RFK Jr. Wins Appeal to Remove Name From Ballot in North Carolina
Huge win for RFK Jr. (and Trump).

RFK Jr. has been fighting to remove his name from the ballot in many states. Democrats have been doing everything they can to keep him on in the battleground states.
North Carolina State’s Board of Elections refused RFK Jr.’s request along party lines, denying his removal due to the cost of reprinting ballots already set to be mailed out to voters.
ALSO NEW: North Carolina's state elections board just voted 3-2 against removing Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as the We The People nominee from the ballot.
Elections officials expressed concern about reprinting ballots/other logistics.
More background:https://t.co/edDgzETmbh
— stephen fowler (@stphnfwlr) August 29, 2024
RFK Jr. asked the courts to remove his name. However, the judge ruled against him, stating that the harm to the electoral process would be greater if ballots were delayed or reprinted.
North Carolina judge rejects RFK Jr.'s request to remove his name from state ballots https://t.co/SaQyctYePE
— The Associated Press (@AP) September 5, 2024
“Wake County Superior Court Judge Rebecca Holt denied the temporary restraining order sought by Kennedy to prevent county elections boards from distributing ballots affixed with his name and requiring it to be removed. State law directs the first absentee ballots for the Nov. 5 elections be mailed to requesters starting Friday. A Kennedy attorney said the decision would be appealed and Holt gave him 24 hours, ordering election officials not to send out ballots before noon Friday.“
The North Carolina Court of Appeals has ordered the state to remove RFK Jr.’s name from absentee ballots before sending them out.
The North Carolina Court of Appeals orders state to remove RFK Jr.'s name from absentee ballots before sending them out. pic.twitter.com/wFFzZT1nCx— Stephanie Myers (@_StephanieMyers) September 6, 2024
RFK Jr. likely will be off the ballot in every swing state except Wisconsin https://t.co/uzCz5A7MYG
— Red Eagle Politics (@RedEaglePatriot) September 6, 2024
For reference he was removed from Georgia as well.

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Resistance is futile at this point, as RFK Jr keeps delivering black eyes.
Gosh, my state of NC discovered white out!!
My state, also. The problem is how early these darn ballots are mailed which was what had the judge concerned. That is something that needs to be fixed. In person voting with ID only unless you are in a hospital or serving in uniform.
I gave you a thumbs up, and I agreed with you in principle. But as of 8/23 when I had open heart surgery, I am relatively homebound at this time. Yes, I will probably be able to stand in line and vote in person by the time in person voting starts, but what of those people who have similar situations closer to election day but may not be in the hospital?
One grizzly to another: wishing you an uneventful recovery.
Praying for your healing and comfort!
Hope you recover well. My 2 examples are not inclusive. What I was getting at are mail in ballots are for those who truly can not get to the polls not for those who are too lazy to do so.
I’ll meet you half way, sort of. I would like my ballot mailed to me a few weeks early so that I can review the entire slate of Fed, State, and local races. Then let me conduct an in person turn in with my ID.
I go on my state’s website, download a sample ballot and research all the candidates then write down the names to carry with me.
They try to run voting months early and then complain that normal electoral events are squeezing their ballot printing.
Mail-in ballots need to be stopped!!!! It is insane. One of the first things that people used to learn was – NEVER SEND CASH IN THE MAIL. But they want people to send ballots through the mail.
What this means is that no mail-in ballots. No drop-off boxes. Nothing but in-person voting on ELECTION DAY.
The only exceptions are for military, and their voting is to be supervised by the military and directly sent through to the state election offices. That is a pretty simple and cheap thing to do.
There can be some other exceptions for people who are abroad, but they must vote in person at an American embassy or consul. That’s it.
And there needs to be a rider on every law concerning “exceptions” to some rule or policy that the exceptions cannot exceed something like 1.5%. We cannot have this mockery where they make up a law for “exceptions” and 40% use it. That is lunacy.
Finally, those in North Carolina who fought to have RFK, Jr. kept on the ballot need to be prosecuted and imprisoned for their serious, criminal interference in the election.
The only way this changes is when there are more people in positions of power concerned with the integrity of the electoral system than there are people concerned with only holding on to power.
Until that happens mail in fraud will continue to disenfranchise EVERY legal citizen who attempts to cast a meaningful vote.
“The only way this changes is when there are more people in positions of power concerned with the integrity of the electoral system than there are people concerned with only holding on to power.”
Since government
servicepower attracts psychopathic personalities at a much greater rate than altruistic ones, this is just a wordy way of saying “never.”“If Men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and the next place, oblige it to control itself.”
The greatest political geniuses of the 18th century used this as a goal statement. They still failed,,, because success under the given conditions is simply not possible.
Until politics breeds its own analog of Satoshi Nakamoto, government will always oppress.
These ruling sound correct to me. Wisconsin refused to remove him but that was strictly spelled out in the law. Of course, in 2020 every swing state just ignored the law so it’s surprising that now they are somehow overly concerned with it.
Laws are for inconveniencing insurgents, never incumbents.