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New York City Council Passes Bills Creating Reparations Task Force

New York City Council Passes Bills Creating Reparations Task Force

“Recommended measures may include monetary or non-monetary reparations, including symbolic measures such as public apologies or memorials.”

Have fun, New York City!

The city council passed two bills that created a reparation task force to investigate and determine measures to rectify the city’s slavery history.

From the legislation (emphasis mine):

A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to studying the impacts of slavery and its legacies in New York city and recommending potential reparative measures for resulting harms.

This bill would require the Commission on Racial Equity (CORE) to work with subject experts to study the historical and present-day role of New York City government in perpetrating or perpetuating slavery and related racial injustices, and to consider reparative measures for such injustices. The reparations study would document the harms of slavery and its legacies in the City, identify associated rights violations, and recommend potential legal, policy and other measures to help remedy or redress associated harms. City agencies would be required to cooperate with any related special inquiries by CORE. Recommended measures may include monetary or non-monetary reparations, including symbolic measures such as public apologies or memorials. The study would also propose eligibility criteria for receiving reparations, and would coordinate with the New York State community commission on reparations remedies and the City’s process for Truth, Healing, and Reconciliation required by Int. 242-A.

The bill sets aside $1.5 million for the task force of nine members.

The legislation passed 41-9 before the full council.

Mayor Eric Adams and the Speaker will choose the task force:

“New York City has a moral obligation to confront its historical role in the institution of slavery, including harms and long-lasting consequences,” a City Hall spokesperson told The Post.

“This is another crucial step towards addressing systemic inequities, fostering reconciliation, and creating a more just and equitable future for all New Yorkers.”

Mayor Adams is supportive of it, sources said.

Robert Holden, who represents Queens, spoke out against it, calling it a “Pandora’s Box.”

“Taxpayers have had enough of being nickeled and dimed at every turn,” said Holden.


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I am astonished that the lessons from the California reparations debacle apparently need to be relearned – the hard way. At least I wish that the NYC reparations committee would not be appointed almost entirely with potential beneficiaries as in California. As a non-resident, enjoy the show.

    Olinser in reply to Arnoldn. | September 13, 2024 at 1:47 pm

    They learned that they could make a commission that would make the most ludicrous and insane demands, actually DO absolutely none of it, and black people would still vote for them.

    henrybowman in reply to Arnoldn. | September 13, 2024 at 2:35 pm

    Immediately after the debacle California wished upon itself erupted, some jizzhat in New York decides, “How much does it cost? I’ll buy it!”

    “Recommended measures may include monetary or non-monetary reparations, including symbolic measures such as public apologies or memorials. ”

    Or, you can just open your wallet and give $30 to a random black person… like Robin DiAngelo got Boratted into doing on film by Matt Walsh in “Am I Racist?”

      Why keep apologizing? American blacks have every advantage in the world now. They live among a very accepting and tolerant populace. Why keep rubbing everybody’s face in this?

    geronl in reply to Arnoldn. | September 13, 2024 at 4:00 pm

    They know it will not happen but they will pretend for virtue signal points

Since everything else is going so well for them, this is the next logical step……….

destroycommunism | September 13, 2024 at 1:11 pm

also they are looking to take off the law books adultery as a crime

they can do their reparations as long as the same have to pay back society RIGHT NOW for the carnage they currently create

All those in favor of reparations should take up a VOLUNTARY collection. Whatever you collect is the reparations budget, without a penny from taxpayers.

Lest we forget the deadly race riots in NYC during the Civil War. Waiting for that to be brought up.

    Mauiobserver in reply to alaskabob. | September 13, 2024 at 4:30 pm

    Some describe them as race riots and some as anti-draft riots. Probably a lot of the later and some of the former. Certainly, blacks became a target but without the draft there would have been no riot. Newly arrived immigrants and many native born poor and working-class folks were clearly not eager to be drafted and sent to the front in the meat grinder that faced infantry in the War Between the States.

