OH Gov. DeWine: Springfield Bomb Threats Were All Hoaxes Originating Overseas
The media has never cared about the truth.

So you know how the Democrats and media have been blaming bomb threats in Springfield, OH, on former President Donald Trump and VP candidate JD Vance?
All hoaxes. All originated overseas.
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine said:
These 33 separate bomb threats, each one of which has been responded to and each one of them found as a hoax. So 33 threats. 33 hoaxes. I want to make that very, very clear. None of these had any validity at all. We know that people are very, very concerned. We have taken some actions and in a moment I’ll let Andy Wilson go into more detail. But we’ve moved resources into Springfield. So I want to say to the parents in Springfield these hoaxes have all, these threats have all been hoaxes. None of them have panned out. We have people unfortunately overseas who are taking these actions. Some of them are coming from one particular country. We this is one more opportunity to mess with the United States and they’re continuing to do that. So we cannot let the bad guys win. Our schools must remain open.
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine says there were 33 bomb threats against Springfield schools that all turned out to be hoaxes and originated from "overseas."
Where do President Trump and JD Vance go to get their apology from the media who claimed they incited them? pic.twitter.com/NKyhUJZwrz
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) September 16, 2024
Again, you cannot hate the media enough.
They’ve spent days blaming Trump and Vance.
Reminder that @DanaBashCNN straight up told @JDVance yesterday that he caused the bomb threats against the schools in Springfield.
She owes him an apology. https://t.co/DKwS5URgq5 pic.twitter.com/fVTQKfRmib
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) September 16, 2024
CNN has spent all day blaming Trump's rhetoric for bomb threats in Springfield, OH, but now that Trump is blaming the rhetoric from Biden/Harris for the assassination attempts on him, they decry making those kinds of connections. pic.twitter.com/uzbJy9COVK
— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) September 16, 2024
.@mmckinnon on the latest Trump assassination attempt: “[Republicans] are the ones — I mean, that’s an exact example in Springfield right now of them raising the rhetoric, raising the heat, on a false story, on a lie that created a bomb threat at schools. You don’t have to look… pic.twitter.com/JMQhgmz14R
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 16, 2024
Just hours after a Democrat donor who supports Kamala Harris attempted to assassinate my dad, @TaylorPopielarz of @SpectrumNewsDC falsely claimed that Trump and Vance are "fueling" bomb threats in Springfield, Ohio – Without a shred of evidence to back it up. Fucking disgusting! pic.twitter.com/p6L8XfPwPi
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 16, 2024
'PBS News Weekend' only had a 30 SECOND NEWS BRIEF on the second Donald Trump assassination attempt before moving onto *83 seconds* blaming Trump and JD Vance for threats of violence against Haitians in Springfield, Ohio.#DefundPBS pic.twitter.com/DLOwvM0zYH
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) September 15, 2024

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and then the new poo dossier shouldnt be too far behind
I hate these people
And he did not say from where. We should know who is arranging to frame us.
The silver lining amidst all the legacy media lies, distortions, underreported or ignored events as they blatantly even defiantly put their thumb on the scale time after time is that it’s becoming very, very obvious. It’s so sloppy and so incompetent that folks who normally don’t pay much attention to politics are seeing it for want it is.
but when the patriots are vilified thats all the kids know and they stick with it and then it becomes peer pressure to not change
and you know the drill….right into adulthood
For lefty college kids sure. For others who go into the workforce and get that 1st paycheck wonder ‘just who the heck is FICA’ and why odes th Fed, State and in some places local govt get so much of the $ they worked for.
There’s another thing bubbling under the radar and that’s the growing political divide among Men and Women. It’s really becoming prominent in the ‘black’ community and the 30 and younger cohort. Men are breaking heavily to DJT and the GoP while women love them some d/prog.
“Some of them are coming from one particular country.”
Aw, come on, man, don’t hold out on us.
“Originated from overseas (…)”
Country code ‘+509* maybe???
All school bomb threats are hoaxes.
Schools should have a bomb threat number to call. “Your call is important to us” robot answering menu. Hold for the next bomb threat agent.
I worked in the Pentagon during the Weatherman Years. Next to each phone in the computer room where I spent most of my time, there was a placard for “IF YOU RECEIVE A BOMB THREAT.” It had a list of questions you were supposed to ask the caller, from the top down. When you got down to the bottom, some of the final questions were:
Where is the bomb located?
Where are you calling from?
What is your name?
Note, this was an official placard, not someone’s joke pinup.
When was the last time a school bomb threat was real? I can’t remember one.
Well now how about that? No one will apologize.
I scanned the corporate media sites a while ago and none that I checked carried this story. I looked at Fox, CNN and News Max. There was at least one report covering DeWine’s news conference, but only to say he reported there was no evidence of pets being eaten in Springfield.
All weekend liberal media pounded on the story of bomb threats instigated by GOP comments terrifying locals and Haitian immigrants. Now that the story is not only debunked but shown to be a deliberate propaganda effort it seems they are trying to bury the truth.
But, but, but; is it not an article of faith among the Leftists who govern us that only patriotic Americans can be racist? If all the overseas threats [by definition not Americans] are fakes, is such not heresy?
Subotai Bahadur
In one form or another, this despicable hucksterism and mendacity has been going on since at least the 1960’s.
The vile Dhimmi-crats’ and their destructive and evil motley crew of subversives, terrorists, agitators and fanatics sow violence, chaos and strife across a wide swathe of American society and institutions, and, then, the Dhimmi-crats possess the unmitigated and brazen gall to blame the GOP/conservatives for the Dhimmi-crats’ own agitprop, rhetoric and violence.
It’s long past time that somebody called the Dhimmi-crats out on this.
Another Progressive lie to blame Trump, another day of no apologies when they find out they are wrong again…..and the Progressive masses are fuming because they believe the hoaxes spread by Politicians and their lapdog media to spin the Trump hate into violence.
Well the media IS right…Trump and Vance’s words absolutely HAVE fuelled these bomb threats…only thing is, these threats are coming from deranged leftists!
Is this that foreign interference in our elections they keep going on about?
Let’s suppose for a second that Trump speaking the truth about the ill effects of the Biden* immigration policy did cause some loons to make bomb threats?
So what? We can’t speak the truth for fear of offending some lunatics?
Of course we can! And we should. And we should find and crush the lunatics before they destroy our society. Both of these things can be true at the same time.
Better than spending millions on getting it out to people from the governor of Ohio that the bomb threats are hoaxes, and wasting time returning to the same place prior to the cats and dogs being eaten claim would be not to go with an unverified story from residents that police say they can’t find any evidence for.
Economic issues
Cultural issues
Safety issues
All verified in Springfield Ohio, all things the major, police chief, and city manager in Springfield Ohio confirm, all things that the population of this country are concerned about.
Instead of discussing those are are arguing about if an unverified story is true or not.
Horrible use of time, the governor of Ohio giving a helpful soundbite to refute claims the cats and dogs story is threatening Springfield does not change that. This is not something that should be a story because Trump should not have ineptly handed the news cycle to Democrats.
Even if the story turns out to be true it will be verified too late to help Trump.
Again Springfield Ohio has been subject to economic devastation, safety catastrophe, and cultural issues with the migrants.
Why is it important to take the only story that hasn’t been verified and insist it is true at risk of coming across horribly if police turn out to be correct that it isn’t?
The week could have been spent discussing how migrant crime has intimidated long term lawful residents, or the competition for jobs.
Instead we are in the position of people thinking we are praying for proof that the Haitians are cat eating barbarians.
Not a good look for our side.
I wish Trump was competent I really do.