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NC GOP Gov. Candidate Mark Robinson Denies Allegations in CNN Story

NC GOP Gov. Candidate Mark Robinson Denies Allegations in CNN Story

The Republicans have until 11:59 PM ET to replace Robinson on the ballot.

Before CNN dropped its bombshell, North Carolina Republican gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson lashed out at the allegations.

“Let me reassure you, the things that you will see in that story, those are not the words of Mark Robinson,” the current lieutenant governor said in a social media post.

K-File provided screenshots as evidence to back his theory that Robinson made the posts and accounts.

It’s not definite proof, but it doesn’t help Robinson, who has faced other allegations.

From CNN:

The comments, which Robinson denies making, predate his entry into politics and current stint as North Carolina’s lieutenant governor. They were made under a username that CNN was able to identify as Robinson by matching a litany of biographical details and a shared email address between the two.

Many of Robinson’s comments were gratuitously sexual and lewd in nature. They were made between 2008 and 2012 on “Nude Africa,” a pornographic website that includes a message board. The comments were made under the username minisoldr, a moniker Robinson used frequently online.

Robinson listed his full name on his profile for Nude Africa, as well as an email address he used on numerous websites across the internet for decades.

CNN is reporting only a small portion of Robinson’s comments on the website given their graphic nature.

The comments include becoming aroused as an adult when he remembers “secretly ‘peeping’ on women in public gym showers as a 14-year-old.”

Robinson allegedly professed his love for transgender pornography, calling himself a “perv.”

Back in 2010, Robinson supposedly called himself a “black Nazi.”

He also allegedly wanted slavery to come back: “Slavery is not bad. Some people need to be slaves. I wish they would bring it (slavery) back. I would certainly buy a few.”

CNN asked Robinson about the report on Tuesday, but he didn’t respond.

Robinson and his campaign responded today:

“This is not us. These are not our words. And this is not anything that is characteristic of me,” Robinson said. Presented with the litany of evidence connecting him with the minisoldr user name on Nude Africa, Robinson said, “I’m not going to get into the minutia of how somebody manufactured this, these salacious tabloid lies.”

CNN first reached out to Robinson Tuesday morning with evidence connecting him to the comments on Nude Africa. It took his campaign two days to respond and issue a denial.

During his interview with CNN, Robinson repeatedly said the issues that faced North Carolinians were more important than what he called “tabloid trash,” and he steered the conversation toward attacking his opponent in the race, Democrat Josh Stein, the state’s attorney general.

“We are not getting out of this race. There are people who are counting on us to win this race,” Robinson said.

Current Attorney General Josh Stein, Robinson’s Democrat opponent, leads in polls and has a clear road to victory.

Sources told The Carolina Journal that Stein’s “campaign leaked the story to CNN and local Raleigh news outlet, WRAL.”

The deadline to replace a candidate on the ballot is 11:59 PM today.

One other thing. Why did CNN also wait until today to drop it? The network must have had the story for weeks, maybe even months, to do all the research to connect the accounts to Robinson.


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I thought weird sex dealings got normalized with Billy-the-Clinton…

Imagine if he had said “Every American has a fundamental right to privacy regarding their most personal life dealings. Surely this allegation falls under that category.”

But that would make too much sense

“The Republicans have until 11:59 PM ET to replace Robinson on the ballot.”

Why would they?

Robinson won fair and square.

And if rape, fraud, and 34 felony convictions don’t disqualify the white guy running for President why should a few unverified edgy internet posts disqualify the black guy running for governor?

Republicans need to stop playing these bullshit games created by democrats.

No need to respond at all. Ignore these cunts as they don’t deserve the attention of conservatives. Let them play these attacks to their loyal fans and just get on with getting on.

    Danny in reply to mailman. | September 19, 2024 at 9:21 pm

    Actually if he admitted it and started attending one of the church groups set up for struggling porn addicts he likely would have likely improved his chances of winning.

    Would it be humiliating to confess to a personal flaw to millions of people?

