conservatives aren’t hitting their opponents on the FAFSA fiasco.

They absolutely wrecked a well-oiled machine with “hopes” to make an easier form. It is a microcosm of government effing up most things that it tries to improve due to bureaucracy and red tape (and probably favors to underqualified contractors).

    destroycommunism in reply to healthguyfsu. | September 26, 2024 at 2:53 pm

    probably b/c the gop once again wont touch the sensitive subjects like welfare

    we need non politicians who dont care about a “next term” to come in and clean house

    and if re-elected…great

    if not..they did what needed to be done

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree? No that’s not the right adage. The rotten apple has fallen on the ground and Walz comes along, picks it up, kisses it and appoints it to a position in his cabinet—

Kamala is rotten. Walz is rotten. Both are attracted to rotten people and their plans, policies and actions are rotten. And they are doing their best to make the entire country rotten.

Something is rotten in Denmark? No, not the right adage. Something is rotten in this country and with those who are trying to destroy us.

CommoChief | September 26, 2024 at 2:08 pm

Kooks like this are not unusual in many d/prog circles or appointments to govt positions. The mild, so far, pushback against CRT/DEI has spooked them. They seem to grasp that the ordinary workaday Citizens ain’t onboard their Crazy Train and that they and Trump, just like DeSantis is doing in Florida, will seek to upend their grift and turn them out at the Federal level. In that sense Trump is a threat…to their present and future grift, graft, corruption and potential power over the rest of us.

Another overweight pampered revolutionary who believes when the dust settles he will be in charge..
He also believes his word salad exposes meaning.

E Howard Hunt | September 26, 2024 at 2:54 pm

This guy looks like a drooling, moronic pervert.

Subotai Bahadur | September 26, 2024 at 6:03 pm

Is that not the purpose and goal of the entire Democrat Party and their allies to the Left?

Subotai Bahadur

MN has become CA of the mid-west. Conservatives in MN should relocate to WI and flip that state red.

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