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Netanyahu Vows to ‘Exact Heavy Price’ From Houthi Terrorists After Missile Reaches Central Israel

Netanyahu Vows to ‘Exact Heavy Price’ From Houthi Terrorists After Missile Reaches Central Israel

Netanyahu: “Anyone who attacks us will not escape,”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to “exact a heavy price” from Iran-backed Houthis after the Yemen-based terrorist group fired a missile at central Israel.

Air sirens were sounded across Israel on early morning Sunday when a ballistic missile entered the country’s airspace. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in a press release identified the projectile as “a surface-to-surface missile” fired “from Yemen toward Israeli territory.”

The missile fell apart as Israel’s Arrow and Iron Dome aerial defence systems tried to intercept it. The Houthi “missile most likely fragmented in mid-air,” the IDF said.

Parts of the missile fell a few miles south-east of Ben Gurion airport, outside Tel Aviv. The falling debris landed in “an open area near Ben-Shemen, some six kilometers from Ben-Gurion Airport,” the Jerusalem Post noted. Some shrapnel from the missile fell on homes and buildings in central Israel, social media posts suggest. No casualties were reported.

The Israeli news website YNET reported the attempted Houthi missile strike:

According to the military, the missile broke apart in midflight, and the aerial defenses intercepted parts of it. “Several interception attempts were made by the Arrow and Iron Dome Aerial Defense Systems, and their results are under review,” the IDF said adding that in one area near a train station in central Israel, fallen fragments of the interceptors caused a fire.

Sirens blared early in central Israel on Sunday warning of incoming fire. They were heard in the southern parts of the Tel Aviv metropolitan area and the central planes, around the Ben Gurion International Airport. The airport authorities said the airport was not impacted in any way and no fragments of an missile or its intercept were detected on the runways.

The military said the threat was coming from the East and later added it was launched by the Houthis in Yemen. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the Houthis should have learned that Israel would retaliate to any attack, and referring to the bombing of the Hodeida port in Yemen after the Iran-backed Shiite group fired an attack drone that killed one man in Tel Aviv.

The Islamic terror group took responsibility for the failed attack, claiming that it fired a “hypersonic” missile which travelled more than a thousand mile before falling apart over the Israeli airspace. “Houthi spokesman Yahya Saree hailed the missile as a success, saying that a “new hypersonic ballistic missile” targeted Israeli territory. He said it was fired from 2,040 kilometers (1,267 miles) away and flew for 11 and a half minutes,” the Israeli TV channel i24NEWS reported.

Prime Minister Netanyahu promised a swift and decisive response against the Iranian proxy terror group , the Jerusalem Post reported:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged to exact a heavy price from the Houthis for its missile attack against central Israel on Sunday.

“This morning, the Houthis launched a surface-to-surface missile from Yemen into our territory,” Netanyahu told his government during its weekly meeting.

“They should have known by now that we exact a heavy price for any attempt to harm us,” he stated.

“Those who need a reminder in this matter are invited to visit the port of Hodeidah,” Netanyahu said in a reference to an Israeli reprisal attack in July.

“Anyone who attacks us will not escape,” Netanyahu said, explaining that Hamas has already learned this.

Sunday’s attack comes after Houthis in mid-July carried out a deadly drone strike on Tel Aviv, killing a 50-year-old man. Israel in retaliation struck the Houthi terrorist stronghold in the Red Sea port city of Hodeidah in western Yemen.

The Yemen-based jihadist group unleashed a campaign of terror against Israel after the October 7 attack, firing hundreds of missiles and drones at Israel and attacking Israeli and Western  commercial ships in the Red Sea.

Israel hits another Hamas terror base embedded inside former Gaza school

The IDF on Sunday targeted another Hamas terrorist base inside a former Gaza school. “A short while ago, with the direction of IDF and ISA intelligence, the IAF conducted a precise strike on a Hamas command and control center embedded inside a compound that previously served as the ‘Raazi El Shua’ School in Beit Hanoun,” the Israeli military said in a press statement Sunday,

The terrorist site was being used to fire rockets at southern Israeli towns and cities. “The command and control center was used by Hamas terrorists as an operational hideout, as well as a place to plan and carry out rocket and missile attacks against IDF troops and the State of Israel in recent weeks,” the IDF added,

The anti-terror strike came a day after Israeli Air Forces I(IDF) on Saturday destroyed a Hamas weapons factory located near another school in northern Gaza.