    Price of winning is sometimes needing to eat humble pie. CNN would have accidentally helped him if he had just been honest about his addiction.

      mailman in reply to Danny. | September 20, 2024 at 1:24 am

      I couldn’t give a flying fuck pal 😂😂

      Sailorcurt in reply to Danny. | September 20, 2024 at 8:51 am

      Unless he really didn’t say those things.

      Occam’s razor: What’s more likely?

      Someone perusing a niche porn site that I’d bet 99% of the population has never even heard of stumbles upon a series of extremely salacious comments made by a screen name that they just happen to recognize as being connected to a prominent black Republican politician, then did the research to link the account to an email address known to be used by this politician, and had enough credibility with a journalist to get them to run with the story.

      Or someone created the account themselves using a screen name known to be used by the politician, intentionally linked that fake account to the politician’s known email accounts and then sent the whole made up package of crap to the media?

      Which is more likely?

Gremlin1974 | September 19, 2024 at 6:34 pm

Desperate attempt by the left to get the GOP candidate to vacate because they are convinced they are going to lose.

CommoChief | September 19, 2024 at 6:36 pm

Why did CNN sit on it for weeks? Easy, they want to cause pressure for him to withdraw or of he refuses to withdraw to damage him enough among GoP and Indy voters to depress turnout and push NC electoral votes to Harris. IMO Robinson’s candidacy is a secondary target here, the real target is denying Trump a victory in a very tight NC Presidential contest.

    henrybowman in reply to CommoChief. | September 19, 2024 at 7:02 pm

    Do you really think that GOP and Indy voters will cancel their drive to the polls because of this one jamoke? Is “I’m voting mainly to support Mark Robinson” something anyone has said ever?

      CommoChief in reply to henrybowman. | September 19, 2024 at 8:20 pm

      What I believe isn’t the issue …. what’s important is whether the d/prog and their CNN allies who sat on this story believe… and IMO those goobers think their shenanigans here WILL have an impact.

      FWIW I don’t think it’s gonna be nearly as important or have the huge impact they hope but I could see some lukewarm GoP voters, new evangelical types as one example, who might just throw up hands in frustration with a pox on their houses attitude and they stay home. Lots of ‘woe is me’, ‘votes won’t count anyhow’, ‘the fix is in’ types out there, some post at LI.

      NC has 14 CD with a recent hard fought redistricting battle plus their Statewide offices and their legislature on the ballot. Definitely worth trying to take out the GoP nominee for Gov and hope for wider impact on the rest of the ballot. 538 polling has the Presidential race at: Trump 47.5 with Harris at 47.3. That’s a very thin margin and if the d/prog and their media allies can peel off or deter 4 or 5K voters per CD with shenanigans they will absolutely try it. Recall that Trump won NC by 1.34% of the vote in 2020 or roughly 75K votes, so 14 CD x 4,500 less votes each = 63K nearly enough to have swung it 2020.

        Danny in reply to CommoChief. | September 19, 2024 at 9:13 pm

        This issue will not change any votes.

        What will is that Robinson has denied it, and CNN has compelling evidence it happened.

        Being able to impeach a candidates credibility with a non-issue he/she lies about in order to reduce his/her credibility on issues the voters do care about is on page one of how to fight a campaign.

        He would have done much better to either shut up about it or admit it. The public is very forgiving of personal failings, but when losing credibility it is hard to get it back.

        I hope he admits it says he needs and is getting help and starts attending one of the many church groups for dealing with this issue and moves on. North Carolina is a very possible pick up and I would hate to lose it because Mark Robinson is too proud to admit the media got him on something the public couldn’t care less about.

          Sailorcurt in reply to Danny. | September 20, 2024 at 8:55 am

          “Compelling evidence” this is not, considering it would be ridiculously easy to fake.

          They kept swearing that the Steele Dossier was “compelling evidence” too.

