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Nantucket: ICE Arrests Illegal Aliens Charged With Multiple Child Sex Crimes

Nantucket: ICE Arrests Illegal Aliens Charged With Multiple Child Sex Crimes

ICE arrested all four earlier this month in an operation to arrest “violent offenders” who are illegal aliens.

Authorities arrested and charged four illegal aliens with numerous sex crimes against minors in Nantucket.

Guess what:

The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency had contacted the Nantucket Police Department in early September to notify authorities of the execution of several administrative arrest warrants for immigration violations, according to Nantucket police. Authorities did not specify whether these Sept. 10 and 11 arrests were part of that raid, but ERO Boston said the warrants were specifically for “violent offenders.”

By the way, 99% of the media buried the fact that these men are illegal aliens, including at least one the U.S. deported once before.

Elmer Sola

Authorities announced the charges against Elmer Sola, 49, of El Salvador:

Elmer Sola, 49, of El Salvador, was arrested Sept. 10 in Nantucket by ERO Boston officers. Authorities say Sola was in the country illegally and is charged with 11 counts of sex crimes against a child.

Sola was arraigned in Nantucket Superior Court on Aug. 14 on three counts of aggravated rape of a child and eight counts of indecent assault and battery on a child under 14, according to the ERO Boston office.

“Elmer Sola illegally entered the United States and then made his way to our Nantucket community before allegedly committing some horrific and despicable crimes against a child,” said ERO Boston Field Office Director Todd M. Lyons. “ERO Boston officers will not tolerate such a threat to the children of our New England neighborhoods. We will continue to prioritize the safety of our public by arresting and removing heinous noncitizen offenders.”

Bryan Daniel Aldana-Arevalo

Then there’s Bryan Daniel Aldana-Arevalo, 26, of El Salvador.

The Nantucket Police Department arrested and charged Aldana=Arevalo “with assault and battery on a child under 14 (two counts) and one charge of aggravated rape of a child with a 10-year age difference” this summer.

Guess what. Despite the heinous charges and his immigration status (illegal alien), he was released three days after he went into custody on $20,000 bail.

ICE apprehended Aldana-Arevalo on Sept. 10, thank goodness:

ICE stated Monday that Aldana had unlawfully entered the United States on an unknown date and location “without having been inspected, admitted or paroled by a U.S. immigration official.” During his arrest last week, Aldana was served with a notice to appear before a Department of Justice immigration judge and remains in custody.

“Bryan Daniel Aldana-Arevalo stands accused of some detestable and disturbing crimes against a Nantucket child,” said ERO Boston Field Office Director Todd M. Lyons. “He represents a significant danger to the children of our Massachusetts communities. ERO Boston will not tolerate such a threat to the most vulnerable of our population. We will continue to prioritize the safety of our public by arresting and removing egregious noncitizen offenders from our New England neighborhoods.”

Felix Alberto Perez-Gomez

The U.S. deported Felix Alberto Perez-Gomez, 41, of Guatemala, after the Upper Makefield District Court in PA convicted him “of reckless driving and recklessly endangering another person and sentenced him to one year of probation” in July 2011.

Perez-Gomez reentered America this year without the Border Patrol detecting him.

The Nantucket District Court arraigned Perez-Gomez on August 19 “on a charge of indecent assault and battery on a person 14 or over.” the authorities released him “from custody on personal recognizance.” Disgusting:

The details of the alleged incident that led to his arrest on the island were outlined in a police report filed with the Nantucket District Court, which stated a female reported being sexually assaulted in the area of Miacomet Road and Ellens Way. The alleged victim told a female friend at The Chicken Box about the incident, who then told a Massachusetts State Trooper in the area. When NPD officer Derek Witherell arrived on the scene he saw a female who was visibly upset and told him the suspect was in his 30s with slick black hair, and that the incident occurred after he picked her up at the end of Polliwog Road.

The alleged victim told police the man locked the doors and pulled the car over before sexually assaulting her. While Witherell was speaking to the alleged victim, a vehicle drove by and when Witherell asked if it was the vehicle in question, the woman replied that it was.

The vehicle was stopped approximately 200 feet from where Witherell and the female were standing, and the operator was identified as Perez. The suspect said he was new to the area and going for a drive in his friend’s vehicle. He denied ever picking anyone up.

