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The Tragic Losses Because of the Biden-Harris Border Crisis

The Tragic Losses Because of the Biden-Harris Border Crisis


Today, the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing titled “The Biden-Harris Border Crisis: Victim Perspectives.” This hearing focused on personal tragedies caused by the administration’s border policies.

Several mothers who have lost their children to crimes committed by illegal aliens and drug overdoses shared their heartbreaking stories. Among those testifying were Tammy Nobles, mother of Kayla Hamilton, Patricia Morin, mother of Rachel Morin, Alexis Nungaray, mother of Jocelyn Nungaray, and Anne Fundner, mother of Weston Fundner.

Their testimonies were hard to hear.

The committee also heard from April Aguirre, a crime victims’ advocate, who didn’t hold back in expressing how she felt about the Harris-Biden Administration’s handling of these critical issues.


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henrybowman | September 11, 2024 at 1:03 am

“Ms. Aguirre at the Biden-Harris border crisis hearing: “The reason there’s so many sexual assaults committed by illegal immigrants is because in their countries, there’s very little consequences.”

Well, they’re gonna feel right at home here.

I turned off the debate, but I think Trump should have brought up the murdered girls names in the debate- and hung those deaths on Kamala.

Same on abortion- when she brought up 12 year olds pregnant through incest- he should have pivoted to 12 year old girls having to shower with adult males at the YMCA.

    Fatkins in reply to Andy. | September 11, 2024 at 11:57 am

    How does that work? Its Trump who ordered his minions to prevent the immigration reform from passing.

      Evil Otto in reply to Fatkins. | September 12, 2024 at 7:04 am

      “Immigration reform?” Would that have stopped illegal immigration?

      And I’ve got to say that it’s hilarious that you believe that the congressional GOP were in any way “minions” of Trump. During his term he had to fight his own party almost as much as he did the Democrats.

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