          CommoChief in reply to Danny. | September 20, 2024 at 12:24 pm

          Danny the entirety of the flow of possibilities from launch of accusations and their potential to harm the ballot choices is part of the ‘shenanigans’. If I set a trap but after being snared you choose to saw off your foot to escape then my primary goal to capture you didn’t work but your reaction left you crippled. Either is acceptable b/c both damage you.

    GWB in reply to CommoChief. | September 20, 2024 at 9:00 am

    They sat on it in order to create a ballot crisis. Because we can’t get away with a Torricelli Gambit.

      CommoChief in reply to GWB. | September 20, 2024 at 7:14 pm

      Sure but IMO it is primarily to blunt voters for Trump in NC to try and deny those 16 EC votes. Move NC out of the Trump column and things get harder. Keep NC in the Trump column along with the rest of ’20 then all he needs to add are GA and PA to win. Without NC now he gotta make up those EC votes somewhere else even if he wins GA and PA…..

I have really liked this guy

henrybowman | September 19, 2024 at 7:27 pm

“He also allegedly wanted slavery to come back: “Slavery is not bad. Some people need to be slaves. I wish they would bring it (slavery) back. I would certainly buy a few.”

I’m partially sympathetic to his position. Voluntary indenture would be a big seller. Some people yearn for it. Not just the S&M kinksters, but the hopelessly ambitionless, congenital sheep, and libtards in various other categories:

“Unlearn Work,” by Sara Weber, author of the pathbreaking monographs The World is Collapsing and I Still Have to Work? and Somebody Else Can Do That Though.

The attraction isn’t that I’m in the market — I’m not, I’m still furiously saving up for my Jetsons flying car — but that indentured people would be prohibited from voting as a condition of being entirely supported by their private “sponsor.”

More concerning to me about Robinson is the total stink-o job he’s done running his campaign for NC governor. A real crap sandwich.

There are some things to like about Robinson. There are some things not to like about him, too, but this ‘september surprise’ ain’t one of ’em. It’s probably a total smear job by deep sewer – the same henchmen who insisted Hunter’s laptop was fake, Russian hookers doing water sports on Trump was real, and dementia Joe has all his faculties – don’t believe your lying eyes!

The real question is why? As stated, Robinson’s campaign has been a crap sandwich. He’s down double digits in polls. Why even bother with this pr0n message board stuff? Insult to injury? Kick em when he’s down for daring to be a NOP (negro off plantation?)
Or just dogpile to further tarnish the GOP brand…

    Danny in reply to LB1901. | September 19, 2024 at 9:08 pm

    I agree he needs to do a much better job at the campaign.

    My issue with seeing this as just a smear job is there are too many tens of millions of American men with a porn addiction, and the evidence of the same email address, and biographical information is solid. If you wanted to smear someone would you pick an issue that impacts nobody, involves no broken laws or lives, not only falls short of unwanted sexual advances but doesn’t even reach consenting adultery? I wish he didn’t fall into porn addiction but he clearly has. None of us should judge him for it because we all have our flaws and sins. I would like to say this isn’t something that should be litigated by the public.

    The man like many millions of Americans has a problem.

    I would much rather he admit it, and apologize to his wife than let it drag down his campaign by making his denial an issue to swing voters.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Danny. | September 20, 2024 at 7:49 am

      Admit what?

      How about the left provides indisputable proof?

      Where’s the innocent until proven guilty?

      Admit NOTHING. Apologize for NOTHING.

      Do not ever grovel to the left.

      Maybe what you say is true, or maybe you’re naive or gullible to comprehend how evil is the deep sewer, and the depths it will go to in order to fabricate all that ‘evidence’ against Robinson.

      Moreover, Bill Clinton taught me many years ago that private sexual proclivities have no connection to public service. Dems da rules now. Have a cigar!

I’m voting for him
Fuck cnn

irishgladiator63 | September 19, 2024 at 8:11 pm

Who cares?
As long as:

1. It’s not illegal
2. It’s not coerced
3. It doesn’t involve children
4. No one is hurt
5. It doesn’t involve me

I really don’t care what gets this guy excited. Which is…as near as I can tell, the general conservative position.

