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Donald Trump and Kamala Harris Debate in Philadelphia

Donald Trump and Kamala Harris Debate in Philadelphia


Here we go. Donald Trump and Kamala Harris debate in Philadelphia at 9 PM ET.

Have fun.



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“Before mass leaders seize the power to fit reality to their lies, their propaganda is marked by its extreme contempt for facts as such, for in their opinion fact depends entirely on the power of man who can fabricate it.”

This is a quote from Hannah Arendt on totalitarianism. The Democrats are totalitarians and have declared war on reality and facts. If they win, history shows us what happens.

It will be 3 against 1

As usual

The scene from the debate we all want to see.

Oh, and just in case some people have delusions that this debate will be fair in the slightest, one of the moderators literally introduced Harris to her husband and has been described as ‘one of her best friends’ in the past.

Harris’s last two commercials are off-outting and gross, especially the one with Obama. Shows what they obsess over.

Avoidance of the first question and pandering.

tbonesays | September 10, 2024 at 9:07 pm

1. Coin toss? No crowd l? Lame.

2. DJT opens with ‘I have no sales tax. ‘. Ugh. What’s wrong with “My fellow Americans”?

First lie of the evening from one of the moderators, in addition the moderators should be letting them debate not joining in.

    tbonesays in reply to Danny. | September 10, 2024 at 9:32 pm

    The best way to bias is in what questions they choose. For a moment I thought they would spend an hour on abortion.

    ‘eating the dogs’ and we have our sound byte for 2024.

      Danny in reply to tbonesays. | September 10, 2024 at 9:34 pm

      That was a very stupid idea by Trump, police have already refuted the claims. He had a very good case for what was done in Springfield why does he have to go for the most extreme claim he could find instead of the most credible? Devastated economy with a rising crime rate is a horrible thing without the pet lore.

        AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Danny. | September 10, 2024 at 11:28 pm

        So, Springfield Ohio residents are liars.

        MSM is not.

        So, Town leaders, who don’t want to lose residents or tourist $$ are telling the truth.

        We got it.

          Olinser in reply to AF_Chief_Master_Sgt. | September 11, 2024 at 1:00 am

          You can tell how effective the Haitans Eating Cats info has been from how all of the leftists are frantically trying to damage control it.

          Danny the leftist shill and eternal Trump hater has posted at least 4 times on this page trying to deflect from this and outright lying how its been ‘refuted’ (pro tip – the full 911 call reporting it was already leaked). No other topic comes close.

          That tells you how terrified the leftists are of this live grenade.

        inspectorudy in reply to Danny. | September 11, 2024 at 2:11 am

        There is a picture tonight of a Haitian carrying two dead geese, down the street.

Trump is having to debate Harris and mods. Insanely biased comments from them.

The moderators have entered the debate to help Harris. Shock, shock.

Abortion conversation is over if Trump just answers yes he would veto, he said he wants it to be up to the states in the question it really is stupid that he danced around the question.

Shockingly the moderators actually moved on from abortion.

More time spent on abortion than economy.

Anyone notice if Kamala is being given more time or is she just that insufferable that it feels like an eternity to listen to her?

    Andy in reply to Danny. | September 10, 2024 at 9:41 pm

    We’ve been bingeing on Seinfeld and if you can recall the episode where Newman has flees and trying not to itch… that’s Kumella trying not to cackle. I think she made it 35 minutes.

    Turned off. At this point in the debate Trump is debating against 3 opponents..

Trump is chasing rabbits…..the pets claim is just untrue he could have hit a homerun instead just by leaving the claim illegals are eating pets out.

“The people on television” Please stop chasing rabbits Mr. President, you have a perfectly good target why are you handing the debate to Kamala?

StillNeedToDrainTheSwamp | September 10, 2024 at 9:33 pm

Each moderator had now stepped into fact checking one now. Not there job.

I am dreading Trump’s reaction to Kamala’s current taunting.

