Naval Academy Affirmative Action Trial Day One in the Books
Attorneys present Opening Statements by both sides, and Plaintiff Students for Fair Admissions commences its case against the Naval Academy

We reported on Friday that Students for Fair Admissions, the same group that won their earth-shattering case against Harvard and UNC that outlawed race-based admissions in higher education, had sued the United States Naval Academy and was proceeding to a bench, i.e. non-jury trial starting Monday: Trial Set To Begin in Naval Academy Affirmative Action Case:
The Naval Academy case is on a much-accelerated timeline. Discovery is already complete, literally lightning-quick for federal courts, and a bench, non-jury trial is scheduled to begin Monday September 16, 2024, as you can see from the court’s Scheduling Order, available here (scroll to the end).
The Naval Academy trial is scheduled for two weeks of testimony every day, all day, with SFFA presenting testimony from 18 potential witnesses, and the Naval Academy presenting testimony from as many as 15 witnesses. In addition, SFFA intends to call four “experts” who presumable will testify as to why it is improper for the Naval Academy to use race in admissions, while the Naval Academy intends to use eight witnesses, who will testify to the opposite.
SFFA also intends to offer up to 613 trail exhibits, or pieces of physical evidence, including various documents, at the trial, and the Academy intends to offer up to 209 of such documents in its defense of race-based admissions.
You can review all of this in the Parties’ 80-page Joint Proposed Pretrial Order, available here.
The trial is going to be a massive undertaking by all hands…Batten down the hatches!
Well, day one of the bench trial is in the books, as reported by Maryland’s Daily Record: Affirmative action trial against Naval Academy begins in Baltimore:
A retired Air Force general testified that racial diversity mattered “not one bit” to the military’s effectiveness on the first day of a trial challenging the U.S. Naval Academy’s admissions policies.
The first witness to testify in the case was retired Brig. Gen. Christopher Walker, who was called by the plaintiff, anti-affirmative action group Students For Fair Admissions.
“Racial diversity has little to nothing to do with the lethality and effectiveness of our armed forces,” said Walker, who is Black. He said he was always the only Black person or one of the only ones during any assignment, but that it didn’t matter.
When he was stationed in Baghdad, for example, “I was concerned with who was a good driver and who was a good shooter.”
But an attorney for the Naval Academy argued that diversity in the military is critical to national security, and that Black and Hispanic Midshipmen remain underrepresented.
“Diversity is a strategic imperative,” said Joshua Gardner, a lawyer for the U.S. Department of Justice who is representing the Academy.
The bench trial, over which U.S. District Court Judge Richard Bennett is presiding, is scheduled to last two weeks but could spill into a third.
Wow, a trial in federal court lasting more than two weeks, all day, every day! What makes this unusual is that federal judges are massively overloaded and generally have a full calendar of events, including various hearings every day—all that is on hold in Judge Bennett’s chambers as he oversees this trial.
When I clerked for now-retired Connecticut federal judge Vanessa Lynne Bryant, she had over 300 active cases she supervised on a daily basis, which explains the usual inherent delay in federal court proceedings. As Judge Bryant, who had long been a Connecticut State Superior Court judge before being appointed to the federal bench by George W. Bush, said to me one day (paraphrasing) “the good thing about being in federal court is that you have the same judge for the entire case, the bad thing about being in federal court is that you have the same judge for the entire case,” meaning that when in federal court, you will always have a judge who knows your case, but your hearings and eventual trial might be years into the future. Not so with SFFA v. U.S. Naval Academy.
The Daily Record continues:
In his opening statement, Adam Mortara, arguing on behalf of SFFA, said the academy’s use of race in admissions discriminates against white students.
He showed admissions data showing higher acceptance rates for Asian, Black and Hispanic students in the middle deciles of a holistic metric than white students in the same deciles. He also claimed many rejected white candidates had higher SAT scores than Black candidates who were admitted.
Whereas he argued that Harvard discriminated against Asian students, he said the Naval Academy has an “Asian preference,” leading to a higher proportion of Asians in the student body than in the American population.
He said the college’s race-conscious policy lacks logic and an “end point.”
But the Naval Academy countered Mortara’s argument:
Gardner said the admissions process is not “mechanistic,” and that race is just one thing the school looks at.
Gardner said the academy doesn’t have “quotas” or “points” for minority students, doesn’t use “racial balancing,” and doesn’t consider race in isolation. He noted that members of Congress nominate a large majority of the student body, and that they are more likely to nominate white students. The non-white student population has grown over the past 20 years, but Black and Hispanic students remain underrepresented, he said.
“Much of the applicant pool is completely outside of the control of the Naval Academy,” Gardner said. “Real progress is being made — we just aren’t there yet.”
He said a diverse academy and officer pool lead to better recruitment and retention, as well as more legitimacy both at home and abroad.
Regarding Mortara’s argument that a race-conscious policy must end when it achieves a certain goal, Gardner said, “no court has ever held that national security has an end date.”
The trial will likely get even more interesting as the Parties’ experts duke it out and all of the Naval Academy’s admissions data and strategies come to light.
We’ll be here for it.
Some people aren’t happy – LOL:
US Naval Academy defends race-conscious admissions policies at trial – the law firm that has been suing universities to not include minorities is a white nationalist organization. They are the KKK. They're trying enforce that Caucasians are superior.
— SonofaBiscuiteatr (@SOFABiscuitEatr) September 16, 2024
On the other hand:
US Naval Academy defends DEI stuff. You really wonder – do they have any brain left ?