So conservatives don’t care. Liberals promote every manner of perversity having literal marches down the street. They don’t care either, but they’ll pretend to.

    Danny in reply to irishgladiator63. | September 19, 2024 at 9:02 pm

    He shot his campaign in the foot by denying it. The swing voters who determine these elections aren’t going to care about the porn addiction but they are definitely going to be harder to win thanks to the denial reducing his credibility.

    If he has any common sense he will admit he has a problem and move on, and apologize for trying to deny it.

    I care about winning, so I would rather he has an awkward conversation with his wife about his personal problem that doesn’t impact me than lose swing voters.

      diver64 in reply to Danny. | September 20, 2024 at 3:45 am

      Why? If it’s not true then why shouldn’t he deny it? I’m rather suspicious of CNN’s timing

        Danny in reply to diver64. | September 20, 2024 at 10:31 am

        Same email address means the same person.

        Sorry but I am not a cultist, I do not worship people I support for office. I support them when I feel they are either good for policy/ideology reasons or when I feel they are a lesser evil.

        I am to believe CNN managed to hack into his emails, create the comments on porn sites long before he was a major figure in order to what exactly?

        If he said “yes I have a problem, and I apologize to my wife and am trying to improve as a human being” there would be no story.

        Sorry but CNN has direct evidence (emails used) and the fact that it is not actually alleging any evil.

          henrybowman in reply to Danny. | September 21, 2024 at 4:03 pm

          “Same email address means the same person.”
          What a babe in the woods, really.
          I, myself, personally, have taken the email addresses of particularly annoying spammers who just refuse to stop despite repeated “unsubscribe” demands, and subscribed them to receive mail and contacts from other lists and services: bothersome ones, noxious ones, and even maritally embarrassing ones. Anyone can do it. If you’re interested in knowing how, I think there’s still a title offered on this topic in the “for Dummies” series.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Danny. | September 20, 2024 at 7:51 am

      Concern troll.

      You seem to know a lot about the practice of porn addiction and counseling.

      But the left advances F ing children and animals.

destroycommunism | September 19, 2024 at 8:35 pm

robinsin (sic) quickly changed party affiliation to democrat and all was forgiven

Mauiobserver | September 19, 2024 at 8:40 pm

Would be a shame if someone leaked info showing Stein connected to kiddie porn.

E Howard Hunt | September 19, 2024 at 8:54 pm

These screenshots have all the earmarks of Russian disinformation.

Yes men like seeing women with their clothes off because like women men are sinful and need God to help them.

Yes he probably looked at porn as an adult, yes that is a sin, so what?

He doesn’t want slavery back, that he likes bondage porn isn’t good. I somehow doubt the population of North Carolina cares overly much (his wife is of course an exception).

He probably made the comments and like most politicians is being an idiot who isn’t just taking the hit and moving on.

The lying about making the comments is roughly 1 million times more harmful to his campaign than having made perverted comments at a porn site, or the revelation that he looks at porn and is likely addicted to it.

The people will forgive you for being a struggling porn addict who is going to more and more extreme forms of porn for a fix.

It will not forgive you for lying to them. The more minor the issue you lie about the less the public will forgive you because if you lie about something as unlikely to have an impact as you being addicted to porn what else will you lie about?

The NC election is not over, our candidate being a porn addict isn’t much of a game changer although his lying about it has probably made the race more competitive than it should.

By the way there are enough porn addicts addicted to bondage making slavery comments to be a very serious social problem. The African American candidate for governor does not want slavery back, and frankly he needs help for his porn addiction.

Name me someone who doesn’t need help for some mental issue before I condemn him for that.

What I criticize in the strongest terms for him is the lying which I think has hurt his campaign by reducing his credibility with voters.

    henrybowman in reply to Danny. | September 19, 2024 at 11:27 pm

    “that he likes bondage porn”

      Danny in reply to henrybowman. | September 20, 2024 at 10:16 am

      Source-Mark Robinson’s comments you POS.