No idea how this is playing to less-partisan undecided/swing voters. But, I honestly can’t remember a worse panel of ‘moderators’ for any presidential debate. It’s like they showed them the tape of Gwen Ifil and Candy Crowley and said to them: Like that, only way worse.

they need to put the question on the screen. the responses have nothing to do with the question asked.

    Danny in reply to DaddyO. | September 10, 2024 at 9:47 pm

    Finally a true homerun by Trump, answering about Jan 6th never discuss what matters like illegal immigration. If asked again he should pivot back to fracking, and just keep doing that till the night ends.

    Trump is coming back.

She brought up the Charlottesville lie!
On purpose to mislead the low info voters.

We’ve gone through two segments that should have been dreadful for Harris – the Economy & Immigration – and Harris manged to make it largely unscathed. The reality is Trump is not a great extemporaneous speaker. He’s a big idea guy, not someone who can pick apart counter-arguments in a compelling, granular way. Harris has been pathetic, ignoring the questions and lying her as off. But, she’s helped by the mods. I wouldn’t say she’s winning. But, she’s doing exponentially better than Biden did, obviously. She managed to get Trump off-balance and on defense with some very predictable jabs. Not sure any side is helped thus far. But, Harris hasn’t damaged herself either.

Second home run of the night by Trump, the old Trump is coming back to life, he is turning into the old more happy Trump which is hopefully now enough to win the debate.

These moderators are doing what they’re paid to do.

Trump should be discussing current issues whenever they bring up 2020 because there is no way for him to win on that.

    joejoejoe in reply to Danny. | September 10, 2024 at 10:21 pm

    Reluctantly agree. If brought up, don’t back down: defend position and Quickly move on. So many missed opportunities. Abraham accords v. Kumala buddies w terror hamas and all the other miscreants. Bottom line though, this not change much nor hurt too much. Gut feeling. Republic already in dire straits. Good luck, time, states involvement, and Divine providence will get us back. But maybe not quickly.

I stopped watching. ABC is doing their best to see “Democracy is safe from Trump”

The mods are repeating Hamas casualties figures now. Good times.

tbonesays | September 10, 2024 at 9:59 pm

I’m going back to work now and will catch the talking heads on replay. didn’t lose the election in the first hour; he will always be Trump.

scooterjay | September 10, 2024 at 10:10 pm

Please pardon me, but it seems to me that che Kamala looked like she had to pee really badly.

I don’t know if it will matter in three days much less 60-days. But, the betting markets have now moved back to Harris. The normies – or at least the betting Normies – think that Harris is winning….and that’s probably correct. Trump has been undisciplined and Trumpy. His lack of preparation is obvious and even if he had, it likely wouldn’t have mattered. He’s very predictable in these things and with the moderator’s help, Harris has been able to successfully bait him several times.

    scooterjay in reply to TargaGTS. | September 10, 2024 at 10:17 pm

    Meh, he is Trump being Trump.
    I see no way he does not win, despite any debate performance.
    The left lost when they shuffled Joe into a corner after telling us to not believe our eyes, that he was sharp as a tack and fit as a fiddle.

    Danny in reply to TargaGTS. | September 10, 2024 at 11:07 pm

    I really wish I could think of a reason you are wrong, and really wish I did not see what I just saw.

    inspectorudy in reply to TargaGTS. | September 10, 2024 at 11:33 pm

    What is amazing to me is the downvotes you got. Did these downvoters not see the same “Debate” we saw? Trump had so many opportunities to trounce her with data and facts but had none. He repeated himself over and over when what he said was not important. I don’t believe he ever answered one single question asked. She did with lies but she had answers. This was an example of him not preparing and his enormous ego getting in his way. I just hope we can hang on and win in Nov.

      Olinser in reply to inspectorudy. | September 11, 2024 at 12:28 am

      Because it was an easily identifiable LIE.

