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Netanyahu Rejects Biden-Macron Ceasefire Proposal as Israel Eliminates Hezbollah’s Drone Chief 

Netanyahu Rejects Biden-Macron Ceasefire Proposal as Israel Eliminates Hezbollah’s Drone Chief 

Netanyahu’s orders military to fight with “full force” against Hezbollah terror group in Lebanon. 

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu denied accepting a ceasefire proposal floated by President Joe Biden and his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron on Thursday.

The Biden-Macron proposal, backed by the European Union and several Arab states, calls for a three-week truce between Israel and the Lebanon-based terrorist group Hezbollah.

Despite mainstream media reports suggesting an imminent ceasefire, Benjamin Netanyahu had ordered Israel’s military to keep fighting with “full force” against the Iran-backed terrorist group Hezbollah in Lebanon, his office clarified Thursday.

“The report about a ceasefire is incorrect. This is an American-French proposal that the Prime Minister has not even responded to,” the Prime Minister’s Office said in a statement Thursday morning.

“The report about the purported directive to ease up on the fighting in the north is the opposite of the truth. The Prime Minister has directed the IDF to continue fighting with full force, according to the plan that was presented to him,” Netanyahu’s office said.

Reports of a ceasefire deal with terror group Hamas in Gaza were also unfounded. “The fighting in Gaza will also continue until all the objectives of the war have been achieved,” the statement added.

Israel’s foreign minister, Israel Katz, also denied agreeing to any ceasefire. “There will be no ceasefire in the north. We will continue to fight against the terrorist organization Hezbollah with all our might until victory and the safe return of the residents of the north to their homes,” the foreign minister said in a statement.

The statements come a day after Israel’s military chief, Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, told his troops that the ongoing airstrikes could “prepare the ground for the possibility of your entry” into Hezbollah-controlled Lebanon.

IDF eliminates Hezbollah’s drone chief in Beirut strike

Israeli fighter jets on Saturday targeted and eliminated the chief of Hezbollah’s drone and aerial forces, Abu Salah.

In last week’s airstrikes, the IDF eliminated several of Hezbollah commanders — wiping out large-parts of the terror group’s command structure. The recent pager and walkie talkie blasts also decimated the rank and file of the Shia-Islamist group.

The Times of Israel reports:

The IDF said on Thursday that it carried out a targeted strike on the Dahieh quarter in Beirut, Hezbollah’s stronghold in the city Watch the footage from the scene of the attackAn airstrike killed a senior Hezbollah leader in a strike on Beirut’s southern suburbs on Thursday afternoon, the military said, with fighting between Israel and the Iran-backed terror group showing little sign of slowing as an international bid to secure a ceasefire appeared to fall apart. (…)

According to the military, the attack was against the head of Hezbollah’s drone force known as Abu Salah and local reports said it was carried out by three missiles directed at a10-story apartment block near the attack that killed Ibrahim Aqil, Hezbollah’s senior commander, last week.

IDF determined to drive Hezbollah away from the border, bring back displaced residents

Israel’s armed forces have begun an operation to drive Hezbollah away from the country’s northern border and bring back more than 70,000 civilians displaced by the terrorist group’s relentless cross-border rocket attacks since October 7,  the head of IDF’s Home Front Command Maj. Gen. Rafi Milo assured Thursday.

“We have set a very, very clear goal. We want to change the security reality in the north fundamentally. So that we can bring the residents back home with security, with a sense of security, and truly change the security situation,” Maj. Gen. Milo said in a press release on Thursday.

“This week we are in a very significant offensive effort,” the head of Israel’s Home Front Command noted.

Israel destroys more Hezbollah terrorist bases, weapons dumps in southern Lebanon

Hezbollah, from its position in southern Lebanon, continued to fire missiles and drones toward Israeli towns and cities. “‘Following the sirens that sounded in the western Galilee area, approximately 45 projectiles were identified crossing from Lebanon, some of the projectiles were intercepted and the rest fell in open areas,” the IDF said Saturday morning.