      He was discussing in porn context how slavery is good gee I wonder what that means I wonder if a POS named Henry who actually is pro-Nazi will pretend he doesn’t know what it means….oh wait he is.

      The only scandal here is that Mark Robinson thinks people will believe him that someone else used his email, and made comments with that email on a porn site.

      Politicians have a belief that no matter how minor an issue or how much the voters don’t care you have to deny deny deny. In this case it isn’t true not a single voter in NC cares about the porn addiction.

      What will make it harder is that he denied it when CNN found his comments.

        henrybowman in reply to Danny. | September 21, 2024 at 4:08 pm

        The “logical” connections you continually make are nothing short of horrifying.
        News flash: slavery is not equivalent to bondage porn.
        Unless you think that generations of black crop tenders were working for OnlyFarms.

    Dimsdale in reply to Danny. | September 20, 2024 at 12:49 am

    How are you so certain that any of this is true?

    And if lying is your determinant of credibility, then Harris and Walz should be banned from running.

      Danny in reply to Dimsdale. | September 20, 2024 at 10:29 am

      The reason I am certain is it is his emails, and the biographical claims by those accounts matches what he gives out for his own biographical data.

      The allegations are given extra credibility from the fact that there is no claim of sexual infidelity, or frankly anything voters care about. If you Dimsdale (for lack of an actual name) wanted to do a hit job would you pick something that nobody cares about that is so common it would be surprising if it wasn’t true? Or would you find an adultery or create a fake allegation of abuse?

      I agree Harris Walz has no credibility one of the trillions of reasons I am voting against them. The fact that you still despise me because I didn’t indulge a delusion you had that Trump isn’t a horrible candidate during the primary says something about you not me.

      After the primary I donated to Trump and intend to vote for him. If you think in some way I am saddled by people I am voting against……………

      The reason Harris Walz are not 15 points behind is they have Trump for an opponent. I wish Trump was competent.

      I wish for example he discussed the crime spike illegals going to Springfield caused.

      I wish he had discussed the economic devastation Springfield suffered

      Instead we get a clown show of a Republican Mayor, Republican Police Chief, and Republican City Manager who asked for urgent help over the real issues being routinely insulted for refuting the claims of eating cats and dogs.

      I wish Trump was competent I really do. I wish he was the kind of person who would be able to take advantage of Harris Walz being lying radicals with no endearing personal traits for Harris and only one for Walz (I can’t claim someone with a severely disabled son has none) to be clearly winning.

      That doesn’t change the fact that Mark Robinson made his campaign harder by denying something he didn’t have to deny because his politician instincts say “deny”.

      Impeaching a candidates credibility matters in a close race.

        irishgladiator63 in reply to Danny. | September 20, 2024 at 11:35 am

        They’re screenshots. Easily faked. And it’s not like Democrats/the media have faked the National Guard records of a Republican presidential candidate before, or edited the 911 call of someone engaged in self defense to make him appear racist or made up a fake dossier about a presidential candidate or had a group of former intelligence officials swear a laptop was disinformation or…

        I don’t care about what the guy is accused of. And CNN (and the liberal media as a whole) has below zero credibility. So I don’t care what they say. I just assume it’s a lie until someone reputable reports on it.

          Danny in reply to irishgladiator63. | September 20, 2024 at 8:17 pm

          Wouldn’t you want to fake something someone somewhere cares about?

          I do not care about the fact that he looks at naked women and neither do you, and neither does well anyone else.

          It is the combination of same emails, with lack of a scandal that has me convinced it is true.

          For the other examples you brought

          1. It would have been a scandal if the Bush stuff was true don’t you agree? It also would have been the end of the Bush White House.

          2. Editing the George Zimmerman call made him look like a racist out to kill a black person while they tried to frame him for murder.

          What exactly does this do?

          I am of the opinion people are flawed, that this is minor, and the only issue is will people believe Mark Robinson on other things if he denies something this minor?