      The ‘betting markets’ have shown no such thing. Trump has been in the lead for some time now. The only time Harris was in the lead was directly after the convention. Every single major betting outlet favored Trump.

        inspectorudy in reply to Olinser. | September 11, 2024 at 2:18 am

        How about we give it 24 hours to see the results instead of saying something that hasn’t had time to be discussed around the country. Trump did a poor job and no amount of cheering is going to change it. He had so many opportunities to call her lies out but didn’t. I think he answered about ten questions that the border is out of control.

In the first couple minutes Trump was losing. Harris does fresh new lies and Trump spends his time denying stuff she’s moved on past.

It’s a performance for viewers, not thinkers, the Harris team realized.

Giant opening for Trump Kamala is defending the Afghan Withdrawal policy.

The Taliban took over Afghanistan as a result of decisions by Biden which Kamala said she supported at the start of her answer, he really needs to hit the homerun again

Nice pivot away from the horseshit race question. The CP5 are totally guilty though.

It will be interested to see how the debate moderators are viewed by the Indies tonight. They’ve been so laughably partisan, it may backfire on them. I think Harris’ #1 goal was to not shit the bed like Biden did. Had it not been for moderators, she may not have met that goal. But, they wouldn’t allow her to fail. Trump probably didn’t hurt himself in an enduring way. But, he left a LOT of meat on a bone that would have been picked clean by Vance, Vivek, DeSantis & Youngkin…among others.

Considering the extreme bias and the short angry period mid-stream, Trump did okay and finished on a strong note, especially as she descended into word salads and feelings.

inspectorudy | September 10, 2024 at 10:49 pm

Trump simply cannot debate. His mind does not work like ours and seems to be stuck in the past.

    Yeah, a horrible showing here. Disappointing, to say the least.

    I mean Que Mala won this debate. I’m still reeling.

      Danny in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | September 10, 2024 at 11:05 pm

      I am still reeling that Trump took bait on crowd sizes. That was a gut punch to me.

        inspectorudy in reply to Danny. | September 10, 2024 at 11:17 pm

        He fell for every trope she threw out. Instead of using facts and data, he resorted to his rally BS and that doesn’t work in a debate.

        He’s so undisciplined and ego-driven that he couldn’t help himself. I just found the whole thing horrendous. Komrade Kackles Kamala actually bested Trump in a debate. I so did not have that on my bingo card and am, frankly, still reeling.

        Maybe once it all sinks in, I’ll see an upside. But right now. Ugh.

      inspectorudy in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | September 10, 2024 at 11:22 pm

      The only hope from this debacle is that many voters know how badly she lied and how ABC didn’t bother to fact check on any of them. “Blood Bath”, “Fine people on both sides”. “Go to the Capital peacefully and patriotically”, “Project 25”, a national anti-abortion committee, a lifetime of racism, weak and a dictator like Putin and Xi. Her lies were so obvious but not one kickback from her aides.

      ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | September 10, 2024 at 11:53 pm

      I mean Que Mala won this debate. I’m still reeling.

      I’m not sure which debate you were watching, Fuzzy. Watch it again and you’ll see that Kamala was a mess. Most of what she said was stupid, wrong, or completely senseless.

        henrybowman in reply to ThePrimordialOrderedPair. | September 11, 2024 at 1:21 am

        “Most of what she said was stupid, wrong, or completely senseless.”
        Channeling Harry Reid: “But the viewers swallowed it, didn’t they?”

          ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to henrybowman. | September 11, 2024 at 1:26 am

          Why would you think that? Because some leftist commentators said so?

          I doubt anyone who watched that debate came away thinking that Kamala said much of anything sensible – not even her supporters, who only seem to be thrilled because they think she hit Trump with a few zingers.

          The funny thing is, the better they think Kamala did n the debate, the more she will actually be pressured to do normal press conferences, interviews and town halls, because the idiot MSM will think that she is able to handle herself. That’ll be a hoot.

Trapped in Davis | September 10, 2024 at 10:53 pm

She admitted that she was a prosecutor, then said she asked her clients how they were feeling. She was a prosecutor, she had no clients.