— Pacific Sanctum✨THE BLESSED 😇 (@preueth) September 17, 2024
"Affirmative action" is simply legalized discrimination
— Intrepid (@RuDauntless) September 13, 2024
Time to clean up the #military – start with the academies.
Affirmative Action Lawsuit: US Naval Academy Says Race-Based Admissions Necessary #USNA #wokeness
— Competitive Edge Life (@ProvizionGsh) September 17, 2024

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to the full extent allowed by law.
the usa military has been compromised by a socialist nature
can the usa win wars?
I dont know they havent tried to in ages
I’m going with “no” for now. We are likely to see a repeat of Summer 1950 when the Norks almost kicked us off the peninsula due to our undertrained, underequipped and “kinder gentler Army.”
its that lefty guilt trip voodoo placed upon americans
Not all Americans, thank God.
Hey, we have a gender neutral submarine now so it’s all good.
Merit is all that should matter. Words like “underrepresented” just mean quotas. As soon as you count race, race counts.
The NBA and the NFL are predominantly black. Should the same “diversity” rules apply? Not likely. The best players play.
Let it be so in our military.
Everything should be based on merit, completely race neutral. That is what is fair and also what is best for our civilization.
Blatantly evocative and cheap platitudes like this would only be allowed in opening deliveries:
“Regarding Mortara’s argument that a race-conscious policy must end when it achieves a certain goal, Gardner said, “no court has ever held that national security has an end date.””
Isn’t the law wonderful? What is immediately perceivable to any healthy brain takes thousands of pages, years of litigation and millions of dollars to tentatively and temporarily decide.
Of some interest is that the Baltimore Sun (the largest newspaper in the state) is not covering the events leading up to the or trial or the trial itself.
There is no mention of it anywhere.
If a trial takes place in the woods and no one reports on it, did it happen?
I had far too many competent NCO’s and Officers in the Army who got there by being better at the job than others to think race DEI has any place in the military.
The comments of the Justice Department lawyer, Joshua Gardner, are interesting. “Gardner said the admissions process is not “mechanistic,” and that race is just one thing the school looks at. Gardner said the academy doesn’t have “quotas” or “points” for minority students, doesn’t use “racial balancing,” and doesn’t consider race in isolation.” Lawyer Gardner makes it sound as if race is such an insignificant and innocuous consideration that one might as well leave it alone. If that were truly the case there would not be a Federal trial to keep it. His very presence belies his statement.
The statement that racial preferences are a “strategic imperative” is completely without foundation. I hope that the court delves into the messy details of exactly what races are there that need to be reckoned, what objective measures constitutes proof for racial group membership (one drop of blood, at least 50% DNA, or is this left to self identification?), and what is the proper mix of races to maximize this supposed strategic imperative (Do we assume that all races do the same things in the same proportions?).
Long ago when the world was new, my career goal was to be a Naval Officer. I handled the academic and political side of an appointment, but in the physical I found out that I had a spinal flaw that caused me to be rejected. Just in passing, I am Chinese in ancestry.
Ethnicity made no difference whether I made it. What was looked at was if I could do the job. Leadership is leadership. There are not Affirmative Action or DEI variants of leadership that can be substituted. Both those you command and those who command you deserve nothing but the best leadership you can deliver.
While if I had graduated from Annapolis, I would have been retired long ago; I can say that with the changes in the Navy and especially the Academy that I would not have let my children apply, nor will I willingly let my grandchildren apply when they are old enough.
Subotai Bahadur
STARRS, veterans standing against DEI/CRT/Woke ideology in the military and service academies, is seeking American patriots to join STARRS as volunteers.
If the personal security of your family and country is of utmost importance read on!
When your military goes woke, you and your family are in great peril.
If we hope to alert military leaders, Congress, and the nation to the dangers of DEI/CRT and wokeism in the military, STARRS must expand its voice to more Americans at the grassroots level.
Therefore, STARRS is expanding its outreach efforts to increase awareness of our purpose, activities, and mission to a wider audience in all 50 states.
Part of this effort involves identifying and recruiting state volunteers to organize a statewide network of people who both support a strong military and want to be better informed about dangerous DEI/CRT programs that are weakening the combat readiness of our military.
• We have the smallest military since before WWII (1930’s).
• The Military Services were short 41,000 in 2023.
• For the first time in 7 years, the Heritage Foundation rated our military as “weak” in 2023 – downgraded from “marginal” the year prior.
• Service members that are getting out of the military are telling family, friends and members not to join the woke military.
• The highest ranking 4-Star in our military says our military must be color conscious instead of color blind regarding race.
• Because of DEI, CRT, LGBQT+ and other woke policies, the best qualified candidates for given positions are often rejected in favor of less qualified based on quotas for skin color, gender, and sexual orientation.
DEI/CRT/LGBQT+ Wokeness infects all of society including our military.
• If a beer, shoe or coffee business goes woke, you can choose a non-woke business.
• But when your military goes “woke,” there is no choice.
STARRS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, apolitical, and non-partizan organization of retired military members and patriots who educate our fellow Americans on the dangers of the racist, radical and divisive CRT/DEI Marxist ideology infiltrating our military.
YOU CAN HELP by volunteering to be or assist a State Leader. STARRS Outreach Leaders will personally train you, provide you with ready-made messages and materials, and support your efforts.
You can volunteer to help in many ways. Here are a few…
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• Attend/Monitor govt meetings (virtual or in-person)
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• Others
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“For evil men to accomplish their purpose it is only necessary that good men should do nothing.”
Charles Aked
God Bless our Great Republic!
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