Ohio AG Launches Investigation into Migrant ‘Disaster’ in Springfield
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Ohio AG Launches Investigation into Migrant ‘Disaster’ in Springfield

Ohio AG Launches Investigation into Migrant ‘Disaster’ in Springfield

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost accused the “media” of ignoring evidence surrounding claims Springfield, Ohio residents are having their pets abducted and eaten.

Earlier this week I reported that an audio recording of a call to police confirmed reports from Springfield, Ohio residents that the local park’s geese were being butchered by the Haitian migrants sent to the area based on Harris-Biden immigration orders.

Furthermore, I shared a video of a resident indicating he saw Haitians catching a sizeable number of cats. And the number of eyewitness accounts is growing.

And as the press desperately tries to dismiss the complaints of the American-born residents of Springfield, the small town has captured the attention of the nation. Now some of Ohio’s leaders are beginning to counter the disinformation the media is spreading.

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost accused the “media” of ignoring evidence surrounding claims Springfield, Ohio residents are having their pets abducted and eaten.

Yost took to X to condemn “the media” for overlooking these remarks after former President Trump mentioned the rumors during Tuesday night’s presidential debate.

“There’s a recorded police call from a witness who saw immigrants capturing geese for food in Springfield,” he said. “Citizens testified to City Council. These people would be competent witnesses in court. Why does the media find a carefully worded City Hall press release better evidence?”

Yost’s office is also researching legal avenues to stop ‘the federal government from sending an unlimited number of migrants to Ohio communities,’ particularly the city of Springfield.

‘There’s got to be a limiting principle,’ Yost said in a statement on Monday. ‘We’re going to find a way to get this disaster in front of a federal judge.’

The AG said that the migrant influx has strained the state’ social services and said the federal government has not worked with local officials to prepare for the newcomers.

Yost added: ‘This is absurd – Springfield has swollen by more than a third due to migrants…

‘How many people can they be expected to take? What are the limits to the federal government’s power? Could the federal government simply funnel into Ohio all the millions of migrants flooding in under the current administration’s watch?

Meanwhile, it is interesting to note that it was President Donald J. Trump who signed into law a 2018 farm bill that made the consumption of cats and dogs illegal.

In the past six years, the U.S. government has enacted legislation prohibiting the consumption of cats and dogs.

The 2018 Farm Bill, which includes the Dog and Cat Meat Trade Prohibition Act, bans the import, export, and slaughter of cats and dogs for human consumption. While this law makes it illegal to slaughter cats and dogs for food at the federal level, exceptions exist for certain indigenous religious or cultural practices.

However, it’s important to note that other pets, such as rabbits and guinea pigs, remain legal to consume.

Former President Trump signed the bill into law on Dec. 20, 2018.

The memes continue to flow on social media, which keeps the focus on the Harris-Biden broken border policies. The interest in the subject is such that a lefty musician created a “Eating the Dogs” rap mix that went so viral (especially in MAGA circles), he ended up deleting it.


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Earlier this week, when confronted with the story about animals being eaten by people in Springfield, his reply was “I’m pretty sure that’s called hunting; aren’t all the MAGA people into hunting?”

Such is the level of rationalization necessary to accept the status quo.

Personally, I’m not about to make judgments on the diets of other cultures – I practically exist on pasta and loathe sushi – but if this gets us to talk about why Democrats are secretly importing tens of thousands of foreigners without vetting or any means testing then it’s good.

We need a trifecta level victory to not only stop illegal border crossings but to halt immigration all together until we can fix the mess that Ted Kennedy made back in 1965(? – is that the right date? IDR).

    That’s the problem, you don’t want to go there, “ it’s part of THEIR culture

    Well it sure as hell is NOT a part of OUR culture, stealing, torturing, brutal murdering of our pets.

    Muslims culture is to use young boys to sodomize, kill girls and women in” honor’, gag, killings, marry 9 year olds

    We have to stand up and protect OUR culture and return these savages to their stone aged countries of origins.

“Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost accused the “media” of ignoring evidence surrounding claims Springfield, Ohio residents are having their pets abducted and eaten.”

Pish tosh.
Fifty-one retired intelligence officials have gone on records with a statement that this report has all the earmarks of a Kzinti hoax.

He should start with Ohio’s own governor. I’m dubious that 20K+ Haitians relocating to a state whose governor operates a charity in Haiti is purely coincidental. DeWine was on Fox News this week. While Martha McCallum pushed him a little on the issue, I think she left a ton of meat on the bone. I suspect the businesses that were ready to hire all these people (when the city’s own mayor didn’t even know they were coming), was likely coordinated by the governor’s office and the federal government.

    buck61 in reply to TargaGTS. | September 14, 2024 at 7:08 pm

    The Dewine family charity has been funding a school in Haiti for over 25 years, a family members name is on the school. At the last public filing in 2022 the family charity donated $400k to that school, the largest single contribution the charity makes. They had to close the school when the government was recently overthrown. The family also made a $375k donation to a Jesuit Catholic University in Alabama. We all know just how close the churches and NGO’s are tied together these days.
    It would not surprise me in the least that they were flying them directly into Dayton or Columbus on a regular basis using the easily gamed system the Inspector General reported on. I could see people associated with the Dewine family as being the so called sponsor or recruiting people to serve as the sponsor.

      JohnSmith100 in reply to buck61. | September 15, 2024 at 10:24 am

      Both Haitian’s and Somali’s latterly fall into the moron category, that is a huge problem, making their integration into society at best difficult.

    utroukx in reply to TargaGTS. | September 14, 2024 at 7:26 pm

    I would not be surprised if Yost knew about this all along and is just making noise about it now because people noticed. The Republican party in Ohio is corrupt.

      TargaGTS in reply to utroukx. | September 15, 2024 at 10:58 am

      I don’t live in Ohio. But, my dad’s family all does. While they feel the same way about the Ohio GOP as you do, they do seem to like this guy quite a bit. Make of that what you will.

These Haitians are here on a temporary basis, Their statis should be revoked and then deported.

    Mayorkas extended the approval of temporary status until Feb, 2026

    The redesignation of Haiti for TPS allows an estimated 309,000 additional Haitian nationals (or individuals having no nationality who last habitually resided in Haiti) to file initial applications for TPS, if they are otherwise eligible and if they established residence in the United States on or before June 3, 2024, and have continued to reside in the United States since then (“continuous residence”). Eligible individuals who do not have TPS may submit an initial Form I-821, Application for Temporary Protected Status, during the initial registration period that runs from July 1, 2024, through Feb. 3, 2026. Applicants also may apply for TPS-related Employment Authorization Documents and for travel authorization. Applicants can request an EAD by submitting a completed Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization, with their Form I-821, or separately later.


Leftists don’t “believe” in borders. Borders are “racist”. You aren’t “racist” are you? Anchor baby kamala says americans need to learn to appreciate other cultures. Cats with tabasco sauce for lunch?

At some point we need an in-depth, forensic audit of Catholic Charities and other religious organizations who have been “facilitating” the immigration of people from Haiti, Central America, Africa, and South Asia.

I saw a few interesting comments in recent days.

One, how did Muir know to get a quote from the Springfield’s mayor that no pets were being eaten?

Two – NYC is always complaining about the influx of illegal aliens, but Springfield has a higher percentage of migrants to citizens than NYC.

Three – A citizen would be punished if they killed a Canada goose out of season and without the fee/license, right? How do they get away with this.

Four – There seems to be the migrants having cars and having accidents, but did they take the written and driving tests? Have they paid for title and tax? Do they have insurance? Do they get into any trouble for the accidents? The citizens are getting huge increases in insurance rates and would be facing penalties for not having a license, tags, insurance, accidents.