    The fact that the well to do in NY which supported war could buy their way out of serving probably helped to stoke the anger against the establishment and elites.

      alaskabob in reply to Mauiobserver. | September 14, 2024 at 12:24 am

      “Throughout the areas of rioting, mobs attacked and killed numerous black civilians and destroyed their known homes and businesses, such as James McCune Smith’s pharmacy at 93 West Broadway, believed to be the first owned by a black man in the United States.[12]”

      Modern day equivalent would be the “mostly peaceful” protests during the Summer of Saint George of Floyd.

        henrybowman in reply to alaskabob. | September 14, 2024 at 4:03 am

        It’s a juicy quote, but meaningless without some analysis of whether the black lives and property destroyed was in demographic proportion to the white lives and property destroyed. If a city with black and white people had a riot and no black lives or property were destroyed, that would be one for the record books.

That’s Marxism, steal from the people and give to the Bolsheviks

Okay, everyone back where you came from.
Wait, why are you still here?

    England or Ireland, although a tiny percentage of me is native American…. so I guess I can stay

      scooterjay in reply to geronl. | September 13, 2024 at 4:58 pm

      I have no idea if I should go to Scotland, Ireland or to France where my Hugenot ancestors were chased from their homeland in 1693 and set sail for Savannah.

I fully agree that everyone who personally was a slave should be paid reparations by people who personally owned slaves

    JackinSilverSpring in reply to Ironclaw. | September 13, 2024 at 3:35 pm

    Only those who had been slaves in NYS until slavery was totally abolished in 1827 and their owners.

    Mauiobserver in reply to Ironclaw. | September 13, 2024 at 4:33 pm

    But only after the tribes and nations in Africa that enslaved them paid the lions share and the Muslim slave trader nations which transported them to the coast and sold them have kicked most of the remaining claim.

I think the death of 600,000 men in the civil war was apology enough

Let us deal with reparations in chronological order, shall we? First, we must repatriate the wealth of current NYC to the native Americans who were driven from their land with nothing but beads and trinkets to show for their century-long development of this pristine land. I think a few square miles of downtown NYC for every claimant would be appropriate. Then we have indentured servants brought by the first colonists. The same quantity of land should suffice for their pain and suffering. Oops, We’re out of land to give away.

NEWS FLASH: New York City commits economic suicide. Film at 11.

Just like California it will pretend to the end and then nothing, because the money does not exist.

Who’s going to pay the tens of billions of reparations when everyone with money leaves the state?

NYC…reparations available here!
Step right through this door…

“Yes, ladies and gentlemen…you, too can stick it to Whitey and your ills will vanish. Just one swig of reparation juice will turn your life around!
Who wants to be the first to take a drink? It is 100% free!”

Well, the defund the police stuff to protect black people from racist white police officers (apparently all white officers are racist) resulted in a 30% increase in the murders of blacks, ironically, by other blacks, who were no longer held in check by the police.

So I am sure that any reparations handed out will likely facilitate the demise of those who receive them.

My dad always used to teach lessons using the “there are two types of people” approach. In this case, there are two types of people: Those whose lives get better with more money, and those whose lives get worse. I suspect that the majority of those seeking reparations fall into the latter category.

Some American blacks complain their ancestors were promised “40 acres and a mule.” Now they’re demanding cash. On what basis? The promised “40 acres and a mule” implied that hard work and no guarantee of success were part of the deal. So, instead of giving them handouts, why don’t we offer them something that requires work and comes with no guarantee of success, like an education?
Oh…We’ve spent billions (if not trillions) on their education since the 1960s. Are they better off for it? Some are. But there is a core of layabouts in their population who can’t or won’t be helped with such largess. If they have rejected the offer, I say “Promise fulfilled, your rejection satisfies any obligation white people may have had.” (To say nothing of the cost in blood and treasure of the war that made their ancestors’ emancipation possible. Those expenses should have been “reparations” enough.)

If today’s US citizens owe money to black Americans/descendants of slaves and they are paid now, will the recipients’ descendants continue to have a claim? And, if not, why not? Because some of the descendants of slaves have already been compensated? That is, if the descendants of slaves are due money now, why wouldn’t their descendants have a claim as well? How does giving reparations to some of the descendants of slaves now cure the injury of slavery for future generations of descendants? If any of the descendants of slaves are owed reparations, why wouldn’t that include future generations?

You can see where this is going.