Trump does terrible in debates
I wasnt looking forward to this, but maybe be needed to prepare more, he had to know she had the questions and they were going to gang up on him

I don’t think he lost votes, but he didn’t gain any

    inspectorudy in reply to gonzotx. | September 10, 2024 at 11:15 pm

    For the first time in history, I have to agree with you. He looked almost as bad as Biden in the last debate, in which Trump didn’t need to reply to any questions. Harris lied in every sentence but he kept his cool but his answers were so bad that he may have cost himself a few votes.

      gonzotx in reply to inspectorudy. | September 10, 2024 at 11:21 pm

      First time in history, then I must know you are not a Trump supporter in reality

        Oh shut up, gonzo. Your bizarre purity Trump supporting tests are tedious and stupid. Trump doesn’t give a crap about you and never will. My Trump vote is just as good as yours. Get over this crazy impetus to be the bestest best Trump supporter of all time. You have one vote, just like me . . . and they matter zero much since you are voting in Texas and I am voting in Florida. Trump will win both of our states. Your crazy cult crap about who is the “true” Trump believer is bizarre and off-putting, so stop it.

    tbonesays in reply to gonzotx. | September 10, 2024 at 11:41 pm

    Trump is the anti-politician, doing everything wrong in the debates is part of his ethos, both in 2016 and 2020.

I don’t know if I was watching a different debate, but the one I watched was definitely NOT won by Que Mala.

E Howard Hunt | September 10, 2024 at 11:08 pm

She was all emotion and obfuscation. Thus, she appealed magnificently to her target audience and will easily win in November.

Joy is going to hit us hard and heavy.

The biggest opportunity Trump passed up was to run against the media, and contest their fact checking.

inspectorudy | September 10, 2024 at 11:11 pm

I’m sorry to say it but Trump is one lousy debater. I KNOW every one of you was screaming at the TV when he didn’t respond with facts to her obvious lies. I know you all had data that he should have thrown out about how bad she and Biden have been on many issues. I couldn’t believe how dumb he was in his responses to her lies or the lack of factual data to prove her lying. If I didn’t know anything about either of them, she won the debate. But of course, I know she lied through the entire thing and I pray to God that the public can see through her rehearsed lines and answers. On one question asked of her, she was already responding before the question was finished. It was a rehearsed performance but unfortunately, Mr. Ego decided not to practice and looked like an old man who was out of touch. All he had to do was ask her to explain why she changed her position on every single issue that is plaguing the American public today. I just hope common sense prevails and he wins but he better not agree to another debate.

Question is which of the journalists was worst the woman who was eagerly fighting for the Democrats or the man who was eagerly despising Trump?

LukeHandCool | September 10, 2024 at 11:20 pm

Won’t move the needle noticeably. Trump was not on the top of his game, (but he wasn’t too bad), and she overperformed—but everyone who follows politics pretty closely knows this was to be expected. The big difference—and the benefit of the muted mic—was she regurgitated all her memorized talking points without interruption—and gave them all an artificial, rehearsed, memorized vibe. Trump was a bit of a loose canon–but with that came authenticity and a little bit of understandable and relatable frustration.

For the people truly undecided and unpartisan—I believe they will see this as a subpar, but honest and sincere performance by Trump, and a polished but artificial performance by Harris.

Some have more faith in people to see through the BS.

There is so much on Harris to reveal her incompetent policies and deception.

Hold on to your seats.

Trump lost the debate before a single word was spoken,…Harris was smiling and looking confident, Trump looked like the kid awaiting his fate in the principal’s office,…scared and timid

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to MarkS. | September 10, 2024 at 11:49 pm


    At least you have made clear that your assessment was reached “before a single word was spoken”. That’s how leftists do it.

    It was more a look of arrogance. he hand to the chin was pretend Obama, and the base was obvioulsy wetting their pants with excitement about what matters most, PERFORMANCE. Running America will be like a Broadway play, actors making life and death decisions. You are no one to listen to.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 10, 2024 at 11:47 pm

Komrade Kamala was awful. I got a kick out of watching CNN and MSNBC’s coverage after the debate and they are trying to pretend that Kamala was a killer. It was funny.