Gean Do Amaral Belafronte

In 2021, Nantucket Police arrested and charged Gean Do Amaral Belafronte, 31, of Brazil, with indecent assault & battery on a person 14 years or older:

The incident took place on April 13, 2021, and an arraignment for Belafronte was originally scheduled for June 9, 2021 after he was arrested. But Belafronte, a 31 year old Brazilian noncitizen, never appeared for the session and a warrant was issued for his arrest by former Nantucket District Court Judge Thomas S. Barrett.

According to ICE, Belafronte lawfully entered the United States on Oct 8, 2018 but after violating the terms of his lawful admission in the aftermath of this sexual assault, voluntarily departed the United States on April 18, 2021 – five days after it allegedly took place.

Belafronte reentered the U.S. at some point without detection.

Police found him in March when they picked him up “via an arrest warrant” on March 12. A court arraigned him on the charge from three years ago, but released him “on $500 cash bail or a $5,000 surety bond.”


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destroycommunism | September 25, 2024 at 9:56 am

yipppe kai aaaaaa

muttter …..

Must be election season. Suddenly, ICE is doing their jobs. A tiny, microscopic bit of their job, covered with extensive photography which is immediately shoveled off to a compliant press with “See! We’re doing great under the current administration! Vote for him! I mean her!” press releases attached.

Meanwhile, they’re getting set to open the gates and let in another ten million or so the moment they get a second term. Or more correctly, Obama’s fourth.

Don’t be a bigot. Just buy your kids some kneepads and condoms and pull the ‘D’ lever.

Send them from Nantucket to Martha’s Vineyard, Edgartown specifically. Obama has plenty of room for them.

That last case history is ridiculous. After being on the lam for over 3 years they release him with $500 cash bail.

The shitholes continue to send their brightest and best

Trump has always been right

At first glance I thought it was Harris’s transition team.

This is a glaring failure of the d/prog immigration stance. The folks on the border are overwhelmed. There’s no way to vet these people. The crush at various entry points sucks in manpower and leaves gaps along the border for the worst sorts to exploit. The lefty wokiestas resist any sort of common sense solution. Hold them until vetted and thoroughly proven who they are along with medical screens? Nah can’t do it, kids in cages, court orders and so on. Just turn them loose and/or fly them to the interior.

It’s going to take a greater level of determination and focused intransigence on our side to secure the border and deal with those illegal aliens already here. Go after the employers, seize assets, civil forfeiture, criminal penalties, prison time. Cut off ALL NGO from govt funding. Eliminate tax favored status for ‘charities’. Halt all Visa programs unless the Nation of Origin is willing to accept those deported. Cut off all aid or assistance and enact a complete economic embargo on Nations which refuse to accept return of those deported. Until we get the number of illegal aliens under 5 million enact a moratorium on all immigration categories. Conduct immigration ‘sweeps’ at processing plants, construction sites, other industries which employ illegal aliens. Require schools and hospitals to report immigration status of Students along with their address.

Gonna take a ruthlessly determined effort that many won’t have the stomach for to reverse the situation.

    henrybowman in reply to CommoChief. | September 25, 2024 at 1:41 pm

    I’m not sure whether to be smug or terrified that no border state governor needed to hire aircraft this time to infect these ruling-class strongholds with the third-world shitheads showing up everyplace else.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to CommoChief. | September 25, 2024 at 4:47 pm

    Finish the wall and reinforce it with small surveillance drones and antipersonnel drones. Have docking stations every 10 miles or that recharge them, 24×7 operation.

      Before Briben, we had “barrage balloons” in the air with surveillance equipment on board – they can stay up for weeks without needing a recharge. I think they brought them down regularly for inspection and maintenance anyway. Plus they are tethered – do they run power and signal with the tether?

      Briben ordered them taken down.

    M Poppins in reply to CommoChief. | September 26, 2024 at 8:12 am

    The basic concept of America is what is wrong. It all went sideways when that crappy communist poem was attached to the statue.

They all look like winners. These countries are sending nothing but their best & brightest.

    Countries are sending them? That was the old days.

    Now days Biden and Harris are inviting them with open arms and promising to take care of them when they get here.

99% of the media buried the fact that these men are illegal aliens
Did they mention ICE? Because that’s pretty much who ICE arrests. Not sure it was as buried as you think.

    bhwms in reply to GWB. | September 26, 2024 at 11:10 am

    Buried == headline with 11 point font that reads “Nantucket man arrested” on page D7 of the Saturday edition, rather than “Illegal Alien charged with Child rape, released on own recognizance” on A=1, 16 pt font, below the fold.

why are they being let out on bail after being arrested for sexual assault of children?