          If you could find someone who would consider “he looked at porn” to be a scandal I am all ears.

          As you pointed out prior examples of fakes have all been things to try and bring something that actually hurts the target.

          irishgladiator63 in reply to irishgladiator63. | September 20, 2024 at 8:45 pm

          Because they think we do care. The left thinks conservatives are completely obsessed with people’s sex lives. They really think Trump is going to make an agency that monitors pregnancies. They think this is a great gotcha. It’s not.
          The Bush thing only mattered because conservatives respect military service. As we see with Walz, liberals don’t care their VP candidate is a coward who sold out his unit, lied about going to war, and may have leaked secrets to the Chinese.

          henrybowman in reply to irishgladiator63. | September 21, 2024 at 4:13 pm

          “CNN (and the liberal media as a whole) has below zero credibility. So I don’t care what they say.”
          Now you’ve done it.
          Danny will accuse you of “denying credible information about how people think.”

“This is one of the oldest and most effective tricks in politics. Every hack in the business has used it in times of trouble, and it has even been elevated to the level of political mythology in a story about one of Lyndon Johnson’s early campaigns in Texas.

“The race was close and Johnson was getting worried. Finally he told his campaign manager to start a massive rumour campaign about his opponent’s life-long habit of enjoying carnal knowledge of his barnyard sows.

“Christ, we can’t get away with calling him a pig-fucker,” the campaign manager protested. “Nobody’s going to believe a thing like that.”

“I know,” Johnson replied. “But let’s make the sonofabitch deny it.””

Hunter S. Thompson

Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail 1972

The perviest Republican is still preferable to any Dhimmi-crat, as long as he/she isn’t preying on children and animals.

    henrybowman in reply to guyjones. | September 21, 2024 at 4:15 pm

    I’d agree with that… if the premier example of the former weren’t the pervs in the Lincoln Project. They’re not preferable to a Frisco sidewalk, and not mainly because of their bedroom habits either.

DaveGinOly | September 19, 2024 at 11:15 pm

The question is, “Should conservatives cut their own throats over a candidate’s behavior that is more mild than behavior the opposition doesn’t consider a deal-breaker in their own candidates?”

Obviously, I believe the answer to the question is “No.” We’re under no obligation to fall on our swords. Saving the country is far more important than setting unrealistic standards for the behavior of our candidates. What they can do for the country is far more important than their personal foibles. Trump is a perfect example. I just don’t give a damn about anything the man has done. I’m only interested in what I perceive to be the good he can do for the country. I’m well past the time I gave a fuck about a candidate’s personal life.

As I’ve written before: I will vote for a scoundrel and liar who loves America before I’ll vote for an honest puritan who hates her. The former may not be good for America, but that latter is certainly bad for her.

    henrybowman in reply to DaveGinOly. | September 21, 2024 at 4:18 pm

    And anyone who doesn’t understand that didn’t live through the Nixon and Carter years.
    Though I wouldn’t say Carter hated America, not at all. He just couldn’t hack the homework needed to love it competently,

Tom Orrow | September 20, 2024 at 2:02 am

Strike One: being a pervert; I assume it’s true based on the evidence and his weak defense.

Strike Two: getting caught (shows recklessness and stupidity)

Strike Three: lying about it (again assuming it is true; where there’s smoke there is fire; does he have other skeletons in his closet?)

I’m not in NC, but if I were, I couldn’t vote for this guy. Also, maybe it shouldn’t matter, but his suit doesn’t seem to fit very well.

I don’t see the story here. Has he ever pretended not to be interested in pr0n? Fantasizing on a pr0n site has nothing to do with real life.

Fantasizing about trannies doesn’t mean one must support allowing them to prey on real people.

And remembering the thrill a teenage boy got from perving on girls showering is precisely why the man that boy became would be opposed to allowing boys like he was to openly do what he did secretly, simply by claiming to be girls.

Using the term “nazi”, shorn of context, is not anything to apologize for. People use it all the time. It doesn’t indicate sympathy for the actual nazis.