She sucked pretty awful. I did love the part where she was chanting “I HAVE A PLAN” over and over and over. I would make ads out of that.

And they are all trying to sell Trump as weak. LOL. Good luck with that.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 10, 2024 at 11:51 pm

Kamala gave lots of circular collections of nothing words. As people examine the tapes they’ll piece these out. Half the time it was clear that she didn’t have a clue as to what she was talking about. I thought it was really rich when she tried to claim she was going to one-up Trump on building houses and how she got all emotional about Ukraine and “sovereignty and the sanctity of national territory” [paraphrased by memory] As if …

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | September 10, 2024 at 11:57 pm

51 million people watched the debate, many didn’t hang around for the entire time.

I left when ABC decided to fact check Trump, but not Harris.

Debates are not make or break events, since so few watch. They are not even debates at all. Just talking points and nonsense. To me, Trump was Trump and Harris was Harris. They were who I expected them to be, acting the way I expected them to act.

Biden’s demise was a one off, because it proved to the nation that he wasn’t all there. The democrats got spooked, and dumped him. Unceremoniously.

Harris survived, because she’s stupid, not brain dead like Biden.

Trump survived because he’s all bluster and bloviation.

If people haven’t figured out by now who they are voting for, then they will stick their wet finger to the wind to see which way it’s blowing.

Today is a non issue. As an independent, it didn’t make me want to change my vote for a cheap whore who hasn’t accomplished much in her life.

Is Trump right? Does the loser want a rematch?

Wade Hampton | September 11, 2024 at 12:21 am

There are only two things people will remember about this debate (besides the bad “moderators”). 1) Trump’s hush moment 2) Trump’s closing remarks. That’s it.

    gonzotx in reply to Wade Hampton. | September 11, 2024 at 1:06 am

    No, the ONLY thing anyone will remember from this debate is that Haitians are eating dogs and cats in Ohio

    And that my friend is a win for President Trump

      ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to gonzotx. | September 11, 2024 at 1:19 am

      I love how the moderators (and later MSM commentators) were so incredulous about that. In Israel they had that same problem when they started importing Thai workers to replace the arabs from the territories during the first intifada. The Thais would eat everything that walked or crawled or flew. Whole areas started being stripped of wildlife and pets of every sort, from dogs and cats to squirrels, birds, and insects. The Thai workers caught and ate EVERYTHING. You used to be able to see all of the animals and critters strung up in their little camps, all hanging on wires. There started to be a real problem with the loss of the natural wildlife in areas.

      The fact that the leftists are trying to act as if Haitians eating up the surrounding animals is totally unbelievable is going to blow up in all of their faces. It highlights how they like to lie about the illegals just to force them on Americans. It is pretty sick and Americans are not going to take much more of this junk.

      We already had the illegals that have been caught catching and eating eagles (for which there should have been a very special, merciless long-long term punishment for them). This isn’t much different but the leftists like to act as if it is unbelievable that Haitians would be chasing down animals in the street to eat. Clearly, none of these leftists have ever been to Haiti. Man, that is one unbelievably disgusting sh*thole.

    MarkSmith in reply to Wade Hampton. | September 11, 2024 at 2:00 am

    No, Springfield OH!

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 11, 2024 at 12:21 am

Kamala – “I was at the Capitol on Jan 6th”

Yeah … but she left early and was at the DNC when the fake pipe bomb was “discovered” … but she lied about having been there and never talks about it even though a pipe bomb, if it were true, would be the worst event of Jan 6 by MILES!!!! and if it were true would mean that she came within feet of being killed.

But it isn’t true because the Jan 6 pipe bombs were a hoax perpetrated by the feds and now the dems and the feds are trying to make pretend that the pipe bombs never even existed …while they still go after grannies who were invited into the Capitol by Capitol Police and walked around quietly for a few minutes.

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