The Israeli armed forces undertook all possible measures to minimize civilian casualties as Hamas systematically places its terrorist infrastructure in humanitarian zones. Israel took “numerous steps were taken to mitigate the risk of harming civilians, including the use of precise munitions, aerial surveillance and additional intelligence,” the IDF assured.


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ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 15, 2024 at 2:04 pm

Frankly … in a sane world, someone would just nuke Yemen out of existence.


And Iran wouldn’t be far behind.

cardboard, PVC and riveted fins cannot achieve hypersonic speed.
abdul has his propaganda wrong.

Didn’t Yemen completely expel all Jews just a few years ago

Why aren’t all the folks living in Yemen living in nirvana by now, from their point of view. Heaven on earth. Paradise.

    Stuytown in reply to Jvj1975. | September 16, 2024 at 10:21 am

    Operation Magic Carpet/Operation on Wings of Eagles. 47,000 Jews were evacuated from Yemen after they were attacked by Muslims in Aden. Jews were also evacuated at this time from Saudi Arabia, Eritrea, and elsewhere.

A morally upright and competent U.S. president would have issued an ultimatum to Qatar (a malignant and duplicitous sponsor of Hamas and myriad other Muslim terrorist/Islamofascist groups and a lavish funder of Islamofascist propaganda), Iran, Hamas, the Houthis and the rest of the Muslim terrorist rogues’ gallery, immediately after American hostages were taken, demanding their immediate safe release, or, to otherwise face total destruction, starting with Iran’s and Qatar’s oil infrastructure; production facilities, storage tanks, pipelines, etc., and, wherever the Houthis are gathering. It’s a disgrace that this hasn’t happened.

That’s the proper, robust, morally justified and rationally vicious response that Muslim terrorism, and, savage war crimes, demand.

But, the evil, feckless, stupid, naive and historically and theologically ignorant Dhimmi-crats are incapable of exhibiting such moral clarity and resolve.

Raymond Ibrahim made a salient point in an essay, several years ago, that bears repeating. He stated something to the effect of an observation that the west is substantially economically and militarily more powerful than all Islamic nations and terrorist groups, and, that the evil phenomenon of persistent Muslim terrorism is basically a product of Islamic weakness and insecurity, inasmuch as Muslim terrorists are incapable of waging and winning a direct battlefield war against the west. So, these scum resort to terrorist tactics. Ibrahim noted that if the west possessed the requisite leadership, will and moral clarity, it could crush all Muslim terrorist groups, and, their state sponsors, tomorrow, like a bug.

Sadly, western will and moral clarity are lacking, thanks to European, leftist dhimmis’ and American Dhimmi-crats’ feckless dhimmitude and perennially meek and obsequious kowtowing to, deference to and appeasement of Muslim supremacists, Islamofascists and terrorists.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to guyjones. | September 15, 2024 at 4:30 pm

    I have mentioned that I have some Native American linage, always like the line speaking with forked tongue.

    henrybowman in reply to guyjones. | September 15, 2024 at 10:30 pm

    “A morally upright and competent U.S. president would have issued an ultimatum to Qatar… and myriad other Muslim terrorist/Islamofascist groups”

    What Would Thomas Jefferson Do?

      The question is what would the Framers have done with respect to First Amendment and Fourth Amendment had they known who the immigrants would be in the 2000s.

I think a warning shot at Iran would be nice — like in the form of the total destruction of all the infrastructure of Iran’s nuclear weapons program.

Follow that up with a note that reads: “Stronger message to follow if you don’t understand this message. FAFO.”

Darn. It’s too bad America didn’t have a carrier group or something in the region to keep that straight open.

    Jvj1975 in reply to diver64. | September 16, 2024 at 8:39 am

    Careful. If you continue to notice such things, then you too may receive tens of millions from the U.S. taxpayer, care of our cosplayer secr’y of state.
    Just like the houthis