The Israeli Air Forces (IAF) responded by conducting strikes aimed at destroying the terrorist build-up in southern Lebanon. “This morning, IAF fighter jets, directed by IDF intelligence, continued to strike Hezbollah terror targets in several areas in southern Lebanon. Among the targets struck were Hezbollah military sites, terrorists, and weapons storage facilities,” the Israeli military revealed. “In the area of Kfarchouba in southern Lebanon, the IAF struck a number of terrorists who were identified in the area.”

Rafah: IDF targets Hamas’ ‘Nukhba’ commanders responsible for October 7 atrocities

As part of the ongoing Gaza operation, the Israeli military eliminated a senior Hamas commander responsible for weapons smuggling and overseeing terrorist attacks in the West Bank area. “During joint IDF and ISA [Israel Security Agency] operational activity over the last week, IAF [Israeli Air Force] aircraft struck in the area of Rafah, eliminating the terrorist Suleiman Juad Suleiman Abu Lafi. Abu Lafi facilitated the transfer of weapons to and from the Gaza Strip, and directed terrorist attacks in the area of Judea and Samaria,” the IDF said in a statement on Thursday.

Israeli fighter jets also struck the hideouts linked to Hamas’s elite Nukhba terrorist force, which spearheaded the October 7 attack. “In addition, IAF fighter jets, following IDF and ISA direction, eliminated a team commander of Hamas’ “Nukhba” Company, as well as an additional terrorist who took part in the October 7th massacre,” the military disclosed Thursday.

Israeli military and security service “are continuing to precisely strike terrorists in the Gaza Strip, eliminating terrorists who participated in the October 7th massacre,” the IDF assured.


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MarkSmith | September 26, 2024 at 10:27 am

No need to shell, just start blowing up a few TVs

Peter Moss | September 26, 2024 at 10:27 am

“War is the remedy our enemies have chosen and I say let us give them all they want.”
– W. T. Sherman

Israel’s many enemies (and I included the Biden administration in that cohort) have been relentless in their zeal to destroy the Jewish state since its inception.

There is absolutely zero chance of a settlement with the Islamist hordes. Their hate is indelible and at the cellular level. If they cannot get out of the box of 7th century ideology that they’re trapped in then that’s on them.

Israel should continue their self-defense efforts unabated until there is no terrorist left standing, especially in light of the stance taken by Biden,

    Paula in reply to Peter Moss. | September 26, 2024 at 1:28 pm

    It’s a tough question. What should Israel do?

    1. Nothing. Just let terrorists continue to attack and kill their people.
    2.Israel should continue their self-defense efforts unabated until there is no terrorist left standing, especially in light of the stance taken by Biden,

    I think I’ll go with #2.

      gibbie in reply to Paula. | September 26, 2024 at 2:07 pm

      Definitely option two. But the following part of the Seder will continue to be true until the return of the Messiah.

      “The promise made to our forefathers holds also for us. For not just one enemy has risen against us to destroy us. But in every generation they rise against us to destroy us. And the Holy One Blessed Be He saves us from their hands.”

Wars are not won by ceasing fire, especially when you have your enemy confused and in disarray.

And, the IDF just announced they killed the Hezbollah head of drone operations in a Beirut airstrike this AM.

Fight Fight Fight!

MarkSmith | September 26, 2024 at 10:39 am


The IDF is anxiously following about 40,000 militia volunteers and mercenaries who came from various countries in the Middle East including Iraq, Yemen, and Syria, and are assembled in Syria, near the Golan Heights, awaiting the call of the Secretary-General of Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah to join the fighting, Haaretz reported Tuesday night. Israel’s security establishment says that even though they are not professional fighters, it’s still a concern. “They are not elite fighters; Hamas Nukhba forces were not professional, and yet we have seen what a force of 2,000-3,000 armed men can do” “This is a risk we cannot take, and if necessary, we will also act in Syria.”

