MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle to Interview Harris After Defending Her for Dodging Questions
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MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle to Interview Harris After Defending Her for Dodging Questions

MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle to Interview Harris After Defending Her for Dodging Questions

The interview happens tonight at 7 PM ET on MSNBC.

I do not believe in coincidences.

Therefore, it is not a coincidence that VP Kamala Harris will sit down for an interview with MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle.

That’s because Ruhle defended Harris for dodging interviews. After all, we don’t need “substantive answers” from the Democratic presidential candidate.

The interview happens tonight at 7 PM ET on MSNBC.

On September 20, Ruhle told the Real Time With Bill Maher panel that it’s ridiculous to expect Harris to have interviews or answer policy questions.

New York Times columnist Bret Stephens gently pushed back, but Ruhle shot him down each time.

Why does Ruhle feel like Harris doesn’t need to do interviews or answer tough questions?

Because we already know former President Donald Trump’s answers and policies.

Here’s the full transcript of their exchange:

STEPHENS: But my question to you, it’s an honest question. Is she just being vague because the political equities are such that it doesn’t pay to be specific? Or does she simply have no idea? And, you know, I am an undecided.

RUHLE: Okay but that’s not an honest question to me because there’s no way you think I’m going to turn and say, you know what? You’re right. She has no idea.

STEPHENS: No, no, it’s – the question that Americans have, okay, because if I’m an undecided voter, I’m never going to vote for Trump, but I’m not sure I want to vote for Kamala. And my fear is that she doesn’t really have a very good command of what she wants to do as president. It would be great for her to sit down with you or George Stephanopoulos or you, Stephanie, and gave a succession of…

MAHER: As if she’d sit down with me.

STEPHENS: Ask her , no George W. Bush 25 years ago was asked if he could name the president of Pakistan and other people. He had no idea. And people said, this guy has no command of of a foreign policy and it turned out to be oppression. Set of questions. It’s not too much to ask. Communists say, are you for a Palestinian state if Hamas is going to run that state? Okay. Yes or no.

RUHLE: And let’s say you don’t like her answer. Are you going to vote for Donald Trump?

STEPHENS: No, I’m not. I’m just said I’m not going to vote for him.

RUHLE: Kamala Harris isn’t running for perfect. She’s running against Trump. We have two choices. And so there are some things you might not know her answer to. And in 2024, unlike 2016, for a lot of the American people, we know exactly what Trump will do, who he is and the kind of threat he is to democracy.

STEPHENS: I don’t know her –

RUHLE: So it’s unclear to me how there could be an informed…

STEPHENS: Stephanie, the problem that a lot of people have with Kamala is we don’t know her answer to anything, okay?

RUHLE: But you know his answer to everything!

STEPHENS: And that’s why I would never vote for him. And people shouldn’t vote for him. But people also are expected to have some idea of what the program is of the person you’re supposed to vote for. You’re just not supposed to say, well, you have to vote for Y because X is this, that and the other. Let’s find out a little bit more. And I don’t think it’s a lot to ask her to sit down for a real interview as opposed to a puff piece in which she describes, like her, her feelings of growing up in Oakland with nice lawns.

RUHLE: I would just say to that, when you move to Nirvana, give me your real estate brokers number and I’ll be your next door neighbor. We don’t live there.

MAHER: I gotta agree. I mean I feel like, you’re the dog we’re trying to get in the car to go to the vet.


RUHLE: We’re going to put that cone on your head for the rest of the day.

MAHER: I say that as one of your biggest fans. You know, I mean, I gobble up everything you write. I just don’t understand how you get to this place. But okay, let’s let’s not badger.

RUHLE: But do you know for the last two weeks I’ve been going on and on like, I can’t figure out where. Undecided voter – where informed undecided voters are. I’m like, who’s the person who has a list on their refrigerator of like, well, she said this and he said – I’m like this person. And then I open the New York Times three days ago and it’s you. But I get it.

STEPHENS: I appreciate it. But it’s actually millions of Americans who Kamala has to persuade if she wants to win, including votes like mine. You might not like the fact that I’m not in the car, but if you want to get me in the car, okay? Feed me, Stephani, a little treat.

MAHER: Okay. I have some treats here that I think.

STEPHENS: Yes. Give it to me. Pass it over. And the little treat is a substantive answer on real questions facing the American people on inflation, immigration, foreign policy. Basic things that we used to expect presidential candidates could answer.

RUHLE: Then I would just say that did you ever play the game “Would You Rather?” Because that is what voting for the president is. Okay?


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The girl network. I watched the Netflix series on the murderous, vile, spoilt, mendacious Menendez brothers. Their attorney, who gained a hung jury, was exploring why she didn’t win an outright acquittal. During a girl gabfest with the female jurors she was informed it was all owing to the male jurors. The men didn’t want to tearfully hug Eric and Lyle and celebrate their bravery. That’s why Harris will win.

I’m sure that will be a real hard hitting interview…./s

Avoid the press. Dodge. Dodge. Blah, blah, blah. Word salad without dressing. Press kisses Kamala’s butt.

Another interview? Oh wow! That’s great.

I looked into my cryrstal ball and sadly I must predict more of the same.

So, Harris can come to NYC for this but is too busy “campaigning” to attend the Alfred Smith Dinner?


Will the questions be provided in crayon to Harris beforehand?

Yes, as will the answers.

I also predict a teleprompter, too.

Harris cannot do a face-to-face interview without crutches.

Let’s hope what Cardinal Dolan said about Harris come to pass, that the last candidate to skip the Smith dinner lost 49

Ruhle: “What is your plan for the border?”

Harris: “I was raised in a middle-class family…”

Gaslight. Obfuscate. Deflect. Distract. That’s the Harris game plan. It’s the “Mushroom Gambit”. Keep voters in the dark and feed them sh*t.

The sad thing is, enough low-information/low-IQ voters could certainly fall for it.

Why do conservatives dislike recorded interviews? Because the media will edit their statements significantly.
Why do leftists love recorded interviews? Because the media will edit their statements significantly.
The difference is obvious.

destroycommunism | September 25, 2024 at 11:48 am

they threw a shoe at bush

they need to throw the book at harris

destroycommunism | September 25, 2024 at 11:49 am

ruhle: how many states do you expect to win?

harris: all 57

Any question from a person on MSNBC to Harris will not be hard and will likely be already be seen prior to the interview. Having a teleprompter, notes, or a sound feed to give answers will be definite.

So, it’s entirely TDS. Not an iota of “I think she’d be OK at running the country.” Just an “OMG! ANYBODY but Trump!”

I know how she feels. That’s how I’ve voted for the last few Republican contenders. /sigh/

Interestingly, despite my personal dislike (mixed with some personal like) of Trump, I’m actually voting for him for more than “OMG! Not Harris!”

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to GWB. | September 25, 2024 at 5:05 pm

    At this rate, I could take a shit in front of the Democratic Party HQ, and Democrats would vote for it for president.

    Why, it’s brown, it lies dormant, it stinks, serves no purpose, and couldn’t fix the economy if AOC picked it up.

Ruhle the Tool, pathetic.

Isn’t this the network that admitted in court that they are not a news organization in order to justify their lies?