    Dolce Far Niente in reply to Liz. | September 14, 2024 at 8:02 pm

    Anecdotally, citizens have said insurance rates for their area are going up due to the increasing number of uninsured drivers (AKA Haitians) having accidents.

    scooterjay in reply to Liz. | September 14, 2024 at 8:21 pm

    Canadian Geese were a huge no-no to shoot, same as the hawk I shot by mistake in 77! We had to carry it deep in the woods and bury it, as my dad freaked out over my ignorance!

    henrybowman in reply to Liz. | September 15, 2024 at 2:02 pm

    They added the car to the work permit, Obamaphone, and funded debit card already in the Biden Border Swag Bag.

I can’t blame the migrants. They are probably looking around in disbelief at all the food that no one is hunting.

This problem has been festering for a while, but DeWine and his administration are only investigating now?

Lucifer Morningstar | September 15, 2024 at 8:33 am

Easiest way to get rid of these immigrants is to simply stop giving them all the benefits they receive. No more EBT/foodstamp cards. No more free housing. No more free cell phones. No more free medical. If necessary house them in tents and feed them bread and water three times a day until they realize they aren’t welcome and leave. There’s no reason why these illegals need to drain the public resources. No reason whatsoever.

I live in Ohio about a 40 minute drive from Springfield, also point out that I am an ardent Trump supporter, along with my wife. My wife and I and my son, who is not a Trump supporter, travelled to Springfield on Saturday, September 14 to investigate for ourselves. Even though I live a short distance from Springfield, I had never been there before.

What I found was different than what I was expecting. I did not find telltale signs of a city in decline or freefall such as graffiti, broken windows, bordered up houses or overt police presence. We went to the downtown farmers market, visited a Haitian market, talked with a downtown hotel desk manager, talked with a 40-year convenience store owner, and visited the Snyder Park where the ducks and geese live. We only had one person that did not want to talk to us, all others were very friendly, appreciated our investigation and honestly liked the area.

The evidence we found for any missing pets or missing geese is anecdotal at best. There were some stories of people running garbage collection services reporting a few cat carcasses, and the duck population is greatly reduced in the park according to the convenience store owner.

There doesn’t appear to be any specific area of town that the Haitians have taken over, they appear to be widely dispersed throughout the town, So they haven’t establish any type of NoGo zones like what you see in European Islamic enclaves.

The major complaints appeared to be focused on the poor driving skills driving up insurance prices, lack of English skills, and sometimes perceived pushy rude behavior. For example, attempting to negotiate prices at a convenience store is not part of USA culture. City services are definitely being pushed to the limits, such as schools, hospitals, and the police.

The influx of the Haitians has been occurring over the past five years or so. Rumor is that the Haitians are being dropped off at the local Love’s truckstop. There are two large local employers, one is a Japanese owned auto parts factory, and the other is an Amazon warehouse. The city never really recovered from the loss of International Harvester (Navistar) in the 1980s. It would be interesting to know whether there is some covert operation to bring the Haitians to Springfield to fill these unskilled positions instead of the locals, so I hope this is part of the AG investigation.

Last impression, the community is actually coping pretty well with this. I think way too big of a burden was placed on them, and so this burden needs to be lessened via additional help from the federal government, or at least stopping the influx.

    I don’t believe you. A short visit isn’t the same as living there. As for
    coping, where are the environmental and social-economic studies done PRIOR to moving thousands of non-English speaking people into a town? Why to they have to COPE in the first place?

    This is the greatest example of how horrible this is playing for leftists.

    When people who have never commented here before suddenly pop out writing giant dissertations about how AKSHUALLY ITS NOT TRUE, its a pretty great demonstration that yeah, its true, and yeah, its horrible for Democrats.

    Even IF we believed that you were an ‘ardent Trump supporter’, the fact that, by your own story, you just took a casual trip there on a single day, would reduce it to a pointless anecdote by a tourist.

    Literally nobody believes you are an ‘ardent Trump supporter’, or that you actually went there.