    TargaGTS in reply to MarkSmith. | September 26, 2024 at 11:10 am

    The good is the differences – logistically & tactically – of moving a large combat element over an arid/desert terrain and moving a smaller, battalion-sized force through a fence in a largely urban environment couldn’t be more stark. Already on a war-footing (unlike Oct 7th),Israel enjoys perfect battlefield awareness to their north, on their Lebanese, Syrian and Jordanian borders. The moment any kind of a mechanized column(s) was detected, IAF would do their best Highway of Death impersonation. Without close-air support of any kind, those 40K ‘volunteers’ would be quickly turned into ground beef. The Golan Heights is a kill-zone as Israel already demonstrated during the 6-day war.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to MarkSmith. | September 26, 2024 at 12:02 pm

    How about enough thermobaric bombs to neutralize this group.

destroycommunism | September 26, 2024 at 10:42 am



thats nevile chamberline rolled into one

destroycommunism | September 26, 2024 at 10:43 am

if america had a commander-in-chief like nets we’d be

almost left-less

You know, at the rate Muslims are taking over France, Israel will have to worry about being nuked by France even if you get rid of Iran’s nukes.

    mailman in reply to Eric R.. | September 26, 2024 at 12:49 pm

    Fact check: True ✅

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Eric R.. | September 26, 2024 at 2:48 pm

    I have raised the issue of removing France’s nukes numerous times here. We might be put in a situation where their nukes would have to nuked to keep their nukes out of Muslim hands

    Concerning their subs, maybe amnesty for their sailors here if they bring the subs in?

    We are facing some very dangerous times.

    While France is likely to first, there are other problem countries.

Here’s the thing.

For the left and the UN the starting point for peace is the destruction of Israel and the elimination of all Jews.

For Israel the starting point for peace is for Palestinians to stop trying to kill Jews where ever and when ever they can.

Now I don’t know about you guys but it seems to me that the preferable starting point for peace is not trying to kill Jews? But what do I know? 🤷‍♂️

Where were the calls for a “21 day ceasefire” 11 months ago when Hezbollah started attacking Israel with daily rocket attacks?

Notice how a call for a cease fire only comes when Israel finally responds, has the upper hand, and is decimating the Iranian proxy Hezbollah.

You have to step back and ponder the brazen gall of the utterly feckless, witless and emasculated fool, Macron.

Already compromised at home by his ceaseless, meek and submissive kowtowing to restive, subversive and belligerent Muslim supremacists and Islamofascists, he seeks to dictate to Israeli Jews that they should surrender in the face of goose-stepping, genocidal Muslim terrorism and barbarism.

“Reports of my surrender have been greatly exaggerated.”

JohnSmith100 | September 26, 2024 at 3:20 pm

If America had this problem Obama, Biden, Harris would tell us to grin and bear it.

Poor, innocent Lebanon has fired over 8,000 rockets into Israel since Oct. 8. In my opinion Israel has shown far too much restraint.

God it’s like the plot of a Mel Brooks film anymore

joejoejoe | September 26, 2024 at 5:10 pm


Disgusted | September 26, 2024 at 6:48 pm

I saw a great comment on a blog a couple of days ago: “Just think, the guys running Hezbollah today are guys who weren’t important enough to get a pager a week ago.” Heh.

Biden and Harris are slow learners. The price for a cease fire is low: return hostages, stop trying to kill Israelis, and turn over for punishment the terrorists who have killed Israelis. Starting a war is a war crime–defending your country isn’t. And while we’re at it, we should take a hard line with Iran–the sponsors of terrorism. Hey Iran–nice power plants you have there–it would be a shame if you continue to instigate terrorism and something were to happen to them.

midge.hammer | September 26, 2024 at 7:03 pm

This is what it looks like when courage and manhood stand up to fascism.

Hail, Bibi! Godspeed, sir.

I may just write in Benjamin Netanyahu for President.

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