Lewis & Clark College Dropping ‘Pioneer’ Mascot Due to ‘Colonial’ Legacy
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Lewis & Clark College Dropping ‘Pioneer’ Mascot Due to ‘Colonial’ Legacy

Lewis & Clark College Dropping ‘Pioneer’ Mascot Due to ‘Colonial’ Legacy

“Citing in particular remarkably low support for the mascot among current students, the report recommends that we begin the process of adopting and embracing a new mascot”

History must be erased to appease the progressive kids who did nothing to build this school. They are superior to the legacy of Lewis and Clark, you see.

Oregon Live reports:

Lewis & Clark College no longer wants to be a ‘Pioneer,’ planning to adopt a new mascot

Soon, Lewis & Clark College will no longer be the home of the “Pioneers.”

Citing a survey of students, staff, faculty, and alumni that highlighted current student’s low support of the existing mascot, the school has decided its time for a change. They will retire the “Pioneer” mascot after more than 80 years and adopt a new mascot.

“Citing in particular remarkably low support for the mascot among current students, the report recommends that we begin the process of adopting and embracing a new mascot,” school President Robin H. Holmes-Sullivan said in a letter to the Lewis & Clark community. “This is not a decision I take lightly.”

The history of the Pioneer name dates back to 1942, according to the school’s website.

The student newspaper began publishing as the “Lewis & Clark Pioneer Log” in 1942. In 1946, the football team followed the newspaper’s precedent and took the name Pioneers. “Pioneer Pete” appeared in illustrations and in human form as a “as a jolly, good natured fellow, with a large toothy grin, and dressed in the true pioneer fashion” for a short time during the 1950′s.

The trend of jettisoning the Pioneers name began in recent years highlighted by students renaming the student newspaper to “The Mossy Log.” The Editor-in-Chief at the time said the Pioneer name “had to go” because it upheld “the colonial legacy.” Other groups within the college also started to drop the name.


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destroycommunism | September 24, 2024 at 10:08 am


b/c now the real builders of america..the africans can have these places named after them

JackinSilverSpring | September 24, 2024 at 11:07 am

Well, while they’re at it, why don’t they change the name of the school to something else other than Lewis & Clark. After they were colonial explorers, weren’t they?

Meanwhile, some antonyms of pioneer: copycat, conformist, laggard, saboteur, last, cease, ruin, shut up, die

Did it ever occur to these geniuses that the college name is Lewis and Clark? This was named after Meriwether Lewis and William Clark commissioned by Thomas Jefferson to explore the newly bought Louisiana Purchase for the purpose of increasing our knowledge of the area in furtherance to encouraging a pioneer movement to settle and develop the very sparsely populated region?

They can call themselves the inspiring name of “mossy log” for all I care but it doesn’t diminish the debt the university, students, and community owe the pioneers of the west.

I went to the law school (which is just across the street) back in the 80’s and the cancer was already apparent.

    MontanaMilitant in reply to Tim1911. | September 25, 2024 at 10:25 pm

    They should adopt a masked black block mascot and the athletic supporters can call themselves Fantifa! ( wait does the A at the end signify gender stereotype?) Faniffthem then….

“Soon, Lewis & Clark College will no longer be the home of the “Pioneers.”
To the Moon, Alice Elon!
Bang! Zoom!

Wait, isn’t this college in Oregon? You know, part of that Louisiana Purchase land that Lewis and Clark explored? And Oregon is famous for being a destination for pioneers. (Heck, they even named a pioneer trail for it! And a video game!)

Sounds to me like the entire college needs to shut down, raze the buildings, and let it go back to nature. And all the students, faculty, and staff should be required to move back east of the Mississippi River.

This level of stupidity should not be tolerated by anyone, particularly in an institution of “education.”