If I were in NC I would definitely vote for him.

Where have all the Bushes Nixons Goldwaters Eisenhowers* gone?

(* I was concerned for a moment I’d have to list all the Republicans back to the Whigs, then back to George Washington. But Eisenhower was a pretty upright guy.)

    Danny in reply to GWB. | September 20, 2024 at 10:42 am

    In politics it is the denial. He didn’t do anything bad but denying it is not a good look because it ruins credibility on other issues.

    CommoChief in reply to GWB. | September 20, 2024 at 12:17 pm

    Weren’t there some pretty solid rumblings about Eisenhower and his female driver in England?

    henrybowman in reply to GWB. | September 21, 2024 at 4:22 pm

    I thought so, too, up until I learned about his role in scuttling the Bricker Amendment.
    But even the best presidents are seduced by power. My personal hero entirely ignored the constitution to purchase the Louisiana Territory, which was a better bargain than Manhattan Island. He also was a champion of freedom of the press both before and after his presidency… but during his presidency, he wanted to boil them all in oil.

By the way utter assholes here

Here is from the article jackasses

“The comments, which Robinson denies making, predate his entry into politics and current stint as North Carolina’s lieutenant governor. They were made under a username that CNN was able to identify as Robinson by matching a litany of biographical details and a shared email address between the two.”

Yes totally the same email is used by complete strangers all the time since…..never

I really at this point don’t care if I am banned enough of the commenters here are complete assholes that I just don’t care.

People do have to see not all Republicans are assholes without a brain who have a cultism first actual thinking like you are a member of humanity a distant 100000s to being a cultist so I will keep posting till banned but come on assholes at least have the decency to admit you are just a cultist.

    mailman in reply to Danny. | September 20, 2024 at 11:27 am

    You seem particularly determined to hold this guy accountable for what is nothing more than allegations AND stuff that’s totally legal (consenting adults can like stuff you puritans on the left might find objectionable😂).

    What’s so puzzling is that you’ve never been this determined to hold Democrats as accountable for the things they’ve been accused of in the past…and some of the shit democrats have got up in in the past is more than just allegations and is concerning for those still capable of rubbing two or more functioning brain cells together 🤔

      Danny in reply to mailman. | September 20, 2024 at 8:22 pm

      1. Where the fuck have I said hold him accountable?

      2. Go the fuck back to any of my points to show any point I said that

      3. You confirm you don’t read the fucking thing you respond to

      4. Yes I do take it personally that assholes like yourself respond to something I don’t say instead of what I did say

      5. Did I mention you are a complete and utter asshole and a cultist?

      6. I actually read things I respond to which is why I know the evidence is strong, and the scandal non-existant.

      7. I explicitly denied he wants to bring back slavery and went to the source to see what the context was. I also denied that the addiction is something to judge him about.

      You have confirmed you are an asshole and a tribal cultist.

      Find when I fucking said hold him accountable. Too bad you can’t edit posts asshole

      Milhouse in reply to mailman. | September 21, 2024 at 7:49 am

      Mailman, what the hell are you talking about?

    henrybowman in reply to Danny. | September 21, 2024 at 4:24 pm

    Post your email address here, Danny, and I’ll show you how it’s done.

Michael Johnson | September 20, 2024 at 11:07 am

So we are being told that Mark used to be a Democrat? People have been waking up and leaving the Democrat Party for decades. This year there has been quite a movement of Black men moving to the Republican side.

It’s like how C.S. Lewis became a Christian.

Flip the script on this.

If the candidate was Dem, would Dem friendly media outlets like CNN censor and deny the story? Claim it couldn’t be conclusively confirmed? Even suggest it could disinformation campaign from political opposition?

Has CNN ever showed bias in “shaping” the news?

What? Men like sex? No!

This looks like a simple variation on the old dirty trick called “Pig-Fu**er Politics.”

midge.hammer | September 21, 2024 at 12:06 am

“It